I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Malicious envelope incident continued

Kitahara Rina raised her eyebrows and found that it was not easy. She and her sister stood aside and did not intervene in the conversation with Rensang and the criminal police officer, but listening to her, she also understood what had happened—the malicious envelope incident.

Although Xiao Bai Lian broke a little bit sometimes, she never took the initiative to provoke people. She was always kind to others. She was angry only because of the feeling of losing to Kazuto’s unwillingness and wanting to win back.

Hanging up with Rensang to call Qianhuajiang, she asked, “Herensang, what’s the matter with the malicious envelope incident.”

Kirisu and Kazuto glanced at Rina. Originally, except for a few people in the student union, the fewer people they knew, the better, but because of this accident, Rina could not hide it. He hesitated and said, “I received it at noon yesterday. A malicious threatening letter with a deadly content, but don’t worry, Sinomiya-san has already helped with the investigation, and there should be results these days.”

“If you need me and Yukina, you can also help.” Hearing that it is under investigation, Kitahara Rina nodded and said, “This has exceeded the scope of pranks and must be investigated clearly.”

“That person is really hateful.” Kitahara said angrily. He Rensang is her friend, and bullying her friend is equivalent to bullying her. No matter how good her character is, she will inevitably get angry.


Fujiwara Qianhua was very unhappy. She was suddenly preached by Rensang on the phone. It was obvious that she was also very kind, and it was easier for the police to intervene and investigate.

As a donkey, Fujiwara Qianhua vowed never to help the ungrateful guy again, but the phone did not leave her hand, she found a number and dialed out, “Moximosi, Uncle Okawa, um… Yes, but don’t help me with this. Now, we will solve it ourselves…”

After hanging up the phone, Fujiwara Chika breathed a sigh of relief. The Metropolitan Police Department cancelled its investigation into this matter. After thinking about it, she changed her number to call the channel, “Lingzi, I’m Chika, I want to trouble you one. Things…” The fool and Rensang who would only bully her, who asked her to agree to help, can only do good things to the end and continue.


Kirisu and Kazuto asked Rina and Xuena to help keep it secret. He didn’t want this matter to be spread everywhere, which would cause unnecessary misunderstandings in the end.

He will solve the matter, and Shimiya Teruya will help to investigate. The energy of the Sinomiya family is used for this kind of thing. It is overkill, and Kirsu and Toto don’t think they can’t find anything.

Tomorrow at the latest, Shimiya Kaguya should tell him who the person “wrote the threatening letter” is.

met Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata. Several people started the afternoon study session, but after a while, his phone vibrated. It was Chika Fujiwara.

This fool…

He still made a disrespect, left the position and went out to the coffee shop to answer the phone.

“Humph.” As soon as the phone was connected, there was a smug laughter. Then Kirisu and Renshou heard, “Kazuto-san, you have to thank me. The person who wrote the threatening letter found it.”

Kirito and Ren were slightly surprised. To be reasonable, he felt that the speed of Shimiya Kaguya’s investigation should be faster. He didn’t expect the fool to be faster. Is this the power of the agency (misunderstanding).


I found the person who wrote him the threatening letter. Kirito Kazuto’s tone was slightly cold, and he asked, “Who is it.”

It’s okay to be proud. It’s not that Fujiwara Chika doesn’t understand the atmosphere at all. She replied directly, “Speaking of which, I know Rensan, it’s Itou Shuichi who maliciously created rumors before.”


Knowing that Kazurin-san, who is on the other side of the phone, might not respond for a while, Fujiwara Chika explained again, “Ito Shu has returned home.”

Originally, he thought that it was possible that he had collided with someone’s interests, or was too close to any girl, and it was possible to cause dissatisfaction with the crush, but Kirito Kazuto could not think that it was the guy Shuichi Itou who was doing the trouble.

I didn’t dare to write this in the novel, so I ran out to disgust him.

After thinking for a while, Kirisu Kazuto asked Fujiwara Chika who was opposite to him, “Fujiwara-san, do you know where Shu Ido will live when he returns to Japan.”

“The address was sent to you.” Chika Fujiwara manipulated the phone and said, “I also told Kaguya-san, she will contact you later.”

“Hmm.” Kirisu Kazuto’s phone answered, “I see.”

said a few more words that Kirsu hung up with someone. For Shuichi Itou, he will use his own method this time.


Shigiya Teruya will continue to help him to make Kirito Kazuto a little surprised.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived. He just hung up the phone and the phone vibrated again. It was Kaguya Sinomiya who called. He pressed the answer button and asked directly over there, “Kirisusan, where are you.”

Kirito and Ren reported the address, and he said on the phone and waited for a while. He thought about it, and the study meeting had to be settled first.

Kitahara Rina saw Kirisu come back with Kazuto, and asked, “Kazuto-san, is there any progress?”

Kirito nodded and replied, “Well, I will come here in a while.”

Kitahara Rina knew, she immediately understood, and smiled lightly, “Leave it to me here, just go with Rensan.”

Kirsu and Kazuto were slightly surprised. Originally, he had prepared some remarks, but now he couldn’t help but look at Rina, and then at Xuena, the difference between the sisters was really big.

He nodded again accepted the kindly thank you, “Then I will trouble you, Rina.”

Fumuno Furuhashi and Rizuki Ogata didn’t know, but Kazuto Kirsu apologized to the two of them and needed to leave, and the study session was conducted by Rina to continue.

After leaving the cafe and waiting for a while, Kirisu Kazuto saw the car from the Sinomiya family approaching him.

“Get in the car.” Kirito was stunned for a moment. It was not Kaguya Ninomiya who opened the window to talk to him, but the girl he saw with Kaguya Ninomiya in the cinema before—a maid costume. It wasn’t the hair color, he almost didn’t recognize it.

Kirisu and Kazuto did not hesitate, he opened the door of the car and sat up, and sat in the back with the girl in the maid costume.

“Hello, I’m Smith A. Hasaka, Miss Kaguya’s exclusive maid.” Hayasaka Ai nodded, regarded as a courtesy, and then introduced herself, but it was different from the playful foreigner she used to calculate Shi Shangyou in the mall before. Human image, today she used a more serious tone, and the impression she gave people would become shrewd and capable.

Tongsu was not surprised, and he was close to the maid in his impression. However, before he could introduce him, the maid Hasaka explained the matter again, “Ms. Kaguya said about Tongsusan. This matter is also handed over to me to assist Tongsusan, and the place we go directly to is the single apartment rented by Yitang Shuichi.”


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