I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 374

Chapter 371 End of the election for the president of

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The sequence of the speech starts with the small bowl of Iino Yako’s support for the Great History of the Great Buddha, then Shinomiya Teruya, him, and then to Iino Yako, so Shinomiya Teruya is about to finish the speech. His friend patted him on the shoulder and cheered for him. Knowing that there is nothing wrong.

He sorted out his appearance and asked his friend to check that there was no mistake. He nodded to Teruya Shinomiya who had returned from the end of the speech, and listened to the command of Chika Fujiwara, who was acting as the host, Yu Ishikami and Mako Shijo. In “Come on”, Baiyin Yuxing stepped onto the stage.

The manuscripts of his speech were also written by friends, and various promises have emerged one after another, but most of them are just empty checks, just to create the atmosphere of the scene. Anyway, afterwards, as long as the general direction is correct, he can do all the other promises. Can’t guarantee anymore.

to sum up.

The students at the Xiuzhiyuan below will say whatever they like to listen to. Of course, they can’t obviously touch the school rules. They are sloppy within a certain range, and the teachers present can’t find faults. Baiyin Yuxing has to sigh with human abilities. It is really strong, and the manuscript is impeccably written.

Kirisu Kazuto has observed the expressions of the students at Shujiin Academy when Shirogin Yuyue gave a speech. If nothing happens, it will be basically no problem, because it is almost lifeless when compared to the support speech of the Buddha and the small bowl. Huiye and Baiyin Yuxing have achieved new highs.

of course……

Before the end, he couldn’t pack the ticket. After Shirogin Yuyuki’s speech, Iino Yako was left. God knows if he will change what the Buddha Xiaoba said in his speech. If they change their policy, they will be in trouble.

After the words were finished, Bai Yin Yuxing sighed in relief, and his speech ended safely without any mistakes.

He bowed, and when he walked off the field, he raged with Iino Yako. He saw the little man’s serious face with a hint of anxiety?

“we won.”

When the chairman returned to them, Ishigami said with emotion that the seniors may not understand Iino Yako, but as a student in the same class, he knew very well.

The Great Buddha Xiaoba wanted to cheer for his friend who walked to the center of the stage to pick up the microphone and was nervous and speechless, but was afraid to disturb Iino Yako, but stopped talking when he reached his lips.

“That’s how Iino Yako can’t win.” As if to verify what he said before, Ishigami Yu continued with the eyes of everyone looking at him, “She was not good at talking in front of others, and every time she went through a similar election, she was cautious. The situation will become more serious.”

“Is this funny? The first grade grade is not flexible, and she criticizes others with a majestic appearance. Presumably she has offended and regarded her as a thorn in her eyes and is waiting to see the joke.”

Speaking of later Ishigami Yu became self-deprecating, “In fact, even I have a lot of dissatisfaction with her.”


Self-deprecation was replaced with gloom, Ishigami Yu thought of herself, and said with empathy, “It is still very uncomfortable, when people who are working hard are laughed at…”

Kirisu Kazuto looked at Yu Ishigami with a little surprise, and this guy could say such thought-provoking words in his mouth, completely unlike him.

Normally, Kirito Kazuto’s impression is that Ishigami Yu didn’t participate in laughing at the army.


Hearing Ishigami Yu’s words also confirmed his new understanding of Iino Yako. Kirisu Kazuto looked at the stage fright girl who was struggling to raise his head to face the audience offstage, but frequently moved away from his eyes, hands and feet bewildered by the stage fright girl. .

Obviously, when the conduct inspections of the discipline committee work, they will not be afraid to give up when facing seniors in the senior grades. They implement their own bottom line of uncompromising and maintain school discipline and discipline.

“As long as you don’t be laughed at, right?” Kirisu Kazuto smiled after receiving Ishigami’s words.

Iino wanted to escape. As long as he escaped, he would never hear anyone mocking her anymore, nor could he see everyone looking at her with disdain, indifference, and mocking expressions.

as long as……

In a panic, Iino Yako accidentally dropped the speech in her hand, and her mood fell to the bottom. She knelt and sat on the podium with the microphone rolling aside. Sure enough, she was not suitable for running for student president.

Reached out and took the microphone in Baiyin Yuxing’s hand, he was worthy of being his best friend, and instantly understood his thoughts. It can be seen that Baiyin Yuxing also has the idea of ​​saving the field. Just like him, he saved the hard work but is about to save. A stage fright girl who became a “joker”.

It’s just that this bad guy’s best friend wants to run for the student council and can’t be the president, so let him do it.

By the way…

Picking up the manuscript that fell to his feet, Kirisu and Ren glanced at the same set as stated in the convention, and he picked up the microphone and said, “That’s enough, you are wasting everyone’s time.”

“and many more……”

Yako Iino knew that her speechless stage fright was wasting everyone’s time, but she didn’t want to give up. She just picked up the microphone and stood up and couldn’t help but walk lightly on her hind legs. She looked shocked and wanted to remedy it, ” I still……”

“It’s the same if you say it or not.” Kirito glanced at the audience, and being a villain temporarily made him uncomfortable, but he was considered successful when he attracted the attention of many Xiuzhiyuan students. The performance needed Continuing, he took Iino’s speech to his eyes and asked, “Speaking of which, do you think you can really get a ticket for advocating such a stupid convention, Iino Yako.”

“This…Is this stupid?”

Iino Yako stared at Kirito Kazuto’s eyes incredibly. It was this sentence that shook her three views all the time, and was pointed out by others that she didn’t want to face the problem.

“Of course I am stupid.” Iino Yako still didn’t lose his ability to think completely because of stage fright. Kirisu and Kazuto sighed in relief. He stepped forward and turned the front of the manuscript forward. Forcing a shaved head or something, everyone will hate it as they should.”

“So… this is that…” Yako Iino took a step back again. She clutched her stomach and felt the cramping cramps caused by panic. The cold sweat broke out on her temples. She wanted to escape regardless, but in front of her The boy pressed harder step by step, she suddenly raised her head and heard the other person’s loud voice, “If you want to refute, just look into my eyes and say.”

“What I want to say is…” With the intermittent blankness of the brain, Iino Yako subconsciously wanted to refute, but she stopped talking when she reached her mouth. She understood what she wanted to say in her heart, but she couldn’t say it in her mind. .

The villain’s work is really tiring, but it’s almost enough to lead here. Kirisu and Ren’s faces changed to smiles and smiled, “Well, don’t worry, don’t be nervous to talk about it.”

Yako Iino was not stupid at first, otherwise he would not have kept the first grade in the grade. When Kirisu Kazuto was kind to her, he understood that it was to save the field and also to help her, so he deliberately said it. Those embarrassing words.

She seemed to see angels and wings.

Not knowing whether it was to refute Kirsu Kazuto’s words, or to tell all the Shuzhiin students in the audience, or both, Iinoya shouted into the microphone, “This convention is not stupid at all!!” !”

“Where’s not stupid?” Kirsu Kazuto smiled and answered.

“I’m optimistic.” Iino Yako Shino waved his hand and pointed directly at the back of the podium, where the large electronic screen was located, turning a blank into a questionnaire.

This is where her confidence lies. Iino Yako continued, “This is a questionnaire from various universities in Tokyo. The brand power of our Hidechiin is declining every year.”

“Then have you found the reason?” The villain’s role continued, but it turned into a different kind of conversation for Iino Yako to continue, and there was a hint of hint in it.

“There are many reasons. Among them, the issue of morality is very impressive.” Yako Iino said while changing the page of the large electronic screen. “Outside, we only think that we are only dudes with good grades.”


Yako Iino feels that her heart is not strained anymore, and what she wants to say is organized and formed in her brain before she speaks. She added, “I can’t get the assistance of regional organizations for recent events.”

Kirito nodded, and Iino Yako was very pertinent. He asked the key points, “What is the specific assistance of the regional group?”

“For example, for the bonfire of the cultural festival, because there is a problem of littering by students who stayed late at night, the town will not grant permission for night activities. This is one of the problems caused by the bad atmosphere.” Yako Iino faced Kirisu Kazuo. People, deeply felt the sense of collective honor of Xiuzhiyuan Academy, she replied indignantly, “The bad reviews around need to be eliminated, so it is necessary to formulate moral character through rules.”

Feeling almost done, returning to the topic, Kirito and Ren smiled bitterly, “But you don’t have to shave the head of the group boy just because of this, right?”

Yako Iino couldn’t help it anymore. Even if she knew that this person had been guiding her, she still wanted to shout, “How handsome is your shaved head!!!”


Fall! ! ! Just prepare for your own hobby. Have you sacrificed the head of the collective boys in Xiujiin? Give him the worry! ! !

Quickly sorted out her mood. Of course, Iino Yako was not all for her own preferences. She changed her body’s direction and became facing the audience below the podium. She thought to her heart, “In this information society, how small a problem might be. It will cause the collapse of the brand image. In order for us to maintain the brand image of Xiuzhiyuan after entering the society, it is now a school that should reform Xiuzhiyuan to produce excellent morals.”


Kirito Kazuto took the lead and applauded. The thunderous sound of thunder in the field became a whole. The embarrassing stage fright has been resolved. Applause is needed here. In line with Iino Yako’s words, I offer a noble and noble girl Respect.

Kirisu Kazuto stepped off the podium and left the rest of the speech to Yako Iino, who had already picked up the confidence, but the result of “will lose” would not change in the slightest.

“It’s okay to let it go.” Shijo true concubine doesn’t care what happens to Iino Yako, but he is worried that Shirogin Miyuki will not be elected, so that he will not be in the same club (student union) with Kirisu Kazuto. When Ren came back, she couldn’t help but vomit, “He Rensang is really a good person.”

But it was precisely because of this that she would like Kirito Kazuto.

“Thank you, peace.” Bai Yin Yuxing stepped forward. If he wasn’t a friend to play, he would be the one to save, but the aftermath would have a great impact. He couldn’t help but pay attention to his image soon after he was elected.

These two people are both good old people. Kaguya Shimiya looks at the chairman and Kirsu-san. It is only because of similar personalities that they will become “best friends”. However, his chairman is the best. In her heart, Kiriya Sang is a bit close.

Yako Iino finished her speech. After all she wanted to say, she realized what she had done. She was just driven by emotions and made her heart forget her fearful speech, and now, although she is still very scared , But has already bowed and exited.

“Mizi.” Big Buddha Xiaobo finally couldn’t help seeing her friend’s return. She hugged her up to congratulate, and said with a slight cry, “You succeeded, it’s really great.”

Yazi Iino’s neck was strangled and out of breath She knew that the Buddha Xiaoba was happy for her, but she pushed her friend away a little bit to let her breathe, and she became worried and said, ” The voting has not started yet.”


The voting has not yet begun, the Buddha Xiaoba let go of Iino Yako, but her friend can give a good speech, in her eyes it is a success.

As the host, Chika Fujiwara presided over the voting for the general election of the student council. The rules were very simple. Two high stereo boxes were placed on the podium, one with “Silver Royal” written on it, and the other with “Yako Iino” written on it. From grades to lower grades, start queuing to vote. Each person has one vote and put the “vote” in his hand into the ballot box of the corresponding support object.

Fujiwara Chika was a little nervous when she was hosting. Although she should be fair and just, she still hopes that they will win. Even though Kazuto-kun also said “reassurance” to her, but the dust will not fall in the end. Certainly, no one will be relieved easily.


As the voting progressed, Fujiwara Chika gradually stopped worrying. When there were more than 100 votes in the silver gogo box, Yako Iino had only a dozen votes, almost ten times the difference. In this case, it is basically not necessary to overturn the car. Existed.

Half an hour has passed since all the students from the Xiuzhiyuan present voted.

480 votes: 120 votes

Baiyin Yuxing won the election with a crushing gap and was re-elected successfully. He continued to dedicate himself to Xiuzhiyuan as the president of the student council.

On the victory speech of the general election, Baiyin Yuxing once again appeared on the stage and bowed to all the students and teachers of Xiuzhiyuan. He promised that he would work hard to build a more beautiful prefecture that would not disappoint everyone, and the winner’s declaration, so far, the election for the president of the student union came to an end.

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