I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 10

Chapter 9

Finally exchanged WeChat.

Mu Mu looked at Liu Gaoming who smiled and waved to him, feeling a little dazed.

As the elevator door closed, Mu Mu remembered the first cooperation between Qin Yucheng and Liu Gaoming.

—Oh, it’s not so much a cooperation as Liu Gaoming unilaterally giving money.

The specific process is as follows: During the transaction of buying and selling houses, Qin Yucheng and Liu Gaoming exchanged a few words, Liu Gaoming inquired about Qin Yucheng’s work industry, Qin Yucheng answered, and then inquired about Liu Gaoming’s work in reverse.

After knowing that Liu Gaoming works in Liuqing Group, he contacted Liu Gaoming’s surname, and Qin Yucheng’s mind became alive.

He came back from rebirth, knowing that the general direction of future development will not be without the artificial intelligence market, so he intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the idea of an AI intelligent community.

It is not the face-scanning, code-scanning and fingerprint-password pressing that has become popular, but fully automatic and unmanned management.

At that time, Liu Gaoming became interested, exchanged contact information with Qin Yucheng, and returned with investment within a month.

When Mu Mu watched it, he really didn’t feel anything was wrong.

A cool article, the protagonist puts forward an idea, and then someone immediately sends him a pillow when he is dozing off, isn’t it normal?

A qualified younger brother should act as such a tool person!

But Shuangwen doesn’t pay attention to the logic of details, and it reflects the reality…

Mu Mu looked at the newly added Liu Gaoming on WeChat with a delicate expression.

Although it is said that refreshing the spleen cannot be generalized from person to person, but…

never mind.

Mu Mu considers himself a well-informed nerd, and will never discriminate against people with a strange spleen!

Mu Mu turned on the navigation, and with plenty of time, he followed the navigation to find the subway station.

Mu Mu wants to know more about the living habits and details of the original owner, and see if he can find any way to return to freedom.

— It is necessary to find someone who is a little familiar with the original owner but not too familiar, so that the other party can not only have a certain understanding of the original owner, but also make it easy for him to ask any questions without being obtrusive.

Mu Mu crackled and started to search for entries related to beauty salons while he was on the road.

By the time the subway station was announced, Mu Mu had already read “One Hundred Tips for Preventing Pitfalls in Beauty Salons”, “How to Deal with Beauticians Without Disclosing Your Privacy”, “Anti-Beauty Sales Textbook” and so on.

Without exception, these posts all mentioned that beauticians are especially good at chatting and selling!

Selling doesn’t matter, he has no money anyway!

But it’s wonderful to be able to chatter in particular!

Looking at the Mr. Chen who contacted him, the style of chatting on WeChat is also very lively, and he will definitely be able to get a lot of news!

Social junk is in high spirits.

good! The soldiers are fine and the food is sufficient!

It’s just a matter of going to the battlefield to fight wits with the beautician!

Mu Mu rushed to the address of the navigation in a threatening manner, then froze in his steps, stood on the side of the road, looked at the door of the house, and almost didn’t dare to go in.

Even if he has never been to a beauty salon, he knows that beauty salons usually don’t look like this.

The white sandy beach on the seashore is surrounded by yellow bamboo fences to form an irregular shape. Unknown vines bloom and climb between the fences, allowing people to vaguely glimpse the dry landscape garden inside.

A triangular wooden raft hangs from a corner of the flower wall, with the word “Yami” engraved on it.

Go around two bends along the flower wall, cross the black stone road, and pass through the bamboo fence gate to officially arrive at the lobby.

The lobby is facing the tidal ocean, behind which you can vaguely see many wooden corridors leading to different directions.

Mu Mu paused and began to panic.

Some people believe that this **** resort is a resort.

Mu Mu felt a little difficult to breathe.

This kind of battle is almost unheard of by A Zhai.

Boom, boom, boom, the retreat drum beat.

Mu Mu turned on her toes and was about to run when the young lady at the front desk came over with a smile.

“Hi, do you have an appointment?”

Mu Mu: “…”

Mu Mu said with difficulty: “Yes.”

The lady at the front desk maintained a professional smile: “Okay, which teacher did you make an appointment for?”

“Chen…” Mu Mu looked at the face of the young lady at the front desk, hesitating, “…Teacher Chen?”

The lady at the front desk suddenly said: “Ah, you are Ms. Mu Mu, right?”

Mu Mu cautiously: “Yes.”

“Teacher Chen is already waiting for you, please come with me.”

Mu Mu panicked and felt guilty, followed the lady at the front desk through the corridor with a sullen face, and arrived at the destination.

“Teacher Chen.” The front desk greeted, and turned to Mu Mu with a smile, “Ms. Mu, I wish you a pleasant stay.”

Mu Mu nodded cautiously: “Thank you.”

He watched the young lady at the front desk leave, and turned to look at the gate of the building he had just arrived at.

A man was waiting at the door, with curly and side-parted hair meticulously arranged, his facial features strong and clear, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed eyes, and when he saw Mu Mu, he nodded to him expressionlessly.

It’s hard for Mu Mu to imagine that such a… er, serious person would send him a WeChat message in that tone.

Could it be that the contrast is cute?

Confused, Mu Mu raised his foot and walked over.

When approaching, he took the opportunity to glance at the other party’s badge pinned to his white coat.

Mr. Chen’s name is Chen Li.

He stretched out his hand to Mu Mu, his voice was cold: “Let me do it.”

Mu Mu hesitated for a moment, then handed over the bag.

what happened?

This Mr. Chen’s painting style is a bit different from what he imagined.

“Is it still the same today?” Chen Li said in a business-like tone.

Mu Mu: “…?”

Mu Mu was stuck.

Oops, what was the old look like!

I don’t know what services the original owner has!

This beauty club does not look like an ordinary role, it must not only provide beauty services.

The difficulty suddenly became higher.

Mu Mu felt very stiff.

Chen Li didn’t get an answer, he turned his head to look at Mu Mu with a bad face, frowned, didn’t continue to ask, and took Mu Mu into a private room.

This single room is so spacious that it can almost be used as a hotel room. It even has a private bathroom and windows that can see the sea from the eaves.

Now the sea view is fragmented by tulle curtains and a hollow carved screen, and even the light is hazy, making the warm yellow lights in the room useful.

The incense sticks on the side rose into curls of white smoke, exuding a gentle and sweet fragrance.

The environment is very quiet.

It was so quiet that only the faint sound of the waves could be heard, as well as the rustling movements of that Chen Li.

Mu Mu’s scalp froze for two seconds, then his scalp exploded.

Wait, wait, is such an environment in a beauty salon?

…This is really a regular beauty salon, right? Isn’t there some hidden menu? ?

Mu Mu stood in the middle of the room, terrified, not only did not dare to sit down, but moved two steps towards the door.

He looked around cautiously.

The bed is not like a hotel bed, it looks like a single person…

“Honey water.” Chen Li handed over a glass of water.

Mu Mu took the water glass, but did not dare to drink it.

This kind of closed and secret space, and being in the same room with a person of the opposite **** (on the surface), is very disturbing no matter how you look at it!

Something is wrong, bro.

Something is wrong here, no matter how you look at it, it is wrong!

A Zhai felt a little scared.

Why don’t you run away.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up!

Mu Mu withdrew and knocked again.

Chen Li looked at Mu Mu who was holding a water glass and said nothing, pushed his glasses, and patted the bed: “Let’s do as before.”

Mu Mu’s hand holding the paper cup tightened.

“Face, hand, hair and feet first, okay?”

Mu Mu: Σ? !


Sounds like a safe bet?

Mu Mu is cautious: “Same as usual?”

“Well, same old.”

Mu Mu took a deep breath.

Damn it, here we come!

Mu Mu gritted his teeth and lay down on the bed.

“You seem to be very tired today.” Mu Mu heard the other party say, accompanied by the slight sound of water waves, there was a hint of coolness, without emotion, as if going through the process, “Did something happen?”

Mu Mu opened his eyes, looked at Chen Li who was preparing something, thought for a while, and then used the omnipotent speech technique—answering questions with questions.

Mu Mu pursed her lips, tried to look aggrieved, and asked, “What kind of person do you think I am?”

“…” The other party showed a choked expression.

Mu Mu: “…?”

Grass, why is this expression?

Brother, you are not right, don’t you comfort me when you see a beautiful woman wronged? !

“…” Chen Li pushed his glasses and recited without emotion, “You are a good person.”

Mu Mu: “…”

Mu Mu began to suspect that the posts on the Internet were all lies.

He ruthlessly pierced it: “Perfunctory.”

In this quiet environment, his voice was very soft, low and soft, and he couldn’t hear the slightest accusation, but seemed to be coquettish with a little bit of complaint.

Chen Li took a deep breath and reminded: “Close your eyes.”

Mu Mu closed her eyes obediently, and heard the other party’s cold voice: “I think you are a very free person.”

Mu Mu: “What?”

“It’s freedom to act.”

Mu Mu couldn’t see the other person’s expression, but felt his face was gently wiped with warm water, “I was surprised when I heard that you were getting married last time.”

Mu Mu responded meaningfully, expecting the other party to say more.

“So, you’re really married?”

Mu Mu: “Yes.”

Chen Li said “Oh” without emotion, and then fell silent.

? ? ?

That’s it? ?

That’s it, that’s it? ?

Mu Mu was stunned.

This is not the same as what is said on the Internet!

How about chatting? Why don’t you chatter anymore?

Mu Mu is in a hurry.

He is a social waste, he is always poked and jumped by others, even if it is a Taobao store, it is the customer who asks the question first, and he is responsible for answering.

Mu Mu felt anxious, he grabbed the quilt covering his body, and picked it with his fingertips, as if he could pick something out of his pitiful communication experience.

He can’t directly ask people such stupid questions as “do you know my hobbies” or “what do you know about my circle of friends”, right? !

Hearing the slight rubbing sound, Chen Li raised his eyes and glanced at Mu Mu’s fingertips picking out the quilt cover. After a while, the rubbing sound gradually slowed down and finally disappeared.

Mu Mu fell asleep.

He got up early for several days in a row, and finally couldn’t resist the temptation of going to bed.

Chen Li paused, adjusted his glasses, and continued the process step by step.

When Mu Mu woke up, his hair had already been washed, and even the hand care had come to an end.

Mu Mu: “…?”

? ? ?

I him…

Are you here to sleep? !

Mu Mu was almost mad at himself.

Chen Li was rubbing Mu Mu’s hand and doing manual exercises for him.

He obviously felt that Mu Mu’s hands had become a lot rougher, and there were some small scars that didn’t exist before.

The scars are not deep, but they are very noticeable to the touch.

Chen Li pushed his glasses: “Have you not had time to buy a ring yet?”

Mu Mu was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: “I bought it, but I didn’t wear it.”

“Not wearing it?”


Chen Li seemed to snort coldly, and stopped talking again.

Mu Mu looked at the expressionless beautician, and belatedly realized that Mr. Chen didn’t seem to like him.

Mu Mu thought to himself that he came here for the first time today, and no matter how you think about it, he will not be the one who hates him, so the only one left is the original owner.

Mu Mu stared at Chen Lifa for a while, then suddenly said, “Teacher Chen is very different from the one on WeChat.”

Chen Li didn’t raise his head: “That’s a cliché template issued by the company.”

Mu Mu: “.”

It’s confirmed, this buddy really doesn’t like the original owner.

Damn it, I really want to know what evil the original owner did!

Mu Mu carefully looked at Chen Li for a few times, thought it over in his heart, and finally closed his mouth silently, choosing not to disturb others.

“Please wait a moment.” After finishing the hand massage, Chen Li finished drying Mu Mu’s hair, turned around and walked into the utility room on the side to prepare things for foot care.

Mu Mu sat up, looked at his hands, and felt more than one degree of tenderness.

Picking up the mirror next to him, the face in the mirror could be seen to be a little whiter even under the overly soft lighting in the room.

Mu Mu was puzzled when he thought of the layer after layer of water and milk essence that had been applied to the face before.

Such obvious whitening, is it because the face is soaked?

Mu Mu pondered for a moment, adhering to scientific and rigorous thinking, put down the mirror, raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously.

As soon as Chen Li came back, he saw Mu Mu kneading his face like kneading dough, and couldn’t help but pause.

Mu Mu didn’t notice him, so he picked up the mirror and looked again.

After scientific and rigorous experiments, the sudden whitening of the face should not be due to hair soaking, because there is no layer of dead skin rubbed out, so there is a high probability that it is not hair soaking.

Mu Mu held up the mirror and looked around.

Under the soft warm light, the hair hanging on both sides of his cheeks cast shadows, making his already small face look more delicate.

Mu Mu brushed her hair, shook her bangs, looked at her pretty sister in the mirror, and couldn’t help but smile happily.



Chen Li: “…”

Chen Li raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Startled, Mu Mu quickly put down the mirror and turned to look at Chen Li.

Chen Li pretended he didn’t see anything, walked in with a bucket and a medicine bag, and held Mu Mu’s dangling feet on the edge of the bed.

Today’s Mu Mu is a bit strange.

In Chen Li’s impression, Mu Mu was really not an easy customer to get along with – he couldn’t even be called a good person.

She is obviously gentle and amiable, and she speaks softly. She looks like a gentle and kind girl, but in fact she is self-willed to the end, and likes to hook up everywhere.

In particular, meat and vegetables are not taboo, regardless of whether the other party is married or not, he will directly attack the other party if he takes a fancy to it.

He previously said that Mu Mu acted freely, but he was euphemistically expressing that Mu Mu’s moral bottom line is quite low.

Chen Li himself was very unlucky, he was one of the ones Mu Mu took a fancy to, and he was often entangled.

But today is really different.

She didn’t say any clingy words to him, and she didn’t intend to harass him. She was extraordinarily obedient and well-behaved, and even looked… a little cute?

Is it because you are married?

Or because of what happened today?

Or did you learn a new routine?

Chen Li guessed, his hands moved quickly and neatly.

After Mu Mu realized that he didn’t like this Mr. Chen, he stopped talking, and the room remained silent until the alarm bell in Mu Mu’s hand rang.

Mu Mu glanced at the alarm clock and found that it was a cooking reminder at 6:30 in the afternoon.

Mu Mu glanced at Chen Li and asked, “How long will it take?”

“half an hour.”

Mu Mu: “…ah.”

Mu Mu hissed softly, thought for a while, and opened the WeChat window with Qin Yucheng.

Mu Mu didn’t look at the sticky chat records between the original owner and Qin Yucheng before. Anyway, the chat records between “Mu Mu” and Qin Yucheng stopped abruptly from the day they got their marriage certificate.

No one paid attention to anyone.

Qin Yucheng didn’t come back for dinner yesterday and didn’t tell Mu Mu.

But as a gentle and kind girl…

Mu Mu typed out the news that it was too late to go back to cook today with a blank face.

Qin Yucheng who just walked downstairs from the company:?

[Mr. Qin]: Where is it?

[Mu]: The beauty parlor still needs half an hour.

Beauty salon?

Qin Yucheng did know where the beauty salon Mu Mu often went to. He had sent Mu Mu there several times, but he always left in a hurry after being delivered to the door, without even showing his face once.

Thinking of this, Qin Yucheng deleted the word “Xing” that he typed out, and narrowed his eyes.

[Mr. Qin]: I will pick you up.

[Mr. Qin]: Are you driving?

Mu Mu looked at these two messages, his whole body was full of confusion.

Qin Yucheng is not a dark shark, he is not bad, how could he be so kind!

There is fraud!

Mu Mu instantly became extremely vigilant.

[Mu]: No need, I’ll just go back by myself.

Seeing his reaction, Qin Yucheng snorted coldly, repeated and reiterated.

[Mr. Qin]: Are you driving?

Mu Mu: “…”

[Mu]: No.

Qin Yucheng didn’t reply, he hailed a taxi and went straight to Yami.

Mu Mu was holding the phone, a little nervous, and urged in a low voice: “Can you hurry up?”

Just kidding, the environment of this place is so ambiguous, if Qin Yucheng came in and saw it…

Mu Mu remembered Qin Yucheng’s face of “You kid loves me” when he met him and Liu Gaoming before, and covered his face in pain.

He reasonably suspected that Qin Yucheng would look like a green hat to anyone now.

Chen Li raised his eyes: “Is there something urgent?”

“No.” Mu Mu said dryly, “My old…husband is coming to pick me up, I don’t want him to wait any longer.”

“Oh, that’s terrible.” Chen Li recited without emotion, “Mr. Yi heard that you were coming in the afternoon, and he also said that he would come. He usually arrives at about seven o’clock, and he is used to arriving half an hour earlier. It should be almost here by now. arrive.”

“?” Mu Mu looked puzzled, “Ah?”

“Mr. Yi.” Chen Li reminded, “Yi Anning.”

Mu Mu was stunned.

Mu Mu’s eyes widened.

Mu Mu almost passed over on the spot.

…fuck me!

Damn you!

Yes, it’s a green hat!

It’s a genuine green hat!

Mu Mu was so frightened that he stumbled and couldn’t say a word: “Yi, Yi Anning, he, he… come…?”

“Well, the last time you said ‘If you have a chance to meet again, let’s have a cup of coffee together’, he likes you very much.”

Mu Muru was struck by lightning: “Zhong…”

Chen Li raised his eyes: “He is affectionate, you are interested, I pulled a thread, are you unhappy?”

…I can thank you very much.

Mu Mu is as angry as a thread: “I…he…”

No! no!

Mu Mu stood up in an instant and retracted his feet: “Don’t press it, don’t press it!”

Chen Li’s hand was empty.

Mu Mu hurriedly dried her feet and put on her shoes: “I’m leaving now, please tell Mr. Yi that I don’t mean anything to him!”

After he finished speaking, he picked up his bag and mobile phone, turned around and left.

What are you kidding?

If you don’t leave now, are you waiting to be shot dead by Qin Yucheng on the spot?

Comrade, **** is ahead!

The author has something to say:

Chen Li: I, assist, bring disaster to the east

Mu Mu: I tm send you to heaven first and then save myself

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