I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Kirsu and Kazuto want to work part-time

Shijo true princess is a masochistic type? Following a sweet date with a friend and someone he likes, it would be so big that Kirito and Ren would not be able to bear it, and he would be depressed to death.

However, the true concubine Shijo insisted, and he could not control it. It was just that their student union group activities also went to the amusement park. Tanuma Tsubasa and Nagisa Kashiwagi were not counted. Now there is another true concubine Shijo, and Kirito Kazuto already wants to back down. It was cancelled like that before, and there is an abyss ahead.

After the discussion, the true concubine Shijo thanked him for leaving. Kirisu and Kazuto thought he hadn’t done anything. Some of them were just poisonous chicken soup for the soul, and he didn’t think it was of much use. The persuader didn’t listen much.

People who fall in love are almost the same. Do something stupid for the person you like, and you may feel ashamed when you calm down afterwards. Just like when you grow up and read a composition written by yourself in elementary school, your feelings are indescribable and you just want to scratch your head and hide your face. , She covered her face and didn’t want to admit that it was my masterpiece, and my shame exploded.

The rest he can only give a little blessing, I hope Shijo true concubine can come out, and hope that the trailing of the weekend trip is really the last time, and he can face himself afterwards, and take the courage to stop thinking about Tsubasa Tanuma. Thing, let go of this crush.

Back at the apartment, Kirito and Kazuto made two simple dishes with the ingredients left in the refrigerator. After Ms. Ma Dong came back, he had dinner and cleaned up the dishes. When he returned to the room to brush his skills, he couldn’t help thinking about something. Things for summer vacation.

is also a momentary thought. Although Jindong sister and family don’t need him to work to make money, he suddenly had this plan in his heart when he heard from a close friend in the student union today. In fact, part-time work is quite good.


There is a lot of time during the summer vacation, and he has nothing else to do. I don’t know what will happen to him and his close friends tomorrow. Sister Zhendong will not stop him from working for a summer vacation.

However, if it is said that it is a summer, they actually have to deduct their student union trips and other messy things. Kazuto Kirito thinks that he should have half a summer vacation to work part-time. It’s not bad that he can earn tens of thousands of yen in pocket money. .


Even if the students in Xiuzhiyuan work part-time, they have to get the consent of the school and the guardian, so he walked out of the room again and saw his relatives and sisters sorting out the materials needed for tomorrow’s class on the small table. Kirisu sat across from him. After being silent for a while, he hesitated, “Sister Zhendong, there is one thing I want to discuss with you.”

Kirisu Masuu raised his head and glanced at his younger brother. Just now, when the room door made a noise, she walked across to her and sat down and she knew it. Originally, he thought Heren-kun was just coming to take a look, but he didn’t expect something to happen.

After a moment, she asked, “What’s the matter?”

There is no need to circumscribe the corners. After thinking about it, Kirisu Kazuto said directly, “I want to go to work during the summer vacation.”

Kirito frowned. Her younger brother had talked to her about this topic before, but she refused on the grounds of studying. High school students should look like high school students. They don’t have to work part-time to maintain their families, and they have pocket money. She did not give anything less, and she could fully enjoy her high school life.


Now He Renjun mentioned it to her again. It was not like a rash or temporary decision. If only during the summer vacation, she would accept it without delay in studying.

“Yes.” Kirisu Matsumoto groaned for a long time before nodding, “But you can only work during the summer vacation, and you have to quit when school starts.”

That’s what Kirisu Kazuto thought. He thought that he would enlighten Sister Ma Dong a little more, so he agreed directly and made him stunned for a while, and then promised, “I know.”

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief. If he doesn’t agree with him, there is nothing he can do. The students of Xiuzhiyuan need to get a power of attorney from the Student Union for a part-time job, and the power of attorney needs to be signed by the guardian.

In short, the process is very troublesome. As for the part-time job authorization letter, it not only states his school name and class, but also asks the boss to sign and stamp it when he arrives at the part-time job location. After he gets it back, it will be handed over to the student club to enter the file, so that it will work in the future. If you have been unfairly treated, such as forced overtime work, forced employment of high-risk jobs, unreasonable deductions or even arrears of salary, you can come back to the student union, the student union will contact the school, and then take a lawyer to find the other party to settle the accounts-be it Protection of students.

However, although it’s a little troublesome, he belongs to the Student Union, and it’s settled if he gets the consent of Sister Ma Dong.

According to Japanese legal requirements, college students can work part-time. Their income is protected by the state and they enjoy public general work-related injury insurance. However, part-time jobs are restricted and cannot enter the customary industry. Most of the entertainment industry is not allowed, such as karaoke, bars, dance halls, etc. Nightclubs, amusement halls and the like are not good-these can only be done after college.

High-risk industries such as the construction industry do not agree. Basically, the rest are supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, amusement parks, etc. They are all workplaces that are not easily injured.

There are also strict restrictions on time. After all, the main job of students is learning, and it is impossible to allow all energy to be spent on part-time work. In theory, the school period cannot exceed 35 hours a week.

Of course, it is not that you can ignore the part-time job school if you agree to it. If there is a huge fluctuation in the scores in the academic ability test, the teacher in charge of the class has the right to prohibit continuing to participate in part-time job activities. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Sister Ma Dong is busy, and after getting permission, Kirisu and Kazuto go back to the room. He knows that Shirogane Yuhang has a lot of part-time jobs part-time, and his plan is to ask a close friend to help him introduce one, such as restaurants and izakayas. He is quite confident in his cooking, and the staff in the kitchen are also good.


Those cooking restaurants probably wouldn’t use him, a high school student, to cook. At most, he would be a helper, washing vegetables, preparing cooking ingredients, and cutting vegetables.

The basic needs are mostly the clerk working in front of him. Kazuto Kirsu thinks that he has a good image, and his natural goodwill for receiving female customers is fully added.

In addition to these, work in convenience stores and supermarkets is also okay, but the hourly salary of cashiers is a little less than that of restaurants, usually 850-900 yen an hour, and it is not easy, without the restaurant industry, the minimum is about 1,000 yen. A good start.

Although Tongsu and Ren are not working for money, experience is more important, but this kind of thing is like two stores with different prices for the same goods. It is not a cost-effective thing, but it is clearly cheaper. Why should you spend money to buy it? of?

After thinking about it for a while, Kirito and Ren felt that he could do anything, mainly because he could find something to do during this summer vacation and don’t need to be idle at home. Otherwise, after a long period of time, being bored at home would make people stunned, and the whole person would be bad. Up.

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