I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Magnificent pupils

Kaguya-san wouldn’t lie to her, Chika Fujiwara went out of the cafe and looked for it.

Is it Sister Toyoshi who took Pace out for a walk? Moe Ye did not come earlier than her school, and she could come here with questions. If you are not careful, Fujiwara Chika will…Where is this, ah?

Kirisu and Ren walked away to look for Fujiwara Chika, while Shimiya Teruya was nearby, and made a call, but the message was turned off.

Before parting with Kaguya Ninomiya, he asked Kaguya Ninomiya if he really saw the dog of the Fujiwara Chika family, but Kaguya Ninomiya just gave him a “fool” look and said something perfunctory.

Thinking about something that can be understood, Fujiwara Chika is silly, “Are you the same as Fujiwara Chika.”

Kirisu Kazuto doubted whether Fujiwara Chika was caught by someone else’s dog. It’s not impossible. That guy is natural and straight. If he meets a dog like Pace, he will almost have fun together.

I don’t worry that Fujiwara Qianhua will encounter danger. The neighborhood is a downtown area. There is a lot of traffic on the street, and there are no idiots.

Moreover, it also proved his idea. In a small children’s entertainment park two blocks away from the coffee shop, Chika Fujiwara made a semi-formed sand castle on the sand, and there were two or three children admiring it. Love, I had to kneel on the spot and call for Master, and Fujiwara Chika was also enjoying it. Kirisu and Kazuto let out a sigh of relief, walked over, and shouted, “Fujiwara-san, everyone is looking for you.”

“It’s Kirisu-san.” Chika Fujiwara’s hand stopped, her sand castle has not been finished, and it is not her character to give up halfway, and smiled, “Wait for a moment, the sand castle is almost finished.”

He wanted to remind him, but the kid next to him immediately put a begging on his face, and Kirito and others were taken aback, then sighed and reminded, “I see, the phone is also turned off. Four Gong Sang is very worried.”

Fujiwara Qianhua is indeed an expert in board games. All these types of games are very good at it. Within five minutes, the outline of the sand castle was revealed.

After another five minutes, the sand castle was all finished, and Fujiwara Chika stood in front with a smug expression. The kid next to him kept clapping, “That’s great, big sister.”

Fujiwara Chika is full of vanity…

The children are happy, and Kirito and others are also happy to see them, but there is a little girl with a bun head in the pavilion in the distance. She is a little uncomfortable. She is dressed in a costume similar to the kanban girl of a restaurant. She is probably the daughter of a nearby store. Her eyes are constantly changing. Looking over here, Kirisu and Kazuto smiled and waved, “Hey, come and see if you like.”

Rizuka Ogata hesitated… Sandcastle did attract her, but… but she was not a kid anymore.

However, that high school student is doing sand castles. It doesn’t matter if she goes to see it. Anyway, she just passed by the small park to take a rest on the way back from the delivery.

Two or three kids, the third came here too. As a high school student, the seniors of this group of little ghosts are qualified to express opinions even if they don’t know him. They paused and rubbed the head of one of the little ghosts next to him, saying, “You are friends. Well, elementary school students are not allowed to engage in isolation, and the behavior of forming cliques is not good.”

“Onixan is so long-winded.” The kid who was rubbed his head moved his hand, dissatisfied, “The companion of Superman Soda will not be isolated.”

“Hmm!! Not happy!!” Ogata’s cheeks puffed up, and she was treated as a primary school student as soon as she walked here. Thinking about it just now, he called her to come here too, bad guy!

How does she look like a primary school student, her height, school… The clothes in the shop are outside, but even so, no one will treat her as a primary school student! !

This elementary school student papaya…F, no, E…has a G, right? What did you grow up with?

is not the place he wants to stare at, but it is really spectacular.

But he is considered a half-adult, so naturally he will not have strange fantasies about children, and papaya… the child’s physical development is just a sigh.

took a look and withdrew his gaze. The castle was ready. Kazuto Kirisu tried to invite the children for Fujiwara Chika, “Would you like to touch it?”

Ogata Rizuki hesitated again, she also wanted to touch it, anyway, this person’s school uniform was not from their school, and she would never meet her in the future. It was not because she wanted to pretend to be a primary school student, because she was misunderstood.

Hmm, misunderstanding.

So, it doesn’t matter if she touches the sand castle, right?

Kirisu and Ren Jian the elementary school girl blushed, and then knelt down and touched the sand castle, their faces immediately changed into “smiles.”

Primary school students are primary school students, instinct is better than reason.

However, they have to go back here too. Chika Fujiwara made a sand castle and wasted time. If Shinomiya Kazuya can’t get in touch, he will be anxious. Kirisu Kazuto reminded again, “Fujiwara-san, let’s go back. .”

Although Fujiwara Chika is very playful, she is not confused about the situation, nodded and responded, “Let’s go, Kirisusan.”

said goodbye to the elementary school students, and the two boys responded to him and Chika Fujiwara, but the elementary school girl with good body just looked at them, and then lowered her head again.

The little girl was shy and he didn’t care. UU reading www.uukanshu.com and Fujiwara Chika left and returned to the cafe.

“President, I’m back.” Qianhua Fujiwara sat back to her position, just looking around, and then wondering, “Ah, where’s Kaguya-san?”

Kirisu and Ren’s words are choked…

Before, when he and Shimiya Kaguya separated to search for Fujiwara Chika, they said that if they didn’t find it, they would go back to the coffee shop and find the best. If they didn’t find it, wait until both of them came back before doing another calculation.

As for Shiragin Miyuki and Fumino Fumino, they didn’t bother. Fujiwara Chika was just lost. It’s not a big deal. There is no need to be alarmed. So when he found Fujiwara Chika just now, he didn’t call back to report safety-mainly because he didn’t. Shigin Yuxing and Fumino Furuhashi didn’t know the mailbox and cell phone number of Kaguya Shimiya either.

Now that Chika Fujiwara has found, is Kaguya Shinomiya lost again?

“The fourth house was just outside…” Baiyin Yuxing realized that something was wrong in an instant, and changed his words, “have you not seen the fourth house when you came in.”

He took over as an educator and entered the role, focusing on teaching Fumino Furuhashi without paying attention to other things.

and Fujiwara Chika looked at each other. Kirisu and others knew that they couldn’t keep it, so they nodded helplessly, “Sorry Yuyuki…”

He talked to Shirogane Yuyuki about the incident, but omitted some. He only said that he started looking for Fujiwara Chika. After talking about Kirito and Kazuto, he did not forget to calm down, “Don’t worry about Yuyue, Shinomiya-san is just lost. Well, it won’t be dangerous.”

It is well known that people who love secretly have pits in their brains. Baiyin Yuxing ignored what his friends said before, and gave a strong warning in the second half of the heart, and the blood was up, and the heart was flustered, and he couldn’t help but blurt out, “What! Danger! ”

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