I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 31

Chapter 30

The scene was once very embarrassing.

This really cannot be blamed on Mu Mu, his first reaction was this!

After all, the thing that can make a man feel insulted and outraged the most must be “no”.

No matter how successful this person is, how high his status is, or how rich his assets are, as long as he has flaws in this aspect, no one will envy him!

Mu Mu really cared about this too much.

Every time he thought of this, he felt that Qin Yucheng was really miserable.

So what about the male protagonist Shuangwen!

Isn’t the protagonist Shuangwen going through a miserable childhood!

The male protagonist of Shuangwen can only watch but not eat!


Those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry!

Chen Li pushed his glasses violently.

Liu Gaoming and Duan Yu seemed to be under the spell of petrification when they pinched each other.

Help, help!

Is this something we could live to hear? !

We seem to know something we shouldn’t know!

Liu Gaoming and Duan Yu were terrified.

Chen Li was thoughtful.

His eyes turned back and forth between Qin Yucheng and Mu Mu, feeling that things must not be that simple.

Mu Mu had been so messed up before, it was impossible for him to find someone who was not good enough to marry.

Even if this person is willing to accept his transgender specificity, it is impossible.

Normal marriages of men and women will get divorced because of discordant **** life, not to mention two people whose biological **** is male.

As a man, apart from their different psychology and spirit, Mr. Chen is very aware of how strong men’s pursuit of carnal desire is.

Mu Mu will marry a bad person?


At most, there may be a little incompatibility on their side.

Teacher Chen pushed his glasses, very rigorous.

Unlike the strict teacher Chen, Liu Gaoming and Duan Yu almost died on the spot.

How, how could this be so!

Liu Gaoming’s mind went blank.

It’s not a secret I want to know!

Male stars don’t want to know either!

He was almost suffocated by the silence in the room.

Why on earth did things develop like this!

What did the innocent male star do wrong again to experience this embarrassment!

No no no, Duan Yu! Quickly activate your flexible brain! Give Lao Qin a step down!

The male star brainstormed, and finally the soul chicken moved!

He looked indifferent, and said, “There are so many toys now, you can have whatever you want.”

Liu Gaoming:? ? ? ?

what are you talking about? !

The dog died after hearing this!

Chen Li turned his head to look at the male star, as if looking at a dead person.

The scene suddenly became more embarrassing.

But Qin Yucheng was not embarrassed at all.

He felt that his share of embarrassment had been embarrassed by the remaining three melon eaters.

——The main reason is that he is not bad, so he is completely free from the annoyance of being exposed to shame.

Mr. Qin looked at Mu Mu, and felt that the number of answers that he had never imagined increased.

At this time, it seems that the explanation is not right, and it is not right not to explain.

explain what? It’s okay to explain that he didn’t, but it’s just that he didn’t let Mu Mu feel him?

Although it is true, it still seems not quite right.

But who is he, Qin Yucheng?

He has already died once!

After death, people will make great progress!

Whether it is shame or quick wit!

Mr. Qin put on a distressed look, and said lightly: “Is that so, so I haven’t satisfied you all this time? I’m sorry, it’s really my fault.”

Σ? !

I see!

Liu Gaoming and Duan Yu’s pupils trembled.

Shock! Mu Mu looks soft and weak, but in fact, his needs are so strong that it is overwhelming!

Teacher Chen pushed his glasses, thinking that it was as expected.

A Zhai’s eyes were darkened by this kind of suggestive speech, and his brain paralyzed by alcohol couldn’t turn around. He looked at Qin Yucheng blankly, and a brain circuit went straight to the end.

If you don’t understand, don’t want to!

If you don’t understand, you don’t understand!

Mu Mu simply turned his head to look away, and pushed forward the empty martini glass in front of him: “More!”

When Liu Gaoming and Duan Yu, who were full of waste, heard these two words, their eyes flickered for a moment.

Teacher Chen is quite calm.

He nodded: “What flavor do you want?”

Mu Mu thought for a while: “It’s more sweet and sour.”


Liu Gaoming came back to his senses, and stopped in a panic: “Don’t feed it, don’t feed it!”

The male star also straightened up, but hesitated.


Also want to hear strange gossip!

Teacher Chen raised his eyelids and looked at Liu Gaoming: “Don’t worry.”

He took another glass, pretended to pour half a glass of Sprite into the mixing glass, shake it well, and poured it into the glass with ice cubes. Then he took a prickly pear fruit from the paper bag he had brought, opened it, crushed it, and added three teaspoons of the prickly pear fruit’s dark purple pulp.

The purple-red fruit pulp fell into the ice and snow, slowly smearing like ink falling into clear water.

It was a light pink at first, and then gradually turned into a purplish red.

Teacher Chen pushed the cup out, closed his eyes and made up: “red tide.”

At that time, Mu Mu drank “tons and tons”, and the instant stimulation of the carbonated drink in his throat was regarded by him as the pungentness of alcohol.

Mu Mu put down his wine glass: “Good wine!”

Duan Yu: “…”

Liu Gaoming: “…”

Chen Li adjusted his glasses, not surprised at all.

Qin Yucheng raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, pressed it against his lips, half coughed and half smiled, and finally turned his head away.

Mu Mu pricked up his ears and turned to look at Qin Yucheng.

“Do you think I don’t know you’re laughing when you turn your head away!”

Qin Yucheng suppressed the corner of his mouth: “Yes.”

Mu Mu: “What are you laughing at?”

“I think of happy things.” Qin Yucheng replied.

“Are you happy?” Mu Mu asked.

Mr. Qin nodded: “Now it is.”

“Then you can’t go back on your word, you signed it.” Mu Mu stressed uneasy, “You signed it.”

The three melon eaters next to me raised their ears: “What are you signing?”

“It’s nothing.” Qin Yucheng shook his head, thought for a while, and said to Mu Mu, “But you just said I can’t do it, and I’m not happy again.”

Mu Mu: Σ? !

Mu Mu frowned, pretending to be stupid: “Did I say that?”

“I said it, everyone heard it clearly.” Qin Yucheng reached out and ordered some whiskey bottle, watched Chen Li give him another glass, turned to look at Mu Mu, and frowned pretendingly, “I’m not happy gone.”

Mu Mu suddenly became nervous.

Qin Yucheng picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said slowly: “I’m upset, you have to coax me.”

Mu Mu was stunned.

Duan Yu & Liu Gaoming:! !


Learned learned!

Let’s find the beautiful sister to match up!

Mu Mu raised his hand to hold his dizzy head, trying to straighten the dangling world in front of him, and the rest of his mind was thinking about how to coax Qin Yucheng.


In A Zhai’s more than 20 years of life, except for his mother and himself, he has never coaxed anyone else!

How should Qin Yucheng coax him?

Mu Mu was at a loss.

Mr. Qin had a good time, watching Mu Mu sitting on the chair with his head supported and shaking his head little by little, he could completely see the rhythm of this little stupid drunk.

Mu Mu thought for a long time but couldn’t figure out how to coax Qin Yucheng.

When he was in extreme distress, the alarm clock on his mobile phone rang.

His mobile phone was placed between him and Qin Yucheng.

When Qin Yucheng heard the sound of the alarm clock, he glanced down and saw that the name of the alarm clock set by Mu Mu was “Brother’s Phone”.

The time set was seven fifty.

Mu Mu also glanced at the name of the alarm clock, suddenly realized, and slapped the bar counter, scaring a few melon-eaters who pricked up their little ears to eavesdrop.

“Wait! I’ll give you a home!” After Mu Mu finished speaking, she picked up her phone and turned away.

Mr. Qin paused for a moment, his eyes widened slightly, showing a bit of astonishment.

It wasn’t until the liquid dripped from the tilted wine glass he brought to his mouth and splashed onto the bar that Mr. Qin came back to his senses.

He turned his head and saw Mu Mujin pulling the slippers, opening the door and running towards the elevator. The number of the elevator changed from the fifth floor to the sixth floor after he entered.

Chen Li reached out and knocked on the bar: “Aren’t you following?”

Qin Yucheng hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head, took the dry cloth Chen Li handed over to wipe the bar, and was a little lost in thought.

Chen Li cleaned the two wine glasses left by Mu Mu: “Is this answer surprising?”

Mr. Qin generously admitted: “Yes.”

Of course it was unexpected.

Mu Mu has always wanted to divorce him, which is very obvious.

And yesterday they even just signed the divorce agreement.

Once the divorce agreement was signed, the only thing left was to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. They didn’t go directly because they needed to make an appointment.

Such Mu Mu, Qin Yucheng never expected that he would say “I’ll give you a home”.

Mu Mu’s words were resolute and resolute, as if he was stating an established fact.

That tone was too straightforward, so straightforward that Qin Yucheng felt that this must be the truth.

Mr. Qin stroked the wall of the whiskey glass, and the water condensed into a complete drop on his fingertips, which was cool and gentle.

I don’t know if it was because of the alcohol, but Qin Yucheng actually felt a hint of secret expectation rising in his heart.

Mr. Qin raised his hand to rest his forehead and rubbed the space between his brows.

He looked up at the dim light strip of the wine cabinet at the bar, and after a while, decided to tear up the divorce agreement later.

This was what Mu Mu himself said.

Mr. Qin shirked responsibility.

It was the little idiot who said it himself. If you want to give him a family, then not getting a divorce is the right choice.

People are responsible for what they say.

Qin Yucheng thought so.

The male star looked at Qin Yucheng, contacted their previous conversation, analyzed it a bit, and frowned: “Did you secretly get married without telling your family?”

Qin Yucheng tilted his head: “How do you say?”

“Otherwise, why would you be so surprised when Mu Mu said that he would give you a home? It must be that your marriage is not complete.” Duan Yu analyzed with reason, “You don’t think you haven’t met your parents at all, have you?”

Qin Yucheng nodded: “I’ve never seen it before.”

The remaining three gasped.

But the male star and Lily reacted quickly.

It is indeed normal for Mu Mu not to let his family know about Mu Mu’s special situation.

But Liu Gaoming didn’t know.

His eyes rounded in shock: “Why didn’t you see me? You fell out with your family?”

“My parents have been away for a long time.” Qin Yucheng said calmly, “What Mu Mu said didn’t mention anything about my parents.”

Liu Gaoming just shut up, sniffed, and raised his glass: “Drink!”

Qin Yucheng also raised his glass and drank the spicy and bitter wine in the glass.

Mu Mu went upstairs, seeing that Qin Yucheng hadn’t followed, he got into the cloakroom and took out the phone card.

Today is August 1st.

At eight o’clock, the elder brother of the original owner will call.

Mu Mu was a little scared, because that brother’s voice sounded cold and indifferent, just like Qin Yucheng when they first met.

But one cannot stop because of fear.

Mu Mu plugged in the phone card and counted the seconds until eight o’clock.

The phone rang.

Mu Mu took a deep breath, and with the courage given by the alcohol, he connected the phone.

The other end of the phone didn’t seem to expect that he would connect, and no one spoke for a while, only the sound of flipping through papers.

Mu Mu didn’t dare to take the initiative to make a sound, and nervously picked at the trouser line of the home clothes, and the seconds seemed like years.

After a while, the other end didn’t wait for the prompt to transfer to voicemail, and finally realized the fact that the call was connected.

He gave orders in the cold tone that Mu Mu had heard several times: “Come back.”

Mu Mu probed: “…brother?”

The person who was flipping through the paper paused, and said coldly, “Lack of money?”

Mu Mu:? ? ?

Varied? !

“Hold on, ten o’clock.” The other end said to himself.

Mu Mu: “…???”

Help, help!

What an encrypted call!

The silence on the other side of the phone seemed to make the other side a little impatient, and there was a “da da” sound of fingertips tapping on the table.

“When will you be back?”

have no idea!

A Zhai doesn’t know!

This elder brother’s way of acting is too wild, Mu Mu can’t catch it at all!

The other end simply ignored him and said directly: “Mom and Dad next month—September 12.”

After saying this, he hung up the phone directly.

Mu Mu suffocated.

Oh shit.

The phone made a lonely call.

Oh, and not completely lonely, at least knowing that the original owner’s parents will be back in the middle of next month.

Laughing to death, this news is useless at all.

A Zhai put down the phone expressionlessly, removed the phone card and hid it back, floated into the kitchen in a daze and poured a glass of warm water, hugged the pillow on the sofa in the living room, let his mind empty, and gnawed on the water glass while drinking.

The teeth collided with the porcelain cup and made a “click-click” sound.

Be optimistic!

Mu Mu thought.

He and Qin Yucheng have already signed a divorce agreement, and the young lady from the Civil Affairs Bureau has already said to make an appointment for him. Isn’t everything ready and only owe Dongfeng?

Maybe in the middle of next month, he and Qin Yucheng will have divorced. When he goes back, he can loudly announce the return of their son in front of the shepherds!

After that, it was Qin Yucheng’s business.

What does Qin Yucheng’s matter have to do with Mu Mu, who is about to evaporate?

Mu Mu selectively forgot Qin Yucheng’s threat of “I can find you even if you disappear”.

Mu Mu asked himself, and felt that it was really unlikely that Qin Yucheng went to find him after he ran away.

After returning to Mu’s house, Qin Yucheng will definitely break away from the plot of the original book and soar into the sky at a speed that the original book doesn’t have!

—Although it seems that the plot of the original text is not completely followed, at least the general direction is correct!

At that time, with Qin Yucheng’s workaholic character, he will have to be busy for a few years no matter what.

several years!


In a few years, Qin Yucheng should forget that there is such a person as A Zhai!

When Mu Mu thought about it, his brows were filled with joy, and he felt that the warm water in his hand had a sweet taste.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Qin Yucheng walked out of the entrance, and what he saw was Mu Mu’s happy expression, his eyes were crooked with a smile.

Qin Yucheng felt that since he signed the divorce agreement, Mu Mu has been in a state of being silly and happy all the time.

Mr. Qin was a little upset.

What about giving me a home?

He put on pink bunny sandals, walked to the front of the sofa, stopped in front of Mu Mu, and looked down at him condescendingly.

Qin Yucheng’s tall figure was full of oppression. Even if the lights were sufficient, it made people feel that the surroundings seemed to be several degrees darker.

Holding the water glass, Mu Mu looked up at Qin Yucheng blankly.

Mu Mu had just finished drinking a glass of warm water, his lips were red and moist, and there was still a smile in his eyes, it seemed that he was very happy, or it was the effect of alcohol, the corners of the always innocent and beautiful cat eyes were slightly red , the light fell into the eyes, sparkling.

Mu Mu is beautiful.

The eyes are beautiful.

Lips are nice.

The neck line that is tense due to the raised head is very beautiful.

The slightly vigorous hands holding the water glass are also very beautiful.

Qin Yucheng pursed his lips, feeling a dry itching in his throat.

Mu Mu felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Qin Yucheng.

He shrank his neck and asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong?”

He stared at Mu Mu intently, for a moment, his brows twitched: “I was just thinking, I should prove that I can do it.”

Mu Mu instantly clenched the water glass in his hand, nervously: “No, no, I’m talking nonsense!”

Qin Yucheng began to pull on the bow tie: “Let’s prove it.”

Mu Mu’s eyes widened, and he watched Qin Yucheng tensely take off his coat, unbutton his bow tie, stretch out his hands to undo two buttons, and then bent down to him.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! !

Don’t come here! !

A Zhai was terrified, and he yelled loudly, “I, I, I, my menstrual period!”

Qin Yucheng paused.

Good luck not laughing out loud.

Qin Yucheng tensed his expression, trying not to laugh: “Twice in half a month?”


Varied? !

Mu Mu was stunned, his lack of physiological knowledge made him completely unable to react.

Mr. Qin said slowly, “Your menstruation is irregular?”


Azhai took a deep breath and said humiliatingly, “…I don’t adjust.”

Qin Yucheng quickly raised his hand to cover Mu Mu’s eyes, lest the other party see the smile on his face and become angry from embarrassment.

Mu Mu:? ? ?

What are you doing! ?

A Zhai hugged the pillow in his arms tightly, not daring to move.

Qin Yucheng laughed silently for a long time before suppressing the smile.

He withdrew his hand without hesitation, and patted Mu Mu’s head: “Pay attention to your body.”

Mu Mu hesitated: “…Thank you, thank you?”

Hearing his words of thanks, Qin Yucheng quickly raised his foot, rushed into the study at a high speed, turned out the divorce agreement, and stuffed it into the shredder.


Mr. Qin is refreshed.

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