I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 26: Interrogation

Deedee Lang

"Nikola Drusla, 21 years old, almost 22 in a few days. He's in his third year at Extrella Academy," Sergeant Chesterwin reads from the document.
Deedee observes the man arrested in yesterday's police operation through the window of the interrogation room.
"He's the one who's been pointed out as the leader among the small fry, isn't he?" she asks.
"Yes, that's right," Calpho confirms.
"However you look at it, he doesn't exactly look like a leader," the detective comments as she examines the arrested man's horrible appearance.

"You... *munch*... *munch*... you think?" the man absentmindedly responds while chewing on a doughnut.

"You ugly pig, put that damn doughnut down, or I'll shove it up your ass," Deedee insults him, utterly disgusted.
She can't stand that swine Chesterwin and his lack of professionalism, which often leads to insults bordering on mistreatment.
Everyone in the district knows that Deedee has a terrible temper, and when she gets angry, she's extremely dangerous.
Among the Venture police officers in the team, she holds the highest rank.


"I don't give a damn about your apologies. Now, if the fucking pig is done eating, I'd like to do our damn job and interrogate this criminal. Can we?"

"Yes, y-yes, right away... I'm ready."

"Good," the woman says, but in her head, she thinks, "Fucking pig."

The two of them enter the interrogation room.
They already know the roles to play.
They've done it hundreds of times. It almost always works.
Of course, Deedee Lang will be the tough cop, while Chesterwin, with his smug demeanor, is better at playing the accommodating officer.

Sitting on a hard chair is Nikola Drusla, a man with a disheveled and unsettling appearance.

Nikola is thin, with dirty, greasy red hair and a short, unkempt beard that gives his face a wild and unkempt look.
He wears dirty, sweaty pants, and his shirt is wrinkled and misshapen, likely used to wipe the sweat dripping from his face.
The odor emanating from him is pungent, a nauseating blend of chlorine and decomposing fish.
It's the smell of a desperate man in the throes of addiction.

His gaze is lost in emptiness, fixed on the table in front of him.

"So, you'd be the head of this small drug operation," Deedee begins.

The addict looks up at the woman. "I-I have nothing to say," he stammers.

"So, you want to play this game. The game where I punch your face until you talk," the woman threatens, rolling up her sleeves.

Nikola recoils. "You're a cop; you can't hit me!"

Deedee chuckles. "Oh, I can. The STADAV can use strong methods on Ventures if necessary. Do you want it to be necessary?"

The redhead runs his hands through his hair and starts sweating. "I want my lawyer!"

"Lawyer? Just so you know, I can change the report whenever I want. It only takes a moment to write that you were killed in the raid."

Nikola turns pale at the policewoman's threat.
He realizes she's not kidding.

"Come on, my colleague had a terrible day, but she can be reasonable. How about you answer some of our questions and avoid things getting violent?" Calpho recites his role.

Nikola reflects.
"I can't focus... I-I need a little shot," he stammers.

"Are you messing with me, you motherfucker?" Deedee snaps.

"W-when I'm like this... I can't think straight," the addict replies, stuttering.

"Are you talking about this potion? The one you and your friend Reis produce?" Chesterwin asks after pulling one of the vials seized in yesterday's raid out of his pocket.

The addict's eyes light up at the sight of the vial. He starts drooling.

Deedee watches him disgustedly, then snatches the vial from her colleague's hand.

"You want it, right? You want to down it all in one go, you fucking junkie?" she taunts, waving it in front of him.


"We can turn a blind eye and give you the dose if you give us something in return," Chesterwin says with a smile.

Nikola is too hooked.
He would do anything for a fix, just like when he stole his mother's wedding jewelry and sold them for a few credits, just enough to get by for a few days.

"O-okay," he mumbles.

"Are you the one producing this drug? How messed up do you have to be to be addicted to the drug you produce?" Deedee asks.

"Y-yes... we make it and sell it..."

"Your class is Ranger, right?" Calpho Chesterwin asks.

"Yes, I'm a R-ranger..."

"Think about that, sharing my class with someone like you," the woman comments, irritated, then continues, "So, you'd be an 'alchemist'? Did you synthesize this formula yourself?"

"Uh... y-yes... I-I was the one," the man stammers.

"You don't have the talent for [ALCHEMY]. How did you manage?"

"Uh... I-I studied s-some b-books..."

Deedee bursts into loud laughter. "You? You reading fucking books? Don't make me laugh! You're one of the worst students at Extrella! Your grades are embarrassing. You and books are like fucking parallel lines that never meet."

"Drusla, come on, tell us the truth. How did you get hold of this formula?" Chesterwin continues.

Nikola feels the pressure and starts to tremble.

"Uh... uh... it was Vonner!" he exclaims, searching for an escape.

"The caveman with the warhammer? I can totally see that big guy with big fucking hands synthesizing alchemical potions," Deedee sneers. "DRUSLA, ENOUGH WITH THE BULLSHIT!"

She slams her fist on the table.
The guy is terrified.

"We know there's someone else behind all of this. We're closing in on them. They'll be arrested soon," Chesterwin bluffs. "If you confirm the identity, we might be able to get you a reduced sentence."

The man sweats and clenches his fists.
His expression is incredulous.
He can't believe these words.
"Y-you're bluffing..."

Deedee's eyes light up.
There really is someone else behind this, judging by the junkie's reaction.

"Tell me the fucking name, you piece of SHIT!" she presses a bit more.

It's almost there.
He's about to give in.

Nikola continues to sweat profusely, his body emitting an even more pungent and disgusting odor.
It's as if his own body is reacting to the terror of revealing the secrets of his organization.
Then, suddenly, the situation takes a turn.

Nikola starts breathing heavily, while his eyes turn into two small pools of blood.
The skin on his face becomes paler, and his breath grows labored.

Calpho looks at Deedee with alarmed eyes. "Deedee, we need to do something! He's bleeding from his eyes!"

Deedee rushes towards Nikola, trying to establish eye contact with him. "Nikola, calm down! What the fuck is happening?"

Nikola, in a state of panic, bangs his head against the table in an act of desperation, hurting himself.
*THUD* Splatters of blood fly across the room.
He lifts his head and then slams it down again.
*THUD* The table's surface is smeared with red.
Again. "STOP!"
*THUD* Streams of blood flow onto the floor.
The woman tries to touch him, but he keeps banging, again and again, harder and harder.
The man's face is a mask of blood, his teeth broken, his face covered in black bruises.

Deedee holds his head with her hands and feels an immense opposing force exerted by the criminal.
Nikola Drusla wants to bash his head to death against the table.

"Nikola Drusla, stop!"

No words.
No reaction.

Then, suddenly, he loses consciousness.

Deedee and Calpho are shocked by the reaction.
They've seen people crumble under pressure before, but this is something entirely different.

"We need to get him to a doctor!" the concerned woman says.


I recently got a new seatmate, Rero.
She's in heat, and she keeps massaging my dick.
It's getting awkward.
I cover my legs with my jacket to avoid getting caught.
She pumps her soft fingers up and down my length, with each stroke getting more frantic.
I clench my jaw as the fire spreads within me, struggling to resist the pleasure her touch is causing.
The fabric of my jacket rubs against my legs as I squeeze it tight, trying to block any chance of getting caught.
If I were to cum now, I'd make a complete fool of myself.
My pants would be stained with that white substance, and I'd become the laughingstock of the school.
It can't happen.

The bell signaling the change of the hour finally rings.
"That's enough for now, Rero. I'll give you your dose later."
Just to be clear, if I could, I'd fuck her right here, but I have other things to take care of, and this isn't the right time.
"Master~ ❤️ I need it~ ❤️" She pleads.
"Was I not clear? Do I have to use [ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE]?"
She lowers her head, aware that she's overdoing it.
"Don't worry, later, I'll fuck you so hard that you'll beg for mercy." I whisper in her ear.
"Strauss~ ❤️" She looks at me with eyes full of lust.
Then she gets up and leaves the classroom; maybe she needs to relieve herself in the bathroom.
Luysia is probably in withdrawal too.
Managing a harem isn't an easy task.
I humorously think that most men are monogamous just for the sake of convenience.
Jokes aside, I don't mind this pressure.
In fact, I crave it.

Welze Juble stands up and approaches my desk.
"Have you heard, Strauss?" Welze Juble asks me.

"Heard what?"
"They arrested Reis Vonner."

It happened sooner than I thought.
It means they were already on their trail.
I feign surprise and ask, "And why is that?"

"It seems he was dealing drugs!" She whispers, visibly excited, as if she wants to keep it a secret.

It's not good news.
They shouldn't trace it back to me, but there's still a remote possibility.
I stand up and remark, "This is the fate that certain despicable individuals meet."

"Everyone gets what they deserve," I comment, showing little interest.
"Do you want a cappuccino, Welze? I was thinking of heading to the vending machine."

"You'd be very kind, Strauss! Let me give you the money."

"No need for that. It's on me," I say, smiling.
The blue-haired girl blushes, embarrassed.

"Welze, it's normal among friends. You can get the next one," I reassure her with a wink.

I head to the vending machine and make a cup of coffee.
Then, I discreetly pour a vial of my demonically aphrodisiacal sperm into the coffee.
I mix it carefully and prepare a hot cup of extra black coffee for myself.
I bring it over to her.

"Here you go, Welze."

Welze takes the cappuccino macchiato and sips it.
"Better than usual," she remarks, delighted.
She's becoming addicted to my sperm, even though she's unaware of consuming it.
When she drinks it, her body releases endorphins, making her feel good.
Then, there's the warm sensation from the aphrodisiacal effect.
She probably often feels the need to masturbate but can never quite reach orgasm due to the curses I've implanted in her.

Speaking of which, I should pay a visit to Professor Kanna Merfal.
Despite trying to seduce her to enslave her in my harem, I genuinely miss her.
The professor holds a special place in my heart.

How can I make amends?

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