I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 86

Chapter 85 Rina Ogata has a complicated mood

Kitahara Xuena was immediately unhappy, and shouted, “Herensang, I haven’t said anything yet!!”

“Do not listen.”

Kirsu Kazuto directly vetoed Dao.


Kitahara Yuuna was stunned, she was angry! ! !

She looked at Fumino Fumino, but Fumino Furuhashi tilted her head slightly, knowing that she couldn’t help her, and Yukina looked at Fumino’s friend, Rizuki Ogata.

She and Wen Nai’s friend met for the first time today, and they were not very familiar. They wanted to speak but hesitated. She is not stupid. Asking for help directly will definitely be rejected. If Rina is here at this time, she can ask what to do.

Kirsu and Kazuto sighed lightly, what can an idiot think? Except for rest, just play for a while. It’s only a long time to learn, but if he doesn’t speak, he might leave a “dictatorship and tyranny” character in Ogata Rina’s heart. He doesn’t want this, so he glanced at Yukina and said helplessly,” We will rest after studying for a while.”

Rizu Ogata also reacted now, but the girl who knew her name when she introduced herself to each other just wanted to take a break.

She flipped through her bag, found the card box and took it out, “If Xuena doesn’t mind, I have brought a card game here.”

Xuena, like Mr. Kirisu’s younger brother, specifically asked for a name, and she personally likes playing non-video games, so she basically carries this kind of stuff wherever she goes.


Rizuki Ogata dismantled his stage, and when he heard that there was a card game, Kitahara Yuuna immediately brightened his eyes, and the thought of learning was gone. Kirisu Kazuto was convinced.

Forget it…

Xuenai’s mind is alive and can’t be suppressed anymore. He originally wanted to play with Xuenai when he was tired, like the previous few times, but now he is going the other way around.

There are many ways to play cards. Xuena selected them, and they played tortoise pumping.

Because there is no punishment for playing casually, Kirisu Kazuto didn’t take it seriously.


After seven or eight innings, Ogata Rizuki was even better than him, and was bottoming out again and again. Akatsuki thought it might be because of “sorry” that he won, so he couldn’t help but reminded, “Ogata-san, me and Yuki Nai Du participated in the table game department and played this card game often without worrying about ours.”

Rizu Ogata bowed her head and said nothing…

Is this a concern for her? She has spent ten layers of thought to play, but she really can’t win. Sneaky and violent laughed at her, but thought she would be afraid?

Feeling down, and not losing face, Ogata Rizuki raised her head and stared at Kirisu Kazuto’s eyes, straightened her body, and said seriously, “I see, is Kazuto going to beat me?”


It is the first time that Kirisu and Ren have spent so long in the board game department talking in such a tone.

The most deadly invisible force?

He re-examined Ogata Rizuki with his eyes. A strong opponent is not terrible. This will arouse his fighting spirit even more. Did he underestimate him just by playing too casually?

Rizhu Ogata will regret this.

When someone declares a war with Kirito and others, he will naturally not stop picking up. He nodded. There are no friends on the battlefield. There are no friends on the battlefield. The other party seriously asked him not to be weak. He replied solemnly, “Ogata-san, please advise. .”


Kirisu Kazuto is really serious. He doesn’t underestimate women. He has lost many times in the hands of Daifuku-senpai and other girls in the board game department, so he didn’t give Ogata Risa a chance.


As the number of games increased, he couldn’t help but frowned and became confused. Is Ogata Rizuki serious?

In another ten card games in a row, Ogata Risa was the bottom of the ten cards.

Surprisingly, novices who play tortoise smoking for the first time are not so good at it.

Thinking it was a tough battle, he couldn’t help it at the end of the game, and asked, “Are you…a little weak…”

He knew that such remarks hurt his self-esteem, and Rizuki Ogata was indeed hit and collapsed on the table depressed.

“It’s…very weak” Ogata Rizuki confided, leaning her head on the table, “So I asked if Kazuto-san wanted to beat me…”

Feeling a little uncomfortable, she paused and said depressed, “It seems that I am not very good at areas where chances and calculations cannot be used, battle games, and human feelings.”


Kirisu Kazuto’s mood is a little bit complicated.

However, Ogata Rizuki seemed a little bit unwilling to admit defeat, raised her head from the table, sat up straight, and said seriously again, “That’s why I want to understand that for this I must overcome the barriers of liberal arts and study psychology.”

It turned out to be like this. Did you want to turn from a science genius to a liberal arts stupid in order to overcome difficulties? Kirisu Kazuto looked at Ogata Rizuki differently and was a thoughtful person.


Kirito thought for a while, and asked, “Haven’t Ogata-san thought about giving up? If you just overcome your incompetence, there is more than just a way to go to college and study psychology.”

Rizuki Ogata is unhappy. Recently, she has heard too many words like “give up, it’s not suitable”. It’s not that she is true and hard-hearted, but if she gives up here, she will not have the confidence to cross over. “I’m not good at it.” “Obstacles.

The frustrated ball will have flaws even if it is patched up. It will only be a matter of time before she gets frustrated again. She doesn’t want to let shrinking back as an excuse. Once there will be a second or even countless times.

There was a silence for a while, if the teacher asked such things, she would perfuse or even refute, if a stranger, she would leave without looking back, but the person in front of him was Fumino’s friend and mocked her many times before, Ogata Rina didn’t want to. I lower my head or feel sullen, my eyes are facing each other, and I am determined to say, “I will not give up, even if I have other methods to overcome my inadequacy, I don’t have the natural talents, and I use that language to determine other people’s lives. I’ve already suffered enough.”

“Ri-chan please calm down…” Feeling that Ogata’s emotions were a little out of control, Fumino Furuhashi interjected to soothe him, “Kazuren-san did not say that Ri-chan has no talent.”

She heard these words familiarly. They were what Rensang had said to her. At that time, she and Lijiang were also the same, because the emotions of being persuaded to give up were not high, but that was a misunderstanding and Rensang. What Sang would say before she spoke.

Rizu Ogata was stunned for a moment. She was in a mess just now and thought a lot. She recalled that Mr. Kirisu’s brother did not really talk about “talents, talents”…


He likes people who are motivated and who don’t admit defeat. This kind of person deserves his serious help.

So, I think it’s almost the same. Kirisu and others glanced at Fumino Fumino to express gratitude, then looked at Ogata Rizuki softly, “If you fail or something, can you complement each other together? No one is omnipotent.”

“Moreover, I like persevering people.”

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