I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 401

Chapter 397 Hide and seek before the bonfire

Bai Yin Yuxing is autistic, did the people in the sentimental student union know that he and Ninomiya Kaguya became lovers before he announced it?

I thought it would cause the film to exclaim, but it ended flatly. Although it was better, Baiyin Yuxing felt that something was missing.

With this kind of regret, he said again, “There is also about the preparation of Si Gong and I to go to Stanford University. This time next year may have to part with everyone in advance.”


The first announcement may have been overly calm and inversely proportional to the second one. Three consecutive exclaims rang out in the student union room. Bai Yin Yuxing was taken aback for a moment. He felt that he was suddenly satisfied and he had no regrets.

Fujiwara Chika hadn’t heard Kaguya Shinomiya talk about it. Now, after the chairman talked about it, her face was covered with disbelief and she looked at her girlfriend and confirmed, “Kueya-san, is this true?”

“It’s true.” Kaguya Sinomiya nodded and said, “The chairman has passed the exam. If I say, I will take the exam after the Bongxin Festival is over.”


Fujiwara Chika said incredulously again, “That means I can’t graduate with Kaguya-san.”

“Hui Ye Sang!!”

Feeling a sudden loss of mood, Fujiwara Chika plunged into the arms of Kaguya Shinomiya and cried out, “I don’t want to be separated from you.”

Shimiya Teruya anticipated the reaction of Fujiwara Chika in advance. She touched the head of her friend in her arms and comforted her, “There is still a year left. We are not going to part immediately, Fujiwara-san.”

It’s not a question of separation. Chika Fujiwara reiterated her focus on her concern, “But we can’t graduate together.”

After graduating with Chika Fujiwara or something, Kaguya Shinomiya chose to go to the United States with the president. She touched the head of her friend again and said, “Don’t Fujiwara-san has Kirsu-san, and the desire to be with someone you like. , I am the same.”

Shijo true concubine feels that the acid in her stomach is overturned, and those who show affection should be burned to death immediately! ! !

Fujiwara Chika was softened by a sentence from Shinomiya Kaguya. If Kazuya were preparing for Stanford University, she would have done the same way Kaguya-san did, and she would cross the ocean with the person she likes desperately. .

And thinking about it this way, she understood Shimiya Kaguya, Fujiwara Qianhua lifted her head from her friend’s chest, touching her heart, and said, “Kuiya-san and the president go without worry, I will bless you in the country.”

“That one……”

Shimiya Kaguya felt that her best friend had half-heard her words, she resisted the complaint and said again, “It is not that the president and I are going to Stanford University in the United States soon. There is still a year before we can get along, Fujiwara. mulberry.”

“That’s it.”

Fujiwara Qianhua felt a little embarrassed and touched her head. Kaguya-san seemed to have said something similar just now, but she skipped it as soon as her mood fluctuated.


As a close friend of Kaguya Shinomiya, Chika Fujiwara was more concerned about one thing. She thought about it for a while and said, “Kaguya-san, did you agree to your going to Stanford University in the United States?”


The student union room fell into silence for a while, if you listen carefully, you can vaguely hear the breathing of other people.

It took a long while before Sigiya Kaguya came back to her senses. She took a deep breath and looked at her girlfriend with complicated expressions. That’s the case for Murder Zhuxin.

Kazuki Kiryu knows that he needs him to play at this time. Didn’t you see the embarrassment on Shimiya Kaguya’s face? Her girlfriend stepped on the thunder.

Quite helpless, but he can’t say anything. Kirisu Kazuto can only change the subject, “Sinomiya-san has a way to do it. I think it’s better to worry about the Stanford exam, the admissions of that famous school in Japan. The rate has been very low.”

“Kaguya-san will definitely be admitted.” Hearing her boyfriend say this, Chika Fujiwara immediately hugged Kaguya Shinomiya and retorted.

Kaguya-san is her good friend, and Fujiwara Chika hopes Shinomiya Kaguya is happy.

Shinomiya Kaguya thanked Kirsu-san for helping him divert Fujiwara Chika’s attention. If she asked her father if she agreed to go to the United States to study at Stanford University, then she could only say that she has not told her father about this at this stage. thing.


With nearly a year left, Shigiya Kaguya intends to cut first and then play, and try to persuade her father to let her go to the United States. This is the only way to do it.

smiled at Fujiwara Chika, she reached out and touched her best friend’s head again, Shinomiya Kaguya said, “I am still confident in the exam, thank you Fujiwara-san for your trust.”


After Baiyin Yuxing announced two things, they continued to eat lunch. No matter what, the two decided to skip the grade and enroll in Stanford University. That is also next year. It’s still early to say these things. It is not necessary to be sad when they are separated.

in the afternoon.

Kirisu Kazuto and Fujiwara Chika are patrolling around with names. Actually, the two of them are walking around Bongshin Festival and dating. Although it is a bit shameful to use work for their own profit, they can also work on the way to play. In fact, they are almost the same.

Yesterday, Kazuto Kirsu asked the kendo club for Yoshiko Hatta to find him in the afternoon and told him that it was done, but he needed to go to the scene to make arrangements, and it was not convenient for him to have Chika Fujiwara by his side, so he asked Hatta-san to go back first. , He will pass later.

Fujiwara Chika has a question, she doesn’t know what happened to his boyfriend? Normally speaking, it shouldn’t be there, but it’s not necessarily related to work.

After hesitating, Fujiwara Chika asked, “Kazuto-kun, what is the matter with Hatta-san?”

“Nothing.” Kirisu Kazuto said perfunctorily, “It’s just that there was a problem in the Kendo Department booth yesterday and it has been resolved.”

“That’s it.” Although Chika Fujiwara feels more than that simple. As a girl’s intuition is warning her, but her boyfriend said so, she chuckled and said, “Just solve it, the octopus at the track club booth over there. The small **** are delicious, let’s go over and try with Renjun.”

was held by the hand, Kirisu Kazuto followed Fujiwara Chika and he was relieved that his girlfriend did not ask him. Now the plan has been half formed, but there is still something, and he needs to make up for it.

light tone department.

After Kirisu Kazuto and Fujiwara Chika went back to the student union room, he came out to find the door because of a temporary incident.

The bass player who fell in the performance served him tea, and Kirito thanked him.

In his plan, after the fireworks and heart-shaped balloons have been lifted into the sky, it is time for him to express his heart to his girlfriend Chika Fujiwara, so background music is indispensable.

It’s a rare romance in life. He wants to face all the students and teachers of Xiuzhiyuan and offer the most sincere heart to his beloved.


There is an old saying in China called “a banquet where the whole world is everywhere”. The same is true for the Fengxin Festival. It is the last moment when Kazuto Kirito officially ends his speech on the stage of the performance hall.

Their Fengxin Festival was very successful. At the end of the Fengxin Festival, Kirisu and Ren had statistics on the registration form of outsiders, which was nearly percent more than the number of outsiders at Xiujiin’s Fengxin Festival last year. Fifty, this is an increase that exceeded expectations. Although it also took up the weekend’s light, it has to be said that their horror plan was welcomed.

after that……

is the preparation for the bonfire party. In the open ground in front of the bell tower of Xiujiin, the boys have spontaneously organized and have begun to set up a bonfire.

After the speech in the performance hall was announced, Chika Fujiwara could not find her boyfriend. There was no way she could only ask Shirogin Miyuki, “President, have you seen Kazuto?”


Baiyin Yuxing replied, “Isn’t being with others with you?”

Fujiwara Qianhua lightly sighed, the bonfire party is about to be held soon, she also wants to dance the first dance by the bonfire with her boyfriend, who knows that there will be problems when it approaches.

Seeing the chairman, I don’t know where I have gone with Renjun, Qianhua Fujiwara said helplessly, “Then I will look for it again.”

Regarding the Fengxin Festival, Fujiwara Qianhua still has something to give to her boyfriend. She does not know the legend of the Fengxin Festival. The heart-shaped gift that has been prepared is holding in her hand. She wants to hold her heart when the two dance. Give it to someone you like.

This is also the result of her consideration for a long time, and it’s only romantic to do this around the bonfire.


Now Fujiwara Chika can’t find Kazutokun, if it can’t keep up with the bonfire party to give a heart-shaped gift, the meaning is weak.

and many more.

Fujiwara Chika stopped looking for her boyfriend. She didn’t seem to find the true concubine Shijo. Could it be that this guy abducted Kazuto-kun?

It’s not impossible that the fishy cat can do anything. Fujiwara Chika was instantly alert, which made her a little bit more anxious to find her boyfriend.

Kirito and Ren glanced at the time. There were still 20 minutes before the bonfire party began, and the sky was almost completely dark.

Standing on the bell tower and looking down, he was able to clearly see the campfire stand. This position is very well occupied, and he is more confident about the following things.

The phone rang, and Kirisu Kazuto glanced at the call from Fujiwara Chika who was looking for him. He could not answer the call for the time being, so he could only make his foolish girlfriend anxious for a while.

The fireworks and balloons were ready, and Kazuto Kirisu from the broadcast on the campus of Shuchiin Academy also asked Yada Yoshiko to take the light sound part to occupy it. The start of all actions only waited for him to give an order.

In order to prevent accidents, Kirito Kazuto stood on the roof of the clock tower and thought for a while, then picked up the phone and sent an email to his girlfriend, “I’m in a place where I can see the unobstructed scenery.”

If there is no heroine at the scene of Fengxin, it would be difficult to handle it. Kirisu and Ren were a little afraid of being stupid and ran out to Xiujiin to look for him.

Chika Fujiwara called her boyfriend and no one answered it, which made her feel uneasy. Soon, she filled up the novel about 10w words in the morning drama plot. The degree of dog blood made her slightly shake her body, and she might become a plot. The suffering master of, that is, the one who was swept out of the house holding the baby who had just been full moon, and the true concubine Shijo was a bad woman who stood beside Herenjun and looked on at her with cold eyes.


is the sound of her mobile phone receiving a new email message. Chika Fujiwara picked up the phone and glanced at it, “I’m in a place where I can see the unobstructed scenery.”

He Renjun suddenly disappeared and didn’t answer her phone, just want to play hide-and-seek with her?

Seeing the content of the email, Fujiwara Chika was stunned for a moment, and was not pessimistic anymore. It turned out that He Renjun wanted to play with her? It would be fine if I said that earlier. She was looking for someone who was first-class in hide-and-seek.

In a place with unobstructed views, Fujiwara Chika could not help but look up at the top of the high-rise building in Xiujiin.

The only places that people can think of in the first impression are these commanding heights. The unobstructed scenery can only be achieved by high places.

Since Kazuto-kun has given the reminder, Fujiwara Qianhua did not hesitate. She ran to the direction of the teaching building first, planning to go to the roof of the teaching building to find her boyfriend.

Kirisu Kazuto saw Fujiwara Chika on the roof of the clock tower and looked in the direction of the teaching building. Most people would probably think of it too.

The original plan was that Kazuto Kirsu planned to use his cell phone to call Chika Fujiwara to the roof of the clock tower when the bonfire was about to be lit, and then use this beautiful plan and the bonfire to express what he wanted to say.

But now the plan has changed, and Kirito Kazuto thinks that his stupid girlfriend might find here in advance.

Fujiwara Chika looked for Herenjun in the Tiantai Mountain of the teaching building. She lost her thoughts and walked to the edge of the rooftop to look at other high-rise buildings that could be seen in her sight.

Then Fujiwara Chika frowned, but she still didn’t find her boyfriend.

If there is something higher than the roof of the teaching building, Chika Fujiwara was slightly taken aback, and she looked at the clock tower.

Maybe not?

Fujiwara Chika knows that the door to the roof of the clock tower is locked all the year round Only teachers and students have the keys.


Fujiwara Chika discovered the blind spot. At first, her attention was only on that the door of the clock tower leading to the rooftop was locked. She hadn’t thought about it at all. It happened that their student union had the key, and Renjun wanted to go there. Not difficult.

had an idea in his heart. Although the distance from the roof of the teaching building to the roof of the clock tower was not so true to see from a distance, Chika Fujiwara intuitively determined that Kazuto-kun who was playing hide-and-seek with her was there.

Kazuto Kirsu knew that her girlfriend would definitely come, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast. Looking at the front, Chika Fujiwara was gasping and complaining. At this time, he didn’t need to say more, he chuckled and stretched out his hands. embrace.

is really mean.

Fujiwara Qianhua saw Kazuto-kun inviting her into her arms, even though she cursed in her heart, she walked over.

Kirito Kazuto gently embraced his girlfriend’s waist and hugged him in his arms, which was regarded as a reward for Fujiwara Chika to find him.

He knows that his girlfriend may have a lot to ask him now, but the surprise will only appear after a while. Kirisu and Kazuto looked at Fujiwara Chika’s eyes. Regarding the follow-up of the reward, he also planned to block his girlfriend’s mouth. The two lips slowly The approaching, he kissed it affectionately.


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