I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 396

Chapter 393 Kirisu Masuu at Bongxin Festival

When he has an idea, Kazuto Kirito is ready to start implementing it, but he still needs to think about it. The meaningful, unique, memorable, and commemorative “Fengxin” can’t be done simply, and his brain is indispensable behind it. The death of the cell.


Although he can ask Iino Yako what kind of heart-shaped gift to give a girl is better as a reference, but he can’t say what he really thinks and what he wants to do. He can only do all this, and only in this way can he express and express Follow his will.


Fumino Furuhashi took Ogata Rizuki’s hand and strolled around the Shujiin Academy’s Bongshin Festival. They were invited as friends of Kazuto-kun, but if possible, she and Riso didn’t want to participate in the horror-themed Academy Festival. ——Because they have not waited for them to play any facilities, Fumino Furuhashi felt that Ogata Rizuki’s body trembled uncontrollably, and she was almost the same, all thanks to the horror-themed decorations that can be seen everywhere in the Xiujiin Academy. .


They can’t help but come, friends’ invitations must be joined, and Fumino Furuhashi already has an idea in her heart, that is, she and Ogata Rizuki will leave after playing in a few facilities at will, just experience the horror-themed Bongshin Festival. It can be considered that He Renjun has an explanation.

“Lichan, let’s go over there.” In order to give directions to people who are not Xiujiin or nearby, signs were set up at forks in Xiujiin Academy. Fumino Furuhashi glanced at it and said.

“Huh?” Rizuki Ogata was surprised, “Shall we go to the horror house? Let’s go to the horror food stall. It might be scary over there.”

Hearing Ogata’s puzzlement, Fumino Furuhashi smiled slightly and confidently explained, “Ri-chan, you have to know that the simpler things in horror themes look more scary, but they seem horrible but safest.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Ogata Rizuki suddenly felt that Fumino Furuhashi was extremely reliable at this time, and she nodded and said, “Then let’s go over there.”

Kirisu Kazuto and Iino Yako left the auditorium and came to the club exhibition of the Kendo Club.

After making Iino Yako wait for him for a while, Kirisu Kazuto found Yoshiko Hata and begged on his request, “I want to use the hands of the Kendo Department to help collect or make some heart-shaped balloons.”

He didn’t explain the use of these balloons. Kirisu and Kazuto just told them that the more the better, and the heart-shaped balloons are calculated in units of “hundreds”, and everything that needs to be spent is counted as his.

After finishing these, he has other plans, but it is still in anticipation. If it is actually made, Kirisu and Kazuto need to carefully consider it.

Mathiraki Kirisu saw Fujiwara Chika while eating snacks at the Horror Snack Street, and the other party also spotted her. After a brief moment of sight, the younger brother’s girlfriend waved his hand and brought friends along.

This is the school where the younger brother and Fujiwara Chika are located. It is not surprising that Ms. Kirisu saw his brother’s girlfriend. She thought she showed a very kind smile and said, “Good afternoon Chika.”

“Sister Zhendong, good afternoon.” Even if you greet Renjun’s sister first, she can’t be rude. Chika Fujiwara also responded with a smile, “Sister Zhendong is here to visit the Fengxin Festival.”

“Hmm.” Kirsu nodded and said, “Ichinose Academy is over. Today I don’t need to be on duty again, so I drove over.”

Maki Shijo felt that the mature woman in front of her looked a bit like the person she liked, and he hesitated for a while and she asked, “Fujiwara-san, this is…?”

The children with Chika Fujiwara should all know each other, so it seems that they are also friends with her brother.

When Kirisu was asked, she introduced herself, “My name is Kirisu, and my younger brother is taken care of by everyone at school.”

The true concubine Shijo just didn’t dare to confirm it. Now that she heard her sister introduce herself to Nisang, her eyes lit up to Kirsu’s side, and she held her hand and said intimately, “My name is true concubine Shijo, I’m very, very, very close to Nisang. Good friend, my sister will call me the real concubine.”

Fujiwara Chika is upset, Shijo real princess wants to steal the house for a while. What is the purpose of having a good relationship with her boyfriend’s sister?

“True Concubine Sang?” Kirisu Mawinter hesitated and called.

“My sister can call me the real concubine.” The real concubine Shijo was dissatisfied with the title of Sister Rensang, she pointed out.

Directly addressing her name will appear to be relatively close, and as long as she is able to attack Rensang’s sister, it may be very beneficial to her.

Fujiwara Chika can’t stand it anymore. She originally wanted to show her respect in front of Matsumoto, but Shijo Maki’s behavior is not allowed. If this continues, the relationship between the two will only make her difficult.

After thinking about it, Fujiwara Chika interrupted Shijo’s perseverance, “Madong sister, let’s take you to the Bongshin Festival, is there a special facility you want to play?”

Matwu Kirisu was difficult for her to refuse the invitation of her younger brother and girlfriend, but before that, there were two other Xiujiin students who looked like first-year students and they did not introduce each other. She wanted to get to know each other first.

Looking at Moeba Fujiwara, she saw the thoughts of Sister Qianhua’s boyfriend, relatives and sisters. She chuckled lightly, “I am Sister Qianhua’s sister called Moeba Fujiwara. Next to him is Shirogane Kei. We are Xiujiin Academy. Students of the Ministry.”

Mathu Kirisu felt that the surname Bai Yin was familiar, and after thinking about it for a while, he thought of who it was, a close friend that Kazuto-kun often mentioned to her, and also the president of the student council of Xiujiin Academy. His surname was Bai Yin.

Now that they know these people, the food left in Kirisu’s hands was wiped out in two or three bites, and the group of people wandered around in the Xiujiin Academy.

Walking on the road, Shijo Majima has questions that she cares about. She asked, “My sister said that Ichinose Gakuen and on-duty, is it a teacher?”

Hearing the question, Kirisu Matetsu replied, “It is different from the teacher at Hidechiin Academy. I am just a teacher at a normal university.”

“My sister is really amazing.” Appropriate praise helps to draw the distance between the two people, and Shijo true concubine said without hesitation, “Should I be a teacher in the future and become as good as my sister.”


If Fujiwara Qianhua didn’t know the true concubine Shijo’s nature, she would almost believe it. This is how this person would worry if she didn’t even need morals. In order to **** Kazuru, she would use whatever means.


Fujiwara Chika won’t be what this person wanted. She looked at the Shijo true concubine who had coaxed Mister Ma Dong on the surface and said, “Can Shijo-san take over the family affairs in the future.”

Fujiwara Chika came out to add trouble to her. Of course Shijo true concubine wouldn’t shrink back. She looked at her slightly defensive gaze and smiled, “It’s okay, I have a younger brother at home, so Fujiwara-san is not worried.”

Is that the same with the friends around Renjun? Qianhua is also very talkative and lively and cute. Now the true concubine is also very interesting.

Seeing Shijo Maki and Fujiwara Chika bickering, Kirisu Mikado chuckled lightly. It seemed that my brother was not alone in school.

In the past, she was worried about whether they were just ordinary families and would not fit into the school, which was full of eldest ladies and wealthy young masters. Now it seems that she is worried.


Kirisu was taken to the horror society building, which immediately made her feel bad. She was afraid of the unthinkable. If she walked in here, she felt that something bad might happen to her.


As the oldest person in the group, and even calling her “elder sister” or “Sister Jindong”, Matetsu Kirisu thinks she should set an example, at least before her brother’s friends and girlfriends show fear. Can’t appear scared.

“Fujiwara-san, do you want to hold hands.” On the surface, she pretended to be calm. In fact, Shijo true concubine had already started to panic. After they bought the admission ticket, she walked along the corridor in the darker and darker society building, and she turned towards Fujiwara Qianhua said, “It’s okay to hold my hand for you.”

“No need.” Shijo true concubine was timid and wanted to pull her, Fujiwara Chika wouldn’t eat this set, Fujiwara Chika flatly refused, “I won’t be as timid as someone.”

Kirisu Makiwori hesitated after hearing Shijo Maki’s words, holding hands in the dark really made people feel at ease.

After thinking about it, she took it, “The front is getting darker, and I may fall when I walk. If the true concubine is worried, please hold my hand.”

The true concubine Shijo was taken aback for a moment, and then she was suddenly overjoyed. Even though she admitted that she was afraid of embarrassment, she would not miss the opportunity to hold hands with Rensang’s sister.

There is no need to hesitate, Shijo Makoto took the faint light in the darkness and got close to Kirsu Mafry, and then she held her hands up and said with joy, “Thank you, sister.”

what! ! !

Fujiwara Qianhua only took care of fighting with Shijo true concubine. She forgot this, regretting that it was too late, and the fishy cat stabbed in the needle, she made a mistake.

Feeling the temperature of the palms of sister He Rensang made Shijo true concubine subconsciously feel that she was holding hands with He Rensang.

Although it was only for a moment, she chuckled when she recovered, “Sister is so gentle.”

Shijo Makoto looks like a small head, so her palms are not big, and Kirisu suddenly feels that she is holding a child’s hand.

If she knew that things would turn out to be like this, she would hold the hands of Shijo true concubine, better than it is now, and after Jindong sister said that Lu An might fall down, Moe Ye and Xiao Kei also held hands. She was the only one of five people.

What is this feeling of loneliness all about, walking in the horror society building surrounded by darkness, Fujiwara Chika was born from the heart, doesn’t this mean that she is being excluded! !

can’t do.

Fujiwara Qianhua can’t just admit her fate, otherwise she will always feel that she has lost a lot. At this time, she will show her courage to confess to Kazuto-kun.

She clung to Ma Dong’s other unoccupied arm. Chika Fujiwara glanced at Shijo Mako in the dark, and smiled uncompromisingly, “Sister Ma Dong is right, it’s getting darker here. Now, hold hands to prevent falling.”


Ogata Rizuki felt that the house of horror that Kazu Fuminorai turned into the horror building was a mistake, because if she had not had to walk, she would hang on Fumino Furuhashi’s body.

surprised! ! !

I felt a little sound. Rizuki Ogata’s hairs all over stood upside down. She turned her head around and shouted vigilantly, “There is…Yes, there is something coming over to Bunno.”

“No, Richan.” She was startled by Ogata’s sudden voice. Feeling the pain of her being caught by her friend, Fumino Furuhashi said with no nostalgia, “I didn’t hear the sound.”

“Yes.” Rizuki Ogata moved her ears again. Her hearing was correct, and she couldn’t help but feel terrified. She grabbed Fumino Furuhashi again, and said a little panic, “I’m coming over soon, let’s go, It’s okay to hide, don’t stay here.”

Fumina Guqiao wants to say that there are agencies everywhere. Thanks to this, they have been chased by ghosts and ghosts for several times. If they find a place to hide at random, I don’t know if they escaped from the wealthy wolf and fell into the tiger’s den. .

However, she wanted to remind, but Ogata Rizuki was already completely nervous. Compared to staying in place shivering, Fumino Furuhashi only felt her body moved, and she was dragged by her friend and hid in the nearest room.

A pair of grimace mask and samurai armor is placed in the center of the room, and through the dim candle light, Fumino Gubashi vaguely saw a demon sword on it, matched with the armor and ghost face, majestic and majestic.

look at it.

She knew the consequences of the chaos, but Rizuki Ogata did not dare to look, and buried her head on her breastbone.

“There is no terrible Lichan here.” After touching Xu Fang’s head buried in her breastbone, Fumina Guqiao comforted, “Hold your head up.”

Mainly because she had no meat in her chest, and the bones that her friend wanted to squeeze in were painful. This feeling of humiliation made Fumina Guqiao’s heart tremble, and she suddenly felt that ghosts and ghosts didn’t matter even if they came out.

“Welcome to the ghost samurai house, Fumino and Richan.” Xuena recognized the two at a glance. She walked out from the shadows and said, “Is it here to visit the Bongshin Festival.”

“Wow.” Rizuki Ogata was taken aback when she heard the name being called, she said in horror, “The ghost called our name, are we going to die, Bunno.”

“Don’t be afraid, maybe the ghost is just teasing us, and doesn’t want to harm our Richan.” Fumino Furuhashi also panicked. It is really incredible that the ghost knows the names of her and Rizuki Ogata. People panic.

“It’s me, Fumino, Richan.” After calling the two names, I felt that Fumino Fumino and Rizu Ogata were more scared, and Kitahara Yukina stunned and explained, “I am not a ghost.”

“Rizan, don’t answer her Fumino Furuhashi was a little bolder, but now she can only hold Ogata Rizuki’s body, not daring to open her eyes and reminded, “This may be I am my game, as long as I answer it, I will die. ”

Kitahara Rina looked at what was happening in front of her, she couldn’t help but sigh. The two people and sister have always kept in touch. They are close friends, but her side is a little worse.

From now on, and she feels more than once, it is really reasonable for her sister to be able to play with Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Rizu.

After thinking for a while, she explained to the two who were in a panic, “Funno and Rizo, it is us, Yukina and Rina, not ghosts.”

“Yuki Na, Rina?” Hearing the ghost in the room revealing his name, Fumino Furuhashi opened his eyes again and confirmed with confusion. It was only the ghost face and under the helmet, she couldn’t see the human face.

“It’s us.” In order to convince Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata, Kitahara Rina took off the helmet and mask on his head, revealing his original face and said, “I am Rina.”

“and many more……”

Feeling that the Fumino holding her is showing signs of letting go, Ogata Rizuki quickly stopped and said, “Fumino, this may be a fake Rina. It is a ghost who pretends to deceive us. If we get caught, we are in danger.”

Fumina Fumina frowned slightly, and Richan was right.


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