I Can’t Write Any ‘Below the Neck’ Love Scenes

Chapter 4


His mind was full of Ye Ming’s long legs.

Can’t stand it!

Chapter 4 Ye Ming Is Harmonious

After getting the gas gathering, Duan Muling’s practice is a thousand miles away.

In addition to practicing, he always thought of something else.

Since the thoughts on Ye Ming were born in the woods that day, he started thinking about it as soon as he saw Ye Ming.

Ye Ming eats fruit, he imagines how he licked his tongue.

Ye Ming drank water, tilted his neck slightly, his throat moved up and down, and he imagined himself biting his throat.

Ye Ming took a bath, he could only hear the sound of water … thinking the most at that time.

The more he thought, the more furious he became.

It’s so uncomfortable to see that I can’t eat.

Ye Ming has been asking people about news outside the city.

He still didn’t have much in mind, whether Duan Muling could beat Xi Tian forget.

On this day, he was eating candy gourd while shaking on Fenggucheng Street.

Duanmuling walked beside him.

He watched Ye Ming **** the sugar gourd in his mouth and sucked, his heart was agitated, and he hit Ye Ming’s sugar gourd on the ground.

Ye Ming froze.

He felt that Duan Muling was very irritable during this time, but he didn’t know why.

That day he was thirsty, drank a large glass of water, Duan Muling snatched the glass and left.

It was hot that day, and he took off his coat and walked in the yard. Duan Muling looked for a long time and suddenly put on three layers of clothes for him.

That day he invited Duan Muling to take a bath together, and Duan Muling suddenly growled and called him a bitch.

When he wrote Duan Muling, did he not write that he came to the aunt every month?

Ye Ming was angry this time.

The son’s wings hardened, and he dared to be so unreasonable to Lao Tzu.

I must teach you today.

Ye Ming stared angrily at Duanmuling, “What nerves did you have during this time?”

Duanmuling looked at Ye Ming’s anger and wanted to bite him.

Ye Ming was angry with himself, and he felt a relief in his heart.

At least, now he has only himself in his eyes.

He was a little obsessed with Ye Ming’s anger. It really made people want to hold it in his arms and hold him.

Hold down his turbulent body, and …

Ye Ming felt that Duan Muling’s reaction was really strange. He interrupted the small three-stage theater in Duan Muling’s heart and touched Duan Muling’s head.


Duanmuling immediately grabbed his hand.

The touch was silky and Duanmu Ling felt itchy.

He refrained from biting Ye Ming’s fingers one by one and took a breath, but just held on.

Ye Ming blushed.

I do n’t know if it ’s Mao, I just blushed.

It feels … too weird.

He flicked his hands away and tilted his head aside, trying to soothe this weird feeling.

Duanmu Ling restrained his turbulent emotions and thought to himself that he couldn’t continue this way.

What kind of strategy do you need to make Ye Ming obedient?

Can’t just lose his temper like a fool anymore, we must find a way to let Ye Ming let him do whatever he wants under him.

“I’m not very comfortable these days, and I haven’t been able to sleep well at night.” Duan Muling’s voice was a little hoarse.

Ye Ming didn’t believe it, and suddenly thought of something, “Dream … what happened when you were a kid?”

Duanmu Ling nodded.

Ye Ming felt guilty.

Sure enough it was the fault of labor and management.

He was indifferent. “When I was a kid … it’s over, don’t have to … get it in my heart.”

Duan Muling has felt this time, Ye Ming has always apologized to him, accompanied by some distressed meaning.

As soon as he mentioned his childhood, Ye Ming’s apology was particularly strong.

Duan Muling didn’t know why, but he suddenly found it useful.

He sighed, “I was so embarrassed to tell you that I have been having nightmares at night. My father hit me, and he bullied me, my brothers hurt me, my sisters hated me …”

The more Ye Ming listened, the worse his head was.

Duan Muling watched Ye Ming’s reaction and stepped up the offensive. “… I once accidentally stepped on my sister’s skirt and she cried and said I bullied her. As a result, I was locked up in a firewood room for two days and couldn’t Eating, eating and drinking together … “

Ye Ming is already repenting.

Duanmuling continued, “… One more time, I accidentally broke my brother’s toy. He asked his subordinates to beat me with a leather whip, and I couldn’t get up for ten days …”

Ye Ming grasped Duan Muling’s hand, “Don’t say … let me compensate you in the future. Tell me, what do you want?”

What do you want?

I’m going to kill you!

Ding Ding, Ding Ding, be patient, be patient …

Duanmuling closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened it.

“I have been suffering from insomnia at night. Otherwise, you will sleep with me in the future.”

Ye Ming froze.

Later I thought, what’s this, just sleep.

He promised with anger, “OK.”

Duanmuling was excited, and he began to look forward to the evening.

Ye Ming looked at Duan Muling, thinking that he was still a child, so he had to sleep with him.

Both were feeling better.

While walking, talking and laughing, Duan Muling also pretended to be a brother and yoke with Ye Ming. This close contact should not be too good.

Halfway through, Ye Ming stopped suddenly.

He looked down Ye Ming’s eyes, and saw a peerless beautiful man.

And his side turned out to be his brother who was driven out of the city by himself, Duanmu Cong!

Ye Ming was stupid, the man in front of him was so pretty.

Moreover, the temperament of such dust is rare in the world.

Suddenly his heart moved, was it Xitian forgetting it?

Duanmuling watched Ye Ming’s reaction, and his heart was throbbing.

Thinking he didn’t like men, he never dared to act lightly.

Now looking at that man, what’s that mean?

He glanced at the man again, his heart hurting even more.

Regarding appearance and temperament, he really was a dwarf.

Doesn’t Ye Ming dislike men, but he doesn’t look at me at all?

Ye Ming thought of something completely different.

First of all, he was naturally shocked.

Finally it’s time to come.

When I see my other son, there is always something strange in my heart.

Moreover, it looks so good. I watched it for a long time without paying attention, but I did not expect that the people around me were going crazy.

In addition to being jealous, Duanmu Ling was also angry at Duanmu Cong’s appearance.

How did this guy mix in?

Definitely a bad visitor!

It seems that he is in the same group as the man who pretends to be B.

If they fight, who will Ye Ming fall to?

When they both had their own thoughts, the two on the opposite side noticed.

Duanmu showed a gloomy and vicious expression.

When such a hybrid came out at home, he should be killed when he was young.

I didn’t want to get rid of it until I grew up, and it was too late.

Come back this time and let you die without a burial place.

The tense atmosphere spread among the four, and the fighting broke out.

Passers-by around me noticed this situation, and they all walked away, refused to go far, and gathered together to watch the lively.

Xi Tian forgets the dust and the fairy.

Duanmu Ling’s evil charm is cold.

Ye Mingxiu is beautiful.

Duanmu is so careless.

Three handsome guys … plus a mediocre man, this is a rare event! !!

At this time, someone had already seen Duanmu as a former Shaocheng lord and screamed in alarm.

Duanmu Ling and Duanmu looked at each other from the gloomy.

Then, Ye Ming and Xi Tian forget to stop the two around them at the same time.

The meaning of the two is obvious. This is on the street. There are too many people.

Xi Tian forget to take Duanmu first to leave.

He met Duan Mucong on the road and heard about his brother killing his father and brother, and he was idle and was fine, so he came over to take care of him.

You can’t fight on the street and ruin your reputation.

Ye Ming thought it was simpler. He was afraid that Duan Muling couldn’t beat him, so he pulled back and said.

at night.

The two were lying on a bed together.

No one can sleep.

Ye Ming was up and down in his heart.

Duanmuling can’t beat it. This is a big problem.

If you fail, you will suffer.

When will Xi Tian forget to attack?

In what way?

Begin preparing tomorrow.

Also urge Duan Muling to practice.

Duanmuling is opening a three-level small theater in his head.

Ye Ming was lying beside him, he felt like dreaming.

Several nights ago, Ye Ming was lying beside him for several dreams.

Later, Ye Ming was turned over and over several times.

Duanmu Ling remembered the dream scene and couldn’t help but react.

He knew that in reality, the subsequent development could never be as good as in the dream.

However, the real person is around, and it is absolutely impossible to stay up.

He hugged Ye Ming’s body, and his breath sprayed on his neck, resisting the desire to lick him.

Ye Ming felt hot, the weather was so hot, and there was no air conditioning. The person next to him had to hug him.

The breath sprayed on the neck is very itchy and a little weird.

He twisted his body and tried to break away.

Duanmuling’s breathing was heavy immediately.

Ye Ming’s twisting and friction made him sensitive.

He almost wanted to stun the man.

“It’s so hot, don’t you hold your sleep?” Ye Ming turned to look at him, complaining in tone.

Ye Ming’s face was close at hand, and the breath sprayed on his face.

Duanmuling couldn’t bear it. He pressed Ye Ming’s head and covered his lips with a mouthful.

Ye Ming’s eyes widened.

He struggled to loosen Mu Ling, but his head was clenched tightly.

What is the situation with Nima? ? !! !! !!

Is the labor son crazy?

Want to treat labor as a woman for Mao? ? !! !! !! !!

Let go of labor first! !! !!

Duanmuling felt a sense of relief.

I wanted to do this for a long time.

He hooked Ye Ming’s tongue and sucked it over and over.

Taste … better than expected.

Reluctant to let go, really reluctant.

Ye Ming has begun to faint.

Ye Ming wasn’t strong enough, and he was stunned when he was kissed again and again.

He has even started to respond.

The two kissed more and more.

Duan Muling no longer wants to think about it.

Anyway, we have already done this step.

Wait and think about the consequences.

Duanmuling turned over and pressed Ye Ming under him, and began to pull Ye Ming’s clothes.

I don’t know where to be stimulated, Ye Ming reacted and made a noise …


The two settled at the same time, both for the weird “beep” horror issued by Ye Ming.

Neither of them can proceed.

Ye Ming was most surprised. This strange machine-like “beep” sounded like a harmonious sound on TV.

What was he trying to send out?

He was about to make those two words just now!

Those two words, one is “mouth” plus “shen”, and the other is “mouth” plus “today”.

Is the quilt harmonious?

For Mao! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Chapter 5 Ye Ming Found

Late at night, Ye Ming and Duan Muling sat face to face.

They have two very serious issues to discuss.

The first one is Duan Muling, who is in estrus for Mao. The object is Ye Ming.

Second, Ye Ming would make that kind of human voice for Mao.

As the defendant on the first question, Duan Muling first spoke.

“No, just do what you want.”

In view of the defendant’s bad attitude, Duan Muling’s answer was immediately rejected.

Ye Ming is enduring.

What did Nima want to do? !! !! !!

Do you want to go to work?

The hard work of labor and capital has pulled you big, is it for you to do such incest?

The labor and capital have worked hard to keep virginity for twenty-six years. Is it your advantage?

Duanmu Ling is also forbearing.

Ye Ming didn’t do it, he was grieving.

The taste of this person is still in the mouth, it is really not addictive.

He gritted his teeth and must go to him.

“Say! Will you do that in the future?” Ye Ming was aggressive.

“Don’t you enjoy it just now?” Duanmuling countered.

Ye Ming blushed.

He did kiss back just now, still lingering.

He was so angry, “Don’t mess up. Will you ever do that again?”

“Yes!” Duan Muling was decisive.

I want to kill you! Add another sentence to your heart.

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