I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 27: Arrived at the CDC


  As Lu Jiayi's voice just fell, everyone applauded and agreed to Lu Jiayi's arrangement.

   "Okay, thank you for your trust, I assure you, I will do my best to ensure everyone's safety!"

Rick stood on the roof of the car, looking at this friend who had just met for a few days. He was communicating with many survivors on the roof at the moment, and all the survivors had expressions of admiration and trust. At this moment, he suddenly Realizing that Lu Jiayi is very suitable to be a leader, he has the responsibility and responsibility, and he is humble, but he can always respond to the critical moment and think of some great ideas.

"He is great…".

   There was Sean's voice next to him, and Rick turned his head and glanced at his buddy, then smiled slightly.

   "Yes, he is great!"


  Even though everyone had planned to leave here tomorrow, Lu Jiayi commanded everyone to clean up the battlefield briefly, and he came to Ed's tent.

At this time Ed has crawled out of the tent, half of his body is leaning outside, his entire face has been bitten by a walking corpse, his throat is torn, the ground at the entrance of the tent is soaked in blood, and he was shot by a flashlight. , Projecting black and red colors.

   Lu Jiayi looked at Ed's corpse and felt very calm. The reason why he changed the layout of the camp today was to prevent the walking dead tonight.

   However, he is not sure whether Ed will come out to eat, so his thought is, if Ed follows, then spare him today. If he still remains like this in the future, Lu Jiayi will naturally have a way to deal with him.

   But now it seems that he has not come out, and the tragic death of this black sheep has not caused a wave of waves in Lu Jiayi's heart.

   "Ai~de~~! Uuuuuuuuuuuu!"

   Just as Lu Jiayi was thinking about this, Carol's suppressed sobbing sounded behind him. At this moment, Carol suddenly rushed to Lu Jiayi's side and was about to fall on Ed's corpse.

"and many more!"

   Lu Jiayi's hands were quick and quick, and he grabbed Carol.

   "Let go of me, Ai~de! What's wrong with you? Ai~de~!"

   Carol’s cry attracted the attention of many people. Many people in the Sean team realized what had happened and came over.

"Carol, I know you are sad, but Ed has been bitten, you can't just rush over!" Lu Jiayi held Carol's arm while persuading him, seeing Lori and Amy and others behind him He also came over, Lu Jiayi hurriedly looked at the female envoys, and the females knew Carol and walked to the side.

   Lu Jiayi sighed and called Rick to carry Ed's body to an empty place.

   drew out a dagger, pinched the back of the knife, and handed it to Carol. Lu Jiayi still felt that Carol should end this nightmare.

   Carol stared at the dagger in front of him blankly. After a while, he raised his hand violently and took the dagger away.

  Walking up to her husband's corpse, Carol wanted to cry aloud, but what flashed through her mind were scenes of being beaten by Ed, not only herself, but also Sophia.

The sadness on Carol's face became less and less, and finally returned to a state of expressionlessness. He trembled and raised the dagger in his hand. Carol's hand froze in the air, and after about a minute he touched it. , Her hand gradually became steady from trembling, and finally, as if she had made up her mind, the dagger pierced Ed's eye sockets fiercely.

However, this knife seemed to have turned on some kind of switch, and Carol kept stabbing it with one knife, until Ed’s face became blurred and his eyes turned into a black hole, just lying there quietly. Looking at the night sky, I seem to be reflecting on my past...


   Early the next morning, Lu Jiayi woke up early. When he got out of the RV, he saw several women preparing breakfast, nodded and said hello, and ran to a nearby open space to start daily exercise.

  Although he has been very busy since he came to The Walking Dead, he has been insisting on exercising every day. Not only does he persevere, but he also increases his intensity.

After about half an hour of exercise, other people started to wake up one after another. Many people gathered near Lu Jiayi and watched him exercise. Many people imitated him and did it together. Many people insisted on doing it after a while. Can't go on, panting means that I can't stand it.

   After more than half an hour, Lu Jiayi finally finished the exercise. At this time, dozens of people were surrounded by him. After wiped his sweat, Lu Jiayi smiled and said to the crowd.

"Don't worry, everyone, when we get to the CDC, you won't be able to learn if you don't want to. Then I will arrange the daily time for you clearly! Now everyone should go for dinner first, and we will set off after dinner. NS!"


   When everyone heard this, the camp became very lively. Some people were packing up, some were eating, and some were taking care of the elderly and children.

   At nine o'clock in the morning, everyone had packed up and gave Ed a simple and solemn funeral on the hillside.

Lu Jiayi paid attention to Carol’s condition. Carol was crying very sad, but Lu Jiayi doubted whether she was really sad, while Sophia stood blankly beside her mother, as if she was dead. It's not the same as her father.

   At ten o'clock, everyone was ready to go. Lu Jiayi was sitting in the cab of the modified RV, and finally set off!

   A group of more than ten cars slowly drove onto the highway.


There were no dangers along the way. A dozen cars did not encounter a large-scale wave of walking corpses. After that, sporadic walking corpses wandered aimlessly on the road. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was all hit by the huge RV. Jiao Fei flew to the side of the road, and then there was no more movement.

   By the time everyone arrived at the CDC, it was already evening.

  With Lu Jiayi's existence, naturally, there is no need for Rick to yell at the front door as before.

   The garage door opened far away, and dozens of cars drove in one after another.

   "Lu, you are finally back!"

   The Jenners waited in the garage early, and Lu Jiayi jumped out of the car and hugged him.

   Lu Jiayi's face was stunned, and he patted his chest with his right hand, and stretched out his thumb to make it a better one.

   "Who am I! When did I make a mistake, haha!"

   However, the words of the couple stopped at this point. They stared blankly at the people who kept coming out of the car, ten, twenty, thirty...

   When everyone got out of the car and just stood in the garage, the Jenners swallowed secretly. They only heard Lu Jiayi say that a few friends needed him to pick him up. They didn't expect that there were a lot of friends!

   Lu Jiayi turned around and clapped his hands to indicate that he had something to say.

"Everyone, everyone present must undergo a blood test. This is the CDC's rules, and it is also for the safety of all of us. After entering the center for a while, don't make a loud noise. We also have relevant personnel doing experiments in the laboratory! "

"The two standing next to me are the persons in charge here. This is Dr. Edwin Jenner, and the lady next to me is Dr. Jenner’s wife, Dr. Tatian Jenner. The two of them will be responsible for the follow-up. Everyone draw blood for testing! Rick, Sean, and Agie arranged everyone to follow Dr. Jenner. The caregiver was recorded on the RV to take care of the elderly. I will give them a blood test! Let’s start!"

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