I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Tang You left with Simon and others.

Snow fields, forests, small towns, floating white umbrella flowers, everything is going away…

To suddenly leave the place where they have lived for so long and feel extremely comfortable, to face the unknown environment, unknown colleagues, and unknown work, Simon and others are a little disappointed.

But Tang You’s mood is a little heavy.

Unlike Simon and others who knew nothing, he knew about Ivanov’s past experiences.

The other party was also a normal child, but the red-colored empire he lived in in his childhood disintegrated, the whole society collapsed, and the tragic experience created his distorted character.

When his father died, his mother’s body lay before him;

When the whole society seems to be filled with despair, and the hunger in the bottom of his heart burns him;

When in a cramped and dilapidated house, in the dim and dim light, his delicate fingers slid the putrid, sticky pus;

When my grandfather, who has war sequelae, beat him again and again at night, while the thunderstorm outside the window;

Ivanov has gone mad!

Tang You doesn’t know if he has been happy for even one day since he can remember.

Stepan Ivanovich Ivanov was a bloody, unmistakably bad guy, but he was also a complete tragedy.

And this is just what happened to an ordinary person under the disintegration of the empire.

If otherworldly monsters come…

Under the changing times, ordinary people are very powerless and vulnerable.

Tang You has always firmly believed that you should not do good things if you are small, and do not do evil things if you are small. Since he got the system, he has tried his best to solve all the monster invasion incidents, even if it gets into trouble.

For him, it’s just trouble, as long as he can save lives, it’s worth it.

In short, we still do our best to speed up the construction of the Holy Shield, so that we can help humans more efficiently.

With Simon and the others, the last problem of large-scale recruitment has also been solved.

The expansion era of the Holy Shield is coming!

the other side.

The Xiongguo airborne troops regrouped according to the positioning system.

“All 126 soldiers are here, and no one was injured!” After the commander counted the number, he was a little excited.

Under such harsh conditions, they can still achieve this level, these young men are really good!

“Everyone! Check whether the equipment is complete, check whether the protective clothing is complete.” The commander urged.

After everyone checked, he first ordered the signal trooper to intercept the frequency band and contact the town to see if he could learn something in advance.

But after several attempts, there was no response at all.

Before such a big movement, although this group of people had expected it, at this moment, the joy of completing the airborne mission could not help but sink.

The people of the small town may have encountered an accident!

So, the commander took the team and set off directly to the small town of Yimia with the detection equipment.

Along the way, the instrument is very quiet.

The radiation dose was normal, and no harmful substances were detected in the air.

Soon, the town came into view.

The street lights were still on, but it was quiet, except for the wind, there was no sound at all.

The team’s ominous foreboding grew stronger.

The commander pondered for a moment and began to assign tasks. Some people collected various samples, some people blocked the periphery and kept them as backup, and the rest entered the town for inspection.

Troops of soldiers in tactical formations carefully infiltrated the town.

“The room was empty, and no one was found 〃々.”

Someone started reporting on the radio.

“No one was found, but there was no sign of any damage, and the inhabitants here just evaporated.”

The feedback that followed was not good news, and the situation was extraordinarily strange.

“Sir, there is a big discovery!”

The suddenly high volume on the radio made the commander jolted and quickly asked, “What’s going on?”

“According to previous satellite images, there is a church on the east side of the town. We entered from the east and arrived here quickly, but…the church disappeared!”

The tone of the soldier reporting was incredulous.

The commander frowned: “What does it mean to disappear? Describe it clearly!”

“Sir, I don’t know what to say, maybe you should come take a look.”

After hesitating for a moment, the commander asked the adjutant to sit for him, and he took a few soldiers to the church.

From a distance, he could see an empty place, with no buildings and no ruins left. A team of soldiers was waiting for him nearby.

Gone too clean!

The commander’s heart has become solemn, and the closer he gets, the more clearly a dark pit comes into his eyes.


He guessed in his mind.

“Sir!” The soldier saluted.

After nodding, the commander stood on the edge of the huge circular pit and looked around, all the previous thoughts vanished.

Because… reflective!

When the light of the military flashlight shone on the wall of the pit, there was a clear reflection, but when he squatted down and stretched out his hand, it was a loose earthy texture.

The commander’s pupils shrank suddenly.

It is not the crystallization caused by high temperature, but the atomic level cutting by some kind of force, so even the soil, stones, and tree roots are smooth enough to reflect the light obviously.

He remembered the soaring beam of light.

Found the source!

“Have you measured the depth?” the commander asked the soldier who arrived first.

Today’s soldiers generally carry infrared rangefinders, which are used to calculate and provide accurate coordinate data, and this time they are carrying more high-end products.

“I tried it, it’s a full 2,000 meters.” The soldier replied in a deep voice.

2000 meters!

The commander’s eyes were deep.

This circular pit is about 30 meters in diameter and 2,000 meters in depth, that is, more than 5.6 million cubic meters of soil and rocks.

But the beam of light that only lasted about 20 seconds completely erased it!

What kind of power is this, and what terrifying energy it contains!

As soon as he felt that things were getting more and more serious, all modern military defense methods seemed ridiculous in front of this terrifying force from nowhere.

Even a nuclear bunker cannot reach a depth of 2,000 meters underground.

Once faced with such a blow, there is really nothing that can resist it, which makes him deeply uneasy as a professional soldier.

He was still thinking, but the radio suddenly rang, and there was a surprised voice:

“Sir! We’ve found the townspeople! There’s a lot!”

The commander was instantly overjoyed: “I’ll go there right away.” Then he thought of something, and instructed: “¨’Pay attention to contact safety, we still don’t know if they are carrying unknown substances.”

“Yes, sir! But…” The voice of the reporting soldier dropped.

This made the Commander’s heart skip a beat, “but” again.

“The state of the residents in the town is very strange. The military doctor has done a general inspection. The physiological state is normal, but there is no response to external signals.”

Shaking his head, the commander felt that in this weird town, nothing is normal.

He rushed to the place where the inhabitants were found.

It is the gymnasium of the town, the only large closed building in the town.

I walked in and took a look. Under the light, there were densely packed people. If I roughly counted them, the more there were more than a thousand numbers, everyone was probably here.

When Tang You left the town with Simon and others, he gathered everyone here. After all, on the snowy night, many people are still standing on the street, if they don’t care, they will freeze to death.

The commander, accompanied by the soldiers, looked carefully, everyone was extremely sluggish, some soldiers tried to ask, but there was no response.

It’s like… more than a thousand living dolls.

The thought made me shudder a little.

“Have you tried it all?” the commander asked, trying to get rid of distractions.

The accompanying soldier replied: “I have tried everything, but nothing happens.”

The commander looked around.

This is the case with so many people. The advance troops brought by themselves are simply not enough. They must report to the above and send more people to properly settle them.

At this moment, one of the soldiers who inspected the gym shouted:

“Sir, there is a discovery!”

The commander hurried over and saw a note on the referee’s table with the words written in Russian:

“The people in the town are back to normal a day later, but with memory loss.”

In an instant, the Commander’s heart seemed to be pinched by someone, the beating slowed for half a beat, and countless thoughts followed.

The mysterious note is reminding myself and others!

This shows that in this event, there is an existence that can communicate!

What is the relationship between “he” and that beam of light, what role does he play in this incident, and what is his purpose?

The commander found the Russian on the note particularly dazzling.

This means that the first time Xiong Guo came into contact with a possible transcendent existence!

ps: First of all, I am very grateful for the comments and maintenance of this book, but I really urge everyone not to attack other book friends.

A lot of people have been supporting this book, flowers, reviews, and monthly tickets are all kinds of support, but I wrote a paragraph in the middle, and it is normal for them to scold, and I really deserve to be scolded for that paragraph. .

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