I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 simulation? Lie!

Kirito Kazuto re-measured Fumino Guhashi. There was a mole on the lower left corner of the eye. It was just right. The melon seeds had big eyes and a pair of small dimples on both cheeks when they laughed. They can be called in the aesthetics of bronze beard and people. Beautiful people, at least in the school where Xiuzhiyuan is full of daughters, it can also be ranked first, but it is a pity that there are some problems in the brain.

Fumina Guqiao didn’t know that the men around her were thinking about being rude. Her thoughts happened to recall that when school was over at noon today, Mr. Kirisu called her to the office to chat alone. Her talent is in liberal arts and shouldn’t be strenuous. It’s a waste of talent if you are not pleased to study science.

Many teachers who taught her before would say that, although Fumino Furuhashi is a little used to it, she is still a little depressed, which is why she will turn her sadness into appetite and want to eat a convenient lunch.

Everyone has a small persistence in her heart, and studying astronomy and finding the stars that belong to her mother is her obsession, and she must pass the science exam if she wants to go to the astronomy department-so she must study science and enter a science university .

“Ah, sorry.” Fumino Guhashi came back from wandering, and found that the boy with the same surname as Mr. Kirsu was still standing in front of her. She realized that she had just wandered, and Kirito and Kazuto didn’t care, Gu When Hashi Fumino said it, he didn’t take any malice, and he could feel it, but simply said it like that. He smiled slightly, “It’s okay, I’m going to go back after I bought the cooking ingredients.”

Kirisu Kazuto didn’t mention the problem that Fumino Fumino subconsciously said just now.

The surname of Kirisu is not so common. If it is the surnames like Sato and Ito, he might have admitted it wrong. Kirsu’s surname is also a member of Ichinose Academy. Whatever he thinks, it has something to do with his own sister.

What the **** did Ms. Shindong do to make the pretty girl with a weak brain feel so resentful for the surname “Kirisu”?

I have to say that his image is naturally good for women, and Fumina Fumina Furuhashi has the things he needs to buy. After asking where he is going, he found the same way. Now they have walked the same street together.

Furuhashi feels a little dull just walking and not talking. She wants to say a little bit to enliven the atmosphere, “Kirisu-san is not from Ichinose Academy.”

“No.” The crosswalk is at a red light, and you need to wait for the green light to pass. Hearing Fumino Furuhashi’s question, he replied, “I’m from the High School of Xiujiin Academy.”

Fumina Guqiao said in surprise, “Eh, that famous door?”

The nearest higher department nearby is Ichinose Gakuen. She has never seen Kirisu Kazuto at Ichinose Gakuen, and her uniform is different, so Fumino Furuhashi asked.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be that noble school, which caused Fumino Furuhashi to cover her mouth.

“Although I’m a famous student, I’m just an external student, and there is nothing remarkable.” Tongsu and Ren narrowed his eyes, and he was quite happy to see Guqiao Wennai astonished. It was like an ordinary college student in a previous life who met a Tsinghua University student. It is not hypocritical to enjoy the pleasure of being looked at invisible, and by the way a few words of self-deprecation.

But, in just a short time, Kirito Kazuto was not a person with high vanity. After being humble, he said again, “What happened to Furuhashi-san in school?”

is related to Ms. Ma Dong, and Kirisu and people are also a little curious, so I want to inquire about it sideways.

Fumina Fumina was silent for a while, she wouldn’t be impressed by what she had said before, and she vaguely sensed what she said impolite when she lost her mind.

“Tong…” Fumino Guhashi wanted to talk about Mr. Tongsu, but Mr. Tongsu and Mr. Tongsu-san had the same surname, and he quickly changed his mouth, “I was called to the office by the teacher when school was over, and I was scolded very badly. Sure enough, the teacher hates me, right.”

Tirisu and people feel that Fumina Fumashi is a bit lost. Generally speaking, the two people who have just met, especially women to men, don’t say so much, but Fumina Fumashi is an exception.

Furthermore, Fumino Furuhashi was a little bit hidden, but Kazuto Kirsu still caught the word. The teacher is Mr. Kirsu. There is only one teacher with the surname of Kirsu at Ichinose Gakuen, and his sister is right.

Sister Zhendong is a bit stricter sometimes, but more often…

“Heren, ah! There are cockroaches! Heren, I can’t find my clothes!” He couldn’t think of the majestic side of such a homeless teacher.

“Guqiao-san, I don’t know if you have heard of it. The students that the teacher does not care about are those who have been abandoned, and only the students they care about will scold them.” Regarding their own relatives, Kirito and Ren thought about it. Wanting to reduce the negative comments for Sister Zhendong, she looked at Fumina Guqiao and smiled, “Therefore, Guqiao-san is very important in the teacher’s heart, so he will be scolded, not because he hates Guqiao-san.”

“Eh…” Fumino Furuhashi turned her head slightly. If she didn’t think of Mr. Kirsu’s angry face again, she would have almost believed it, “Thank you, Kirsu-san, for enlightening me or something.”


Although Fumina Fumina was thanking him, he was actually perfunctory and didn’t want him to continue talking. Originally, Kazuto Kirito wanted to say a few more good things to Sister Zhendong, so after thinking about it, he gave up.

But there is one point, Kirsu and Kazuto can’t help but emphasize, “I’m not talking pretty, Furuhashi-san, I think you should understand the truth of love and responsibility.”

Such an incident happened to Kirito when he was a child. For some reason, when he was a junior, he fought with his classmates.

The teacher only reprimanded him for a two-person fight, not that the teacher favored the other child who was fighting.

also realized in the memory of his previous life when he was awakened in the second state. Another child often sneaked and bullied. In the teacher’s eyes, he was already hopeless. He still has a rescue, and the teacher does not want him to learn badly.

After two more intersections, the road behind Tongsu and Renhe Guqiao Wennai are different, and they separate.

Kirisu Kazuto returned to the apartment carrying the cooking ingredients, entered the door, and put the cooking ingredients in the refrigerator.

I went to the supermarket and met a girl with “brainless” again, and it didn’t take long in total.

The appointment time between him and Shirogin Yuxing was four o’clock in the afternoon. While it was still early, Kirisu cleaned the house with others.

He has a little cleanliness and can’t stand the mess of the house he lives in.

Two hours of watching a movie are enough. After tidying up the house, I read a book in the room for a while. The reading time is almost the same. Before leaving, he put the washed rice in the automatic rice cooker.

When the rice is done, it will automatically jump to the heat preservation. When you come back after watching the movie, you can copy two more dishes to eat.

Tirisu and Toto have never had the habit of waiting for people in their previous life or now. About fifteen minutes before four o’clock in UU reading www.uukanshu.com, he arrived in front of the statue in the square in front of the movie city.

Silver Royal has not arrived yet.

From noon, I asked a friend for help. After Kirsu and Ren agreed that after they had separated, Shirogane went to the student union and thought a lot.

People who work rigorously will list a lot of detailed content plans before doing something, whether it’s checking information or consulting on the Internet.

Knowing oneself and one another, it always makes people feel at ease to check more information, whether it is useful or not.

In order to be perfect tomorrow and Shinomiya Kaguya’s formal movie watching, today he and Kirito Kazuto’s simulation, Shirogin Miyuki laid out a thorough plan from beginning to end.

First, he went home and changed into a set of clean clothes, and brought unopened chocolates that his father didn’t know where to buy.

As soon as he arrived in front of the movie city, Shirogane Yuyue saw Kirisu Kazuto in front of the statue.

As a thank you gift from friends today, Bai Yin Yuxing greeted him as he walked here, “Sorry, I’m late.”

Kiroshi and Kirito didn’t wait too long, and Shirogin Yuhang wasn’t someone who would be late. It was not four o’clock yet.

“I’ve just arrived.” He was not polite. He saw Shi Yin Yuxing handing over the gift bag. This kid was considered conscientious, and he deserved it. Kirisu Kazuto smiled and said, “It’s a waste.”

Cannibalism and short hands. After receiving the gift, Kirito Kazuto thinks he should work hard.


Before he could show his determination, Kirito and Ren paled, and almost threw the gift back to Shirogin Yuhang and wanted to run, because this guy’s eyes were solemn and his mouth stumbled and said, “He…he, he, please, please …please date with me.”

Knock in? I’ve thought of it a long time ago.

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