I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 343

Chapter 340 Heart of Magic Sword

They played one after another. After playing one team, they went back to rest. At the end, unknowingly, the first day of the knockout round was left with the last set. Kirisu and Kazuto could see, and the audience suddenly held their breath from cheering, fearing. Affected his rest, leading to the end of the second legend.

Jiangchuan Kikue’s mood can be said to be more nervous than yesterday and the day before yesterday. His younger brother Kiryu is really too strong. He defeated the fourth team alone, and as long as they win this final victory, they will be able to advance. Tomorrow’s final.

Unlike the girls team, even if Yukina fails and she and Yada Yoshiko are standing behind, if Kirisu and Kazuki lose, Ekawa Kikue glanced at the other male players and hoped that Tajima Ikuo would turn the tide.

Coming back to the game, Kirisu Kazuto took a deep breath and forced himself to fight again. At the same time, he began to look at his final opponent, the local team in Fukuoka City, one of the most promising seed teams before the competition. One of Funan High School.

is a strong kendo team, even better than all the previous teams he has met so far added together. According to the game, is it the final trial?

After going through this round, he can fight for the victory or 45. He can fight for it. If he loses, he will stop there. They will go home with a grand slam in the girls group this time.


Kirsu and Kazuto want to win with strength, but if he doesn’t have enough physical strength, he will definitely lose, so he can only use system skills.

The referee gave an order. In order to be surprised, Kirisu Kazuto used the skill of soft hand, took a step and swung the sword and rushed forward. The attack was a surprise, making the opponent think that he was in a period of weakness, but he had a skill increase in strength. The bonus is not at all weaker than his peak power, and even improved.


The soft-hand skill only has one chance to attack, and it takes 30 seconds to cool down the skill. The subsequent attacks will be much weaker immediately, but Kirito and Kazuto caught the sudden surprise and broke the defense, and then immediately added two swords directly. It hit the wrist, and shouted out in anger, “Hands.”

One hit scored and retreated the broken heart. The referee raised the flag to indicate that it was valid. In the vanguard of the final battle, Kazuto Kirito took the lead to score one point.


Hatta Yoshiko screamed beautifully in his heart. Kirisu and Kazuto scored very neatly. Although playing the fourth team is a bit tired, his heart is not messed up at all, or this is the basic quality of a swordsman.

In the second game of the vanguard battle, the same method may not have any effect on the seed team vanguard. Kazuto Kirito is going to change the way of offense, otherwise his freshly cooled soft hand can only be wasted on meaningless offense.


Yoshiko Hatta was watching the game. She was a little surprised at the beginning of the second game of Vanguard, because Kirisu and Ren continued their offensive, but they were different from the previous onslaught. She knew the technique she was using now. The “ten blades” of eclipse flow.

Knife and knife are deceptive and belong to a trick type technique. It is a repertoire, just like playing chess, desperately inducing and exerting pressure to let the opponent move according to their own minds. In the end, the opponent sinks deeper and deeper, and it has already fallen when he wakes up. Into a desperate situation.

Doesn’t the physical strength support the skills to come together? Yoshiko Hatta understood what Kirito Kazuto did, and the effect was also very useful. The forward of Funan High School, who played against the local seeded team of Fukuoka City, retreated steadily. He was slammed into the faceplate and lost two books to end the game.

Kirisu and Ren and the opposing pioneer went off together, but he retreated to the sideline and came back. Then he was about to play the opposing second forward in the final round of the knockout round on the first day. In order to win, he was able to stand firm.

The forward of Funan High School lost the second striker and had something to gain, and he played vigilantly, but when the fight started, he realized that it was not the previous one, and he did not change back to the previous routine used with other teams. He suddenly understood. The striker of Xiujiin Academy is very bad, and the real one has only been used now. Was it a single technique and tactics used by emotions to confuse them before?


He lost the game in such a vague way, replaced by their backbone, and launched a fierce attack relying on the exhaustion of the enemy’s body. The backbone fought and found that he could not break the opponent’s defense at all, and then his side gradually became a disadvantage. .

It shouldn’t be. Isn’t the striker of Xiujiin Academy very tired? Why can he still fight a protracted battle with him? This is unscientific. Is it possible that the tired side is also pretended?

After Tongsu Kazuto won the backbone of Funan High School, he was stunned. Originally, his last physical strength gradually disappeared, and basically defeated the backbone. But suddenly the system prompts him to upgrade his kendo level to lv15. The attribute points recovered some physical strength, and it was accompanied by a 15-level kendo extension skill-the magic sword of the heart. When attacking, the enemy will have an illusion and make a pre-judgment that is not conducive to him. The cooling time is 30 seconds.

is simple and easy to understand. It just has the same cooling time limit as the soft hand, but Kirisu knows that he is stable in the subsequent games.

Thanks to the bonus of kendo experience in the field of actual combat, he lost two and a half levels of experience. After playing more than 20 games, he can directly reach level 15 and obtain extended skills. Kirito and Ren moved his muscles and bones. After the backbone It was the deputy he couldn’t help but smiled and set off an exclamation from the audience. It was a bit of feedback for the girls who had just become his little fans to cheer for him. The 25 dare to fight for him before the final. By the way, I have to try his newly acquired skills with people from Funan High School.

At the referee’s order, Kirito and Kazuto rushed to the opposite side while holding the sword in one slip, and he couldn’t waste the additional physical strength that the skill upgrade gave him the attribute point bonus.

After trying two consecutive strokes, he silently recited the name “Phantom Sword of Heart” in his heart, and Kirito Kazuto clearly saw the lieutenant of Funan High School opposite he hesitated for a moment, and then tried to block something when he shouldn’t swing his sword.

When the opportunity comes, he will not miss it. Kirito and Kazuto turned on the soft hands again, and under the power bonus, his sword slammed straight to the opponent’s visor, and when he hit it, he made a sigh of relief and roared. ,”surface!!!”

was clean and clear, scoring quickly opened the distance, the opponent looked at the left and right with a “stunned” face, as if he wanted to know why he made a mistake and was scored.

The audience cheered again, and Kirisu and Kazuto returned to the starting line. The big screen of the venue broadcasted the whole game between him and Funan High School. This kind of cheer was only done by Xuena before, and now it is incredible that it is his turn. The reporters also took crazy snapshots during the preparations for both sides of the game, and didn’t want to miss any detail. He glanced at it, and another wall of people, cameras and cameras was built outside the arena.


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