I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Tanuma Tsubasa wants to hold hands

Tanuma Wing was stunned, the president awakened the dreamer with a word, but he immediately lowered his head and said in frustration, “I don’t have the money to borrow the yacht.”

“Really…” Bai Yin Yuxing thought that the son of the dean of the big hospital would have money, he could not help hesitating for a moment, thought about it, and offered a solution, “Then work.”

“Huh?” Tanuma Tsubasa was stunned again. He hadn’t worked, but the president’s proposal made him move a little, “Working?”

“It’s a great job.” As someone who came over, Bai Yin Yuxing smiled, “It’s not that you rent a very luxurious yacht. You can borrow a smaller one, ten or twenty thousand. You can imagine Tanuma-san. Your girlfriend is happy and happy. A happy smile is worth it, right?”


Tanuma Tsubasa believed, for the sake of Kashiwagi-classmate’s smile, he decided to go.

However, there are new problems. Although it is possible to rent a yacht, he thought about it and said again, “But you need a driver’s license to sail.”

“A small ship’s driver’s license is enough. It’s easy to get. It’s highly recommended.” Silver Royal had considered this point. He took out the ship’s driver’s license from his wallet and said, after all, introducing someone to do something. It’s okay to know it by yourself.

“That’s amazing, I deserve to be the president.” Tiannuma was completely shocked. The love master of Xiujiin is different. He didn’t expect that the president even has a ship’s driver’s license. As long as this method is used, he can be with classmate Baimu Hand in hand, right, he has seen hope.

It’s not that Bai Yinyuxing is content, he also feels a little like that, and continues, “You can get it in about three days when you go to the training center, and the cost is less than 100,000.”

“Eh…” The president actually has it, Shigiya Kaguya didn’t expect it, but this is not bad, it turns out that the president likes this kind of tune.

“It’s 100,000 yuan…” Tian Zuoyi had wanted to try, but after the president opened his mouth, he subconsciously flinched. His father is a more serious person and would not give him so much money casually, 100,000 yuan. It’s really not a small sum for him.

“Let’s work.” Baiyin Yuxing strongly recommended again.

“It’s true that it’s nice to sit on a yacht with Kashiwagi and look at the horizon in the sunset, but the fundamental problem is…” It’s hot in the summer and Tanuma Wing stretched out his palm. This is another question he wants to consult with the Student Union. He sighed lightly, “I have a physique prone to sweating, and my hands are sweaty too badly. It is scary to think about holding Kashiwagi’s hand with sweaty hands.”


This is worthy of attention. You can’t hold hands when your hands are sweaty. It’s very important. Bai Yin Yuxing fell into deep thought, “In other words, you have palm hyperhidrosis!!”

Facing the academic term, Tanuma Tsubasa also fought with alert, “I don’t know too well, probably that’s right.”

“Then you will have to do surgery.” Bai Yin Yuxing didn’t expect Tanuma Tsubasa’s situation to be so bad, he couldn’t help suggesting again, “Surgery for hyperhidrosis will probably cost about 10w. .”

Tanuma Tsubasa nodded and said, “It should be like this.”

“Compared with sweaty palms, sweating forehead can show the value of boys, isn’t it?” Bai Yin Yuxing smiled, took a sip of tea, and moistened his throat a little and concluded, “So, come to work, with both hands. Let the girls you like smile, this is what we boys should do.”


Kirisu Kazuto and Fujiwara Chika came to the student union room. He originally thought that Shinomiya Teruya was standing at the door and not going in. He happened to see this scene from the crack of the unclosed door when he approached.

It turned out that his best friend thought so, “Use both hands to show a smile to the girl he likes.” He saw that Shimiya Teruya had fallen into a state of absent-mindedness and smiled happily, but he did not find him and Fujiwara Chika.

“It seems to be a certainty.” Tanuma Tsubasa accepted the reality and said, “If you want to hold hands, you have to work.”

Moreover, as a male, he was also moved by the words of the president just now. His inexplicable body is full of power. He can do “impossible” just for the smile of “Kashiwagi-san”, and it doesn’t matter what part-time job is. under.

Suddenly, Tanuma Wing was moved again, “President, you are such a genius!!!”


Kirito Kazuto felt that his best friend had passed on something unimportant to Tanuma Tsubasa, but he thought the momentum was good, and he would cheer for him for the spirit of “holding hands” and going forward courageously.

“I think about it… the cost of chartering a boat and the cost of the workshop, plus the cost of surgery, is about 20w in total.” Bai Yin Yuxing thought for a while, “based on an hourly salary of 1,000 yen, working five hours a day, It will be ready in about 40 days.”


“Don’t worry, the part-time job I know recruits people during the summer vacation, and I will introduce you to it.” I feel that Tanuma Tsubasa is worried about something, Bai Yin Yuxing smiled, “This summer vacation will definitely be a very happy one.”

“and many more.”

Kirsu and Kazuto were taken aback. Originally, he was going to wait at the door for his best friend and Tanuma Wing to finish speaking, but Fujiwara Chika who was with him suddenly opened the door and rushed in and shouted.


Shigiya Kaguya was also dragged and walked in, and where did the detective hat come from?

“Detective love is here.” Chika Fujiwara’s love bilibili antenna sensed the alarm, and she couldn’t help but exclaimed, “You are not allowed to talk about love without me.”


“Secretary Fujiwara, Ninomiya, and Kazuto?” Seeing Fujiwara Chika and Kazuto Shinomiya behind him, and Kazuto Kirito who had just walked in from the entrance of the student union Shirogin Yuyuki was startled. Asked in a questioning tone.

Shimiya Teruya is extremely innocent. She didn’t want to disturb the president and the guests, but she was pulled in by Fujiwara Chika while she was still wandering. It was not subjectively conscious.

“No, don’t look at me, I’m not an idiot.” Shigiya Kaguya covered her head and lowered her head, saying, it wasn’t that she wanted to make it like this.

Kirito Kazuto shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was also innocent. Didn’t you see him coming in last?

Fujiwara Chika glanced at the guest sitting on the sofa, nodded as a greeting, then turned his gaze back, and asked, “President, what are you talking about.”

Shirogin Yuyue’s friend shrugged his shoulders and understood. He didn’t blame a few people for breaking in suddenly, but once things got involved with Fujiwara Chika, he always felt that he would become troublesome.

He thought for a while and said, “It’s nothing, Tanuma-san just came over and asked how to hold hands with his girlfriend.”

“Yeah, that’s it, that’s it…” Chika Fujiwara immediately entered the detective mode on the topic of love, nodding her head to show her understanding, but as she nodded more and more, she couldn’t help but stunned. “Huh? Ordinary holding hands is fine, is there any factor that needs trouble?”


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