I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 4 true concubines want to discuss again

Kirisu and Ren saw that these people were autistic, he couldn’t talk anymore, but the boring person was panicked in the silence for a while, he tried to say something, “Or the trip to the amusement park will be cancelled?”

“No way.”

Shimiya Kaguya subconsciously retorted, she has made a lot of preparations these days, if the cancellation is not in vain, and also missed the opportunity to date with the president.

After reacting, she had already said it, and the sense of sight she didn’t want to give up on dating the president made Si Gonghui frown.

After a pause, she remedied, “I mean the student union event organized so hard to be organized, it’s a pity to cancel it like this.”

If canceled, Shirogin Yuyuki will be unwilling. This is an opportunity created by friends for him and Shinomiya Kaguya, but if it continues, it is very likely that they will meet Tanuma Tsubasa and Kashiwagi Nagisa on the day they go to the amusement park.

As for changing to other amusement parks or something, the place is far from talking, and the facilities are not as good as the Tokyo amusement park.

“Sinomiya is right. It would be a shame if I canceled it.” Shirogin Yuxing said, “The amusement park is so big, we might not meet Tanuma-san and Kashiwagi-san.”

Self-deception, people sometimes do this when they don’t want to face reality. Kirito and Kazuto can see through the thoughts of their best friends at a glance, how much this person does not want to face reality.

The amusement park occupies a large area and there are many amusement facilities, but only those that are popular. If you want to play, there is a high probability that you will meet. He has no doubt about this.

Moreover, since the best friend just stood up, Kirisu and Ren felt that the probability of meeting each other would increase a few more points.

“Kaguya-san and the chairman are right.” Chika Fujiwara clapped her hands, “Even if we meet Kashiwagi-san and Tanuma-san, we just leave, and don’t bother them.”

Ishigami, the accountant of the Student Union, is not there. There are three votes. Kirisu and Kazuto don’t mind, but he thinks that if he disturbs the two of them, he will feel sorry.


He didn’t want to spoil the mood of his best friends, Shinomiya Teruya and Fujiwara Chika, Kirito nodded and said, “Then I agree, and the trip to the amusement park continues.”

Shigiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief, and went to the amusement park with the president. Just thinking about it made people’s heart beat faster, which was one of the reasons why she really didn’t want to give up.


The club activity time is over, I cleaned it up, and locked the door of the meeting room. Kirisu and the three were ready to go back.


As they walked halfway, Kirito and Ren instinctively felt that there was a clear line of sight behind him. He frowned slightly, and looked back when the person who was following was not paying attention, but the person who was following didn’t know if he didn’t expect it. , The reaction was slow for a while before hiding in the bunker next to him.

Suddenly, his head hurts—it’s Shijo true concubine.

He helped to negotiate with this person before, and the person he liked became the boyfriend of his friend because he was late in confessing, and it was really horrible.

I am willing to wait for the boys I like, but I feel uncomfortable here. As the relationship between Tanuma Tsubasa and Kashiwagi Nagisa gets better, Shijo true concubine hurts deeper and deeper, and now following them, Kirisu and Toto feel wanting There should be something to be felt in the “one more time” discussion.

Shinomiya Teruya left by special car, Fujiwara Chika ran the car, Shirogin Yuxing rode a bicycle, and they separated at the school gate, and Kirsu and Ren became one person.


Seeing that there were no people around him, the true concubine Shijo became bold and did not hide it, and walked towards him slowly.

Kirisu and Kazuto couldn’t continue pretending to be missing. When Shijo real concubine approached, he greeted, “Good afternoon, Shijo-san.”

“Good afternoon.” Shijo Maki decided to come over after hesitating. She really had no choice but to face Kirito Kazuto and negotiated for her last time. This time she won’t be embarrassed.

She paused, and directly explained her intentions, “Kirisusan, the relationship between my favorite person and my friend has become better, what should I do?”


Sure enough, Kirsu and Kazuto did not deviate in the slightest.

He glanced around the entrance of the school, it was not very convenient to speak, and sighed lightly. Kirisu Kazuto looked at Shijo true concubine and replied, “Shijo-san, there are a little more people here, let’s change the place.”

Shijo true concubine nodded. She also knew that it was not suitable for talking. She was so upset just now that she couldn’t pay attention so much.

It was the same cafe last time. This is the closest to the school. I ordered two cups of coffee and was silent for a while. After the clerk brought up the coffee, Kirisu and the talent said, “Shijo-san, you just want to consult this. A question.”


“Does that Shijo-san have any ideas of their own?” Kazuto Kirsu looked at Shijo-san’s eyes and asked.

can only be enlightened, there is also his fault here, if he and Shijo real concubine last time made it clear, not afraid to step on the thunder to cut off thoughts, I am afraid it will not become the way it is now.


The true concubine Shijo didn’t know. She covered her head and stared at the coffee cup in front of her and became uncomfortable. The boys and friends she liked became lovers. She wanted to send her blessings, but she had a crush on for a long time, and she couldn’t let go of this feeling.

Moreover, she also has a feeling of betrayal of friendship. She clearly knows that this is a friend’s lover, so she can’t think too much about it.

and also……

Waiting silently is simply the most painful torture in the world. She suffers from insomnia every night. Recently, she has dark circles under her eyes.

She sighed lightly, so she didn’t want to go on like this anymore. Kirsu, who came to look for her, had a second “life” consultation with someone for her but it had nothing to do with the question she asked, so she thought about it for a long time. , Shijo true concubine can only turn the thoughts in her mind into a simple four-character saying, “I don’t know.”


This is difficult. The true concubine Shijo is not clear about his inner thoughts, so he can’t prescribe the right medicine, and this situation often leads to an extreme situation-because he doesn’t know what he wants, he is wrong. This mood is regarded as true love, which in turn triggers a cross-cutting love.

Anyway, at this stage, Shijo true concubine likes Tanuma Tsubasa is unquestionable by her mother. He is a sinful man who has a girlfriend and is crushed by other girls.

I’m afraid that I won’t wait for a hundred years to go to **** and I will go to the eighteenth floor to pay off my debts, and my luck will all be used up all at once.

There was a long silence again. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Kiryu and Ren do not like his indecision. He decides to push Shijo true concubine and said, “Shijo-san, if it is true love, then the person you like gets happiness and we should do it for it. It’s right to send blessings. Maybe this is fate and destiny. It’s just that the **** of love didn’t take care of us, indicating that Tanuma-san is not the true son of Shijo-san.”

He knows more or less the poisonous chicken soup. Seeing Shijo true concubine’s gradually changing face, Kirisu Kazuto gives a fatal blow, “And Kashiwagi-san is still Shijo-san’s friend. Will you do something to steal love with a sword? ”


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