I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 15

Chapter 14

To tell you the truth.

If Liu Gaoming hadn’t brought up the matter of menstrual period, Mu Mu would have completely forgotten that the girl still has such a period every month.

Normally speaking, who would have thought of that?

Hahaha, Ah Zhai is just a humble solo mother.

Mu Mu smiled and felt more and more wrong.

This makes it even more confusing why Qin Yucheng has been cheated for so long… Oh, not necessarily.

Mr. Qin is a ruthless character who has a wife and sleeps in the guest room.

Who told him not to!

If you don’t need to applaud, you will naturally be insensitive to things like girls.

Indeed, it makes sense.

Mu Mu met Qin Yucheng’s gaze, smirked at Liu Gaoming, and didn’t answer directly, turned his hand and put the pillow aside, stood up: “Talk slowly, I’m going back to my room.”

Liu Gaoming watched Mu Mu go back to the room, turned his head to look at Qin Yucheng, and asked in a low voice, “Don’t we really want to boil hot water?”

Qin Yucheng turned his head, raised his brows high, looked at Liu Gaoming, and felt that he had gotten to know this silly dog again.

That’s amazing, Liu Gaoming.

This coquettish operation of directly sending himself into someone else’s blacklist is really breathtaking.

Qin Yucheng thought about this, and replied slowly: “Indeed, you are right, there is hot water in the water dispenser, I will pour a cup and send it over.”

In fact, it is not necessary, after all, Mu Mu is a man.

But Qin Yucheng just wanted to see Mu Mu’s jokes.

The persecution during the menstrual period started with Liu Gaoming, and he just followed Liu Gaoming’s play path to continue acting.

What’s wrong with him, Qin Yucheng?

Qin Yucheng, who had just come out of the kitchen, went back again, poured out a cup of hot water, and pointed in the direction of the study: “Let’s go to the study and talk again? I have brought back a lot of materials.”

“Okay!” Liu Gaoming happily entered the study.

He thought he was really lucky.

He just ran out after falling out with his father, and his business collapsed in the middle of his business, and his credit card was frozen, but it turned out to be a bright future, and he encountered a new opportunity.

Liu Gaoming thinks that the AI community we talked about just now is worth trying. After combining the information later, if it is really as convenient as Qin Yucheng said, he is very sure to get money and land from his grandfather to invest!

Of course, the most important thing is that he can cooperate with the good-looking Mr. Qin!

Thanks to Mr. Qin, I can see the beautiful girl Mu Mu every day!


If he had known that his luck would be so good if he ran away from home, he should have run out long ago!

Sitting in the study, Liu Gaoming was so moved that he almost barked.

Holding a cup of hot water, Qin Yucheng walked slowly to the door of the master bedroom and knocked on the door.

Mu Mu was lying on the bed keeping accounts, and was startled when he heard the knock on the door. He looked at the door vigilantly, glanced at the upright lock, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He locked the door behind him.

Mu Mu put down his pen and got up, unlocked the lock, and twisted the door. When he saw Qin Yucheng standing at the door, he carefully probed: “Is there something wrong?”

Qin Yucheng raised his eyes and handed over the cup in his hand: “Hot water.”

Mu Mu: “…”

The corner of Mu Mu’s mouth trembled, and he reached out to take it with a wooden face, and said with difficulty: “Thank you.”

Qin Yucheng made a small breathy sound, which seemed to be laughing or mocking.

He looked at Mu Mu with a dull expression, and asked slowly, “What day is it?”

Mu Mu: “?”

I didn’t come at all, how the **** do I know what day it is? And I don’t even know what a girl’s menstrual period is like!

Mu Mu was full of obscenities and wanted to scold, but finally held back.

Looking at it from another angle, Qin Yucheng would ask this kind of question probably because he didn’t know he was a man.

That’s not without gains!

Mu Mu comforted himself in this way, and answered bravely: “…the first day.”

Qin Yucheng raised his eyebrows: “Well, there’s still a week left.”

Mu Mu: “?”

Um? What? What week?

Mu Mu was at a loss.

Qin Yucheng started to scare people in a calm manner: “Shall I accompany you tonight?”

Mu Mu:? ?

? ? ?

What? ? ?

Mu Mu pupil earthquake.

Aren’t you bad? ?

Can you do it? ? You can do it, don’t you know that your wife is a man? ? ?

God! Could it be that the original owner used some magical magic that A Zhai didn’t know about? !

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu’s shocked aphasia, and made a urging nasal voice: “Huh?”

Mu Mu suddenly came back to his senses, stumbling: “No, no…no need.”

Qin Yucheng nodded: “Oh.”

Then he turned his head and walked towards the study without hesitation.

Mu Mu:?

ah? That’s it?

Mu Mu stared at Qin Yucheng’s back, his expression gradually becoming old.

This person really can’t do it, right?

Staying with him might be just to cover the quilt and just chat, otherwise how could he not find out that the original owner is a man?

This cannot be explained by science at all!

Mu Mu wrinkled his face and looked at Qin Yucheng’s back, wondering if it was his illusion, Qin Yucheng’s footsteps became a little lighter.

Mu Mu: “…?”


Mu Mu scratched his head, closed the door suspiciously, and locked it.

When Liu Gaoming arrived at Qin Yucheng, he sat on the round stool in the study, looked at Mr. Qin who pushed the door in, and had a keen sense of smell: “Why are you so happy all of a sudden?”

Qin Yucheng paused: “Obviously?”

Liu Gaoming gave a thumbs up: “Super obvious!”

Qin Yucheng sat behind the desk, turned on the computer, and replied, “Well… I just made contact with each other.”

Liu Gaoming showed an envious expression.

very nice.

Hey, he really wants to find a beautiful wife.

But if you find a beautiful daughter-in-law, you can’t look at the beautiful young ladies outside. In the open contemporary age, it seems that even looking at the handsome younger brothers has to be restrained.

Shagou hesitated for a full two seconds, and finally reluctantly gave up a tree for a forest!

Liu Gaoming sighed.

I feel that my sacrifice is really great!

Qin Yucheng had no idea what train was running in Liu Gaoming’s mind.

After scaring Mu Mu, he was in a great mood and felt that even his work became particularly exciting.

Qin Yucheng thinks Liu Gaoming is really good!

Especially referring to the persecution of Mu Mu.

He printed out a stack of documents, turned his head and said to the very nice Liu Gaoming: “This plan is a new project that our company is planning to use to attract investment…”

Mu Mu opened his eyes, glanced at the phone, and covered his face in pain on the spot.

He woke up naturally without waiting for the alarm clock to ring.

It’s not even half past six!

This is a disqualification!

A Zhai is disqualified!

Mu Mu stared at the ceiling and found that he was not sleepy at all.

Mu Mu took a deep breath, turned over and got up.

The adaptability of human beings is terrifying!

After Mu Mu washed up, he glanced at the account book he put on the bedside table last night.

He had done a budget last night – about his unstarted money making business.

Mu Mu is currently targeting the baby clothes business that he is very familiar with. It is a niche market with a small market, which is very suitable for self-employed operations. And because of the small crowd, even if he suddenly leaves this world, he doesn’t have to worry about causing trouble to too many people.

Just in terms of cost, from the doll table, fabrics, craft materials, tools… including the sewing machine, the pile of things is finally calculated.

This is based on the premise that he checked the model of his mobile phone and decided to use his mobile phone instead of a professional camera, and he did not count another rented room for sewing and shooting.

Mu Mu looked at the accounts in the account book, which he could only withdraw but not enter, and decided to go to see if there was any suitable cheap house to rent today.

Qin Yucheng doesn’t seem to be planning to sell the house anymore, so the matter of renting a house for himself will be directly on the agenda.

It’s no use here to hesitate because of the budget.

All in all, you have to act first.

Rent a room as soon as possible, arrange a fixed viewing frame a little bit, and then you can start working.

Start work early and make money early. At that time, he only needs to reduce his working hours and keep them within Qin Yucheng’s working hours. The problem should not be a big problem.

After all, Mr. Qin is a workaholic.

Mu Mu thought about it, closed the ledger, stuffed it into the drawer of the bedside table, **** her hair, turned and walked out the door.

While he was taking the hose to water the gardenias that were a little wilted by the sun, the doorbell rang.

Liu Gaoming didn’t have the elevator card to the sixth floor, so he called Mu Mu on WeChat, but Mu Mu didn’t reply, so he could only run downstairs to the unit and obediently rang the doorbell.

Mu Mu went to the door and turned on the intercom to take a look, only to be stabbed in the eyes by Liu Gaoming’s orange-red hair.

He still hated the persecution of the silly dog’s phrase “menstrual period”, and said in a cold tone, “What’s the matter?”

Liu Gaoming said “Hey” in embarrassment: “Sister, I’m here for breakfast.”

Mu Mu, who was choked by the sound of “sister”, spat out a series of ellipses.


Liu Gaoming looked at the surveillance head pitifully.

Mu Mu took a deep breath and opened the door.

It never occurred to me that Liu Gaoming’s “ceng meal for a few days” was counted from the morning.

Mu Mu went back to the terrace to continue watering. It didn’t take long to see Liu Gaoming jumping in. He even brought up a pair of guest slippers last night and put them on for himself.

The silly dog’s eyes moved with the water in Mu Mu’s hand, and he wagged his tail: “Sister, where is my brother?”

Mu Mu: “…”

While it’s understandable that male friendships can easily become indiscriminately brotherly, you don’t have to count me in!

Mu Mu replied without emotion: “He hasn’t gotten up yet.”

“Oh.” Liu Gaoming nodded, watching Mu Mu concentrate on tinkering with those flowers and plants.

Vibrant and colorful.

And beauty is like a flower, born in it.

The edge of the water curtain that was squeezed out by the flattened hose shattered into mist, refracting the rising sun into seven colors of light.

The long-haired beauty in loose home clothes had her hair fluffy and casually tied, and her broken hair was shaking slightly. Standing behind the mist, she was as lazy as a dream.

Liu Gaoming was engrossed in watching, and was patted on the shoulder suddenly.

Shocked, he turned his head abruptly.

Holding a glass of water, Qin Yucheng looked at him, then at Mu Mu, expressionless: “It looks good?”

Liu Gaoming was very honest: “It looks good.”

When Qin Yucheng heard this answer, he turned his head for a moment and met Liu Gaoming’s gaze: “Well, I think it looks good too.”

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so bad to be cheated.

Qin Yucheng took a sip of water and walked into the kitchen.

Looking at Qin Yucheng’s back, Liu Gaoming realized that his behavior was inappropriate after a while, and followed up, explaining: “Brother, I have no other intentions, just pure admiration.”

Hearing this, Qin Yucheng glanced at Liu Gaoming: “Even if you don’t just appreciate it, I think he doesn’t like you.”

Liu Gaoming:? !

What are you doing?

Why a sudden personal attack! ?

Qin Yucheng opened the refrigerator.

He was telling the truth.

Mu Mu’s dislike and avoidance of Liu Gaoming was almost written on his face.

The reason is estimated to be Liu Gaoming’s excessive enthusiasm and unaware persecution.

This is probably the natural repulsion of cats to dogs.

Mr. Qin thought so, and suddenly realized that the current Mu Mu seems to be quite repulsive to him.

Qin Yucheng: “…”

Qin Yucheng turned his head and glanced at Liu Gaoming, who was standing at the door of the kitchen, as if the sky had fallen, and turned his head back again.

How could he and this silly dog be the same species.

This is simply not possible.

After Mu Mu watered the water, he found that the mountain roses on the shelf gave birth to flower arrows.

He was a little surprised, he didn’t expect this pot of mountain roses to be grown to the age where they could bloom.

The original owner has raised it for so many years?

Or did you get it from someone else?

Mu Mu was puzzled, turned around and found scissors from the tool room, cut off the flower arrows, checked the other succulents again, and found that everyone had obediently not bloomed, and went to sweep the stagnant water contentedly.

Under Liu Gaoming’s admiring gaze, Qin Yucheng mixed three salads, fried six slices of toast with butter, made three luncheon meat sandwiches, and warmed the milk.

When Mu Mu came back after dealing with the green plants on the terrace, as soon as he entered the door, the milky smell of butter hit his face.

He was taken aback, and saw Qin Yucheng coming out of the kitchen with milk and sandwiches.

Mu Mu looked at the milk and sandwiches, and then at Qin Yucheng.

Mu Mu: “…?”

I lost my job?

Qin Yucheng put the milk and sandwiches in his hand on the seat where Mu Mu used to sit these days, and took a look at Mu Mu.

Mu Mu sat down in surprise, and took a look at the crispy toast cover of the sandwich.

There are luncheon meat, cabbage heart and fried egg in the sandwich, and mayonnaise as seasoning.

Very normal breakfast.

Mu Mu reached for the milk.

Qin Yucheng went back to the kitchen, and together with Liu Gaoming took out the remaining two milk sandwiches and salad.

Mu Mu gnawed on the sandwich with a “click, click”, and was surprised that the taste was not bad.

But yes.

How can a child who has suffered so much not know how to cook?

Mu Mu quickly accepted this setting, and turned to thinking about going to see the house today.

Originally, Mu Mu was planning to prostitute a rented house for free, and directly set up a studio in the rented house given by Qin Yucheng.

At that time, even if Qin Yucheng came to the door and saw him sewing, he would have already found a good reason.

Just burst into tears and said, Qin Yucheng, you are so cruel! I have no money and can only make ends meet like this!

In this way, Qin Yucheng’s desire for revenge will definitely be satisfied like never before!

But it’s a pity that Qin Yucheng doesn’t seem to have the idea of selling the apartment and putting him in the cold palace.

The plot has changed, and Mu Mu can’t help it.

He could only settle for the next best thing and rent it out by himself.

But renting a house requires an ID card, and electronic ID cards are not easy to use.

And when he was in the Civil Affairs Bureau, that **** Qin Yucheng took away all his documents.

—Although that set of documents is fake.

Mu Mu saw in the electronic certificate registered in the applet, no matter it is the household registration book, ID card or driver’s license, the gender on it is written as female.

But even if that set of certificates were fake, Mu Mu didn’t have the real ones in his hand!

Who knows where the original owner hid the real documents!

But since that set of fake documents can be used to apply for a marriage certificate, it must be no problem to rent a house.


Mu Mu bit the sandwich, looked at Qin Yucheng, and then at Liu Gaoming.

Liu Gaoming is considered an outsider.

He asked Qin Yucheng for his ID card when there were outsiders, maybe he could do it?

Thinking of this, Mu Mu made a decisive decision and said, “Qin, uh…husband.”

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu.

Mu Mu plucked up the courage and asked directly: “Where is my ID card?”

Qin Yucheng paused, a little surprised by Mu Mu’s question.

to be honest.

Qin Yucheng didn’t think that a set of documents could really hold Mu Mu, especially the set of documents he took away was fake.

This person should have another set of complete and real documents in his hand, which is why he always thinks that Mu Mu must have some other purpose for staying by his side.

Because the liar who really wanted to run away, after asking him for a divorce and being rejected, should have just run away, instead of staying with him, with a look of “I have been detained and I can’t leave” .

This kind of behavior does not require extra guesswork, it is a blatant retreat.

To show the enemy that he is weak, if he wants to catch him, he will play hard.

This move should have been very useful, but it is a pity that Qin Yucheng is a reborn person.

In his eyes, this method basically engraved the words “I’m not right” on his face.

Although this Mu Mu seems a bit stupid now, what if he is also pretending?

That’s not the case with deception, true and false.

Qin Yucheng remained vigilant and said calmly, “I have the certificate, what’s the matter?”

Mu Mu bit the wall of the milk cup to relieve the tension, and said vaguely: “Give it to me, I want to use it.”

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu who was pretending to be very casual, but actually didn’t dare to meet his gaze, raised his brows, didn’t ask why, just nodded: “Okay.”

He wants to see what new tricks Mu Mu can play.

The author has something to say:

Mr. Qin: The current Mu Mu seems a bit stupid…

Mu Mu:? ? ? Are you scolding again? !

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