I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 943 Grand Speech

As the news spread like wildfire through the royal court, whispers of Fein's impending recognition reached even the most secluded corners of the palace. Servants whispered excitedly amongst themselves, carrying out their duties with an air of anticipation, eager to witness the arrival of the hero who had captured the king's admiration.

Within the grand throne room, adorned with gilded tapestries and shimmering chandeliers, King Alistair awaited Sir Percival's return, his heart filled with gratitude and anticipation. He knew that Fein's presence would not only inspire his people but also serve as a beacon of hope in troubled times.

And so, as the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the royal palace, the kingdom of the East prepared to welcome Fein, the hero whose valiant act had captured the hearts of all. The halls buzzed with anticipation, and the air crackled with an electric sense of celebration, for Fein's arrival would mark the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter of honor, recognition, and prosperity.


A month had passed since the news of Fein's heroic deed reached the king's ears. In that time, Fein had been bestowed with the honorary title of duke and had settled into his newfound role as a prominent figure within the kingdom. The king's invitation to the royal palace marked a significant turning point in Fein's life.

As the appointed day arrived, Fein stood before the grand entrance of the royal palace, its towering marble columns reaching towards the sky. The sight was awe-inspiring, a testament to the power and grandeur of the kingdom. Guards in resplendent armor flanked the entrance, their stoic expressions betraying nothing of the anticipation that coursed through their veins.

Fein, dressed in regal attire befitting his newly acquired status, felt a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling within him. He had come a long way from his humble beginnings, and the weight of this momentous occasion hung heavy in the air.

With a deep breath, Fein crossed the threshold and entered the opulent halls of the royal palace. The air was tinged with an air of grandeur and elegance, the scent of polished wood and fragrant flowers wafting through the corridors. Intricate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of triumph and valor from the kingdom's rich history.

Servants, dressed in finely tailored garments, bustled about with grace and precision, ensuring that every detail was immaculate for Fein's arrival. Their diligent efforts added to the atmosphere of anticipation that permeated the palace.

As Fein made his way through the labyrinthine halls, he couldn't help but marvel at the splendor that surrounded him. Ornate chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting a warm glow upon the polished marble floors. Paintings by renowned artists adorned the walls, their vivid colors capturing the essence of the kingdom's vibrant culture.

At last, Fein arrived at the grand throne room, a space that radiated power and authority. The throne, adorned with gilded embellishments, stood at the far end, a symbol of the king's rule. Standing beside it was King Alistair himself, his regal presence commanding the attention of all who beheld him.

The king's eyes met Fein's, and a warm smile graced his lips. It was a smile of recognition and appreciation, a silent acknowledgment of Fein's exceptional valor. The king motioned for Fein to approach, his voice echoing through the hall as he addressed the gathered courtiers and nobles.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Duke Fein, the hero whose bravery and skill have brought honor and glory to our kingdom. Let us recognize his remarkable achievements and extend our gratitude for his unwavering dedication. Although he can't really be a duke since he's from the South not from our region. We will make an exception this time. A move that is unprecedented in the history!"

The room erupted in applause and cheers, the sound resonating through the grand chamber. Fein's heart swelled with pride and a sense of accomplishment, the culmination of his arduous journey to this moment.

As the applause subsided, Fein stood before the king, his eyes filled with gratitude. The king extended a hand, offering his congratulations and appreciation for Fein's contributions to the kingdom's well-being.

"Duke Fein, I commend you for your bravery and selflessness. Your actions have not only saved lives but have also inspired hope within our people. I bestow upon you this title and all the privileges it entails. May you continue to bring honor and prosperity to our kingdom."

Fein bowed deeply, his voice filled with sincerity as he expressed his gratitude. This was a moment he would cherish for the rest of his days.

Fein raised his head and looked gathered audience, the weight of his newly acquired title as Honorary Duke filled the room. All eyes were fixed upon him, awaiting his words with bated breath. He cleared his throat, his voice resonating with confidence and conviction.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the court, and my fellow friends," Fein began, his tone carrying a sense of charm and humility. "Today, I stand before you not only as Duke Fein but also as a servant of the people, entrusted with the responsibility to protect and uplift the weak."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, and a hushed silence settled over the room.

"I witnessed firsthand the brutality of the monsters behind the portal that threatened our continent," Fein continued, his voice steady. "It reminded me of the importance of protecting those who are vulnerable and ensuring their safety."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, their attention focused on Fein's every word.

"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to King Alistair for the generous gift of a thousand acres of land," Fein continued, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "It is a testament to his commitment to the well-being of our people."

He raised his hand, emphasizing his next point. "With this land, I intend to establish an agricultural sector that will produce affordable yet high-quality plants, grains, and meat. The aim is to provide sustenance to the common people, ensuring that no one goes hungry."

A spark of curiosity glimmered in the eyes of the audience, and an old man raised his hand, his voice trembling with age and anticipation.

"How will you accomplish this, Duke Fein?" the old man asked, his voice carrying the hopes and doubts of the common folk.

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