I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 339

Chapter 336 Friends who are good enough to hug?

Kirisu Kazuto was left with emotion. Although the girls’ competition was a little bit worse than the boys’ competition, Yuuki, who participated in the competition as a girl, was on the same starting line, and the 45 slashing daring he won was also one. A veritable new legend.

After Xuena came back from the field, Kirisu Kazuto smiled happily for him, “Congratulations to Xuena, this is the first champion of your life.”

Kitahara Yuuna is so happy, it turns out that participating in the competition is such a fun thing, how she didn’t know before, there was such a fun thing.

While thinking about this, and to express her feelings, Yukina suddenly hugged Kirsu-san and vented her joy, “Thank you, Kazuhiro.”

Fukuzawa Toumi contracted her pupils subconsciously, what is her eldest daughter doing, asshole, openly holding a boy or not being reserved by a girl.


She seems to have done similar things with her idiot sister before. It was the fault of the man next to her. The more she got angry, she couldn’t help but prepare to reach out and pinch her husband.

What kind of crazy hair is this little radish, I found out when Xiujia Kitahara reached out his hand, and he stopped it in time so that there was no red or green flesh on his body.

Fukuzawa Dongmei became even more angry. She glanced at the snow again, and the hand that was stopped fell on the stupid sister. It was born to you, with a smile on her face! !

“Woo ”

Xueli used to cheer with the audience, but suddenly changed her tone and wailed, then turned to look at her sister innocently. She was inexplicably tragic. What did she do wrong?

Suzuki Riya looked aside, her good friend was called out by the pinch. Although she was covered up under the constant cheers of the venue, she still spoke for the snow, “Dwarf melon, is it because of menopause that you are so irritable? Earlier.”

“Shut up, shit, you’re just getting early menopause.” After being scolded, early menopause is the last thing women can say. Fukuzawa Fukuzawa became angry and said angrily, “After watching the game, you will return to your Nagoya to stay. Right.”

“That’s not okay.” This kind of bickering has become a habit of knowing for more than 20 years, Suzuki Riya is not afraid, and immediately began to say, “The boy Yuuna is holding on the field looks very handsome. It’s perfect for my daughter.”

“Asshole, that’s my daughter.” Fukuzawa Toumi became even more angry when she heard Suzuki Riri deliberately angering her, “Well, in case it is a little white face with a big radish, Xuena is not deceived yet. Go!”

Kitahara Hideji’s whispered, how did he feel that the little turnip was pointing at Sang Huai, but he didn’t dare to refute it, otherwise the noise would become more serious for a while.

Seeing that Onixan’s face was sad, Kagura Yoko thought for a while and said, “Sister Dongmei, I don’t think that boy is a careless person. His hands didn’t take the opportunity to do anything, but instead looked very green.”

When Yoko spoke, Fukuzawa Dongmei calmed down a bit. She took a look and explained, “Boys are the kind of sullen heart, and they hide well when there are many people, but they are exposed in private. Xuenai is very simple, as long as the bad boys coax them, they will be fooled.”

My husband’s virtues Fukuzawa Toumi is very clear, and I can understand things that can be understood by learning from it. A former gentleman, his eyes are green at night, and even old husbands and wives do not pay attention to temperance, relying on good health to transform into a beast.

Fukuzawa Toumi was very happy when she was angry. Suzuki Riya was deliberately angry with the little carrot head. She smiled and said, “Yukina is your daughter and mine. She was born in Xueli. If you care so much, wait a while and ask in person. Just ask if you don’t. If you lose your temper here, you can say that it’s not menopause.”

“Okay.” Kitahara knew that he couldn’t speak here anymore. She stopped the two men saying, “The game is over, let’s leave the venue and go out and wait for Yuuna and Rina.”


Kirito and Ren were hugged by Yukina violently and couldn’t help taking a step back, but he didn’t say anything. He won the game and took 45 to fight and was happy. It is not difficult to understand how to do something for the occasion.


The reporters did not want to let go of such a good news. The flashlight dazzled the people, and Kirito and the heart were slightly helpless. I don’t know what the news of tomorrow will say about him. Lace News, no matter what era and what world, forever Both are the gossip centers of public concern.

After the game, they ran off again. The flags were awarded on the last day of the Yulongqi Conference. The reporters today are even crazier than yesterday. There is already a tendency that they can’t stop them. It is better to avoid the wind.

After leaving the Civic Gymnasium and meeting the people of their student union, Kirisu and the talent knew that Rina’s family was coming. He suddenly seemed to understand something. The two were separated from them temporarily, leaving the group of them to go back. To the hotel.

“Stare ”

There is no way to celebrate when Yukana is away. Jiangchuan-senpai arranged to wait for the two who met with the family to come back and prepare to celebrate, but the student union returned to the room first, and Fujiwara Chika stared at him with a serious look. Su and people know what they are expressing.

How does he explain? Xuenai gave him a hug.

In the eyes of others, the first person to embrace the opposite **** definitely has some inside story after returning from winning. Kirisu Kazuto also understands this, so he was also helpless with Xuena’s actions before.

After hesitating, he thought for a while and wanted to explain, “Shinna was so excited after winning the game before, and my arm hurts a bit when he is strangling me.”

Kirito lied to him Not only did he not feel pain, but he was also very comfortable, and he could feel the papaya on his chest even through the breastplate when he touched his body, although it was not soft to the touch, but It also made him sigh slightly, as if he had grown up a bit during the summer vacation.

At this time, Princess Shijo and Chika Fujiwara are comrades-in-arms on the united front, and she doesn’t want to suddenly have another rival in love. Although Kirisu-san emphasized “Xuena’s excitement”, the specific situation is intriguing.

After pondering for a moment, she asked, “Kirisusan and Yukina have a good relationship.”


Kiroshi and Kirito were stunned and gave the proposition. Unexpectedly, when he also encountered this situation, he talked about other girls in front of two girls who had expressed his feelings to him. How should he answer?

“Rina Yukina, I, and Chika are in the same club, so we can play more easily.” The more dangerous it is, the more calm you are. Kirisu Kazuto thought about it and replied, “They are better friends.”

My friend, he emphasized his tone here. God knows why girls always like this kind of thing. Obviously he and Xuena really have nothing to do.


Shijo true concubine didn’t believe it, but she ordered what Ying and Kirisu-san said, and continued, “A friend good enough to hug?”


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