I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

The calm words came into his ears, and Borg’s heartbeat missed half a beat.

He raised his head and saw a man from the East who could not see his face. He casually put his hands together, his arms rested on the railings, and naturally bent slightly, his eyes did not fall on him at all. Overlooking the Seine, like an ordinary passerby enjoying the scenery.

However, he clearly called out his full name!

There are not many people in this world who know their full name!

Borg’s heartbeat was fast, not because of the run just now, but because of this man who was holding the railing at will, without any sense of existence.

To be able to get to where he is today, he naturally has a certain psychological quality and the ability to change.

“Sir,” Borg smiled kindly and harmlessly: “Since you know who I am, and you obviously know what I have, I think this can be used as a premise for us to make some small transactions, right?”

Hearing this, Tang You still didn’t look at him, just talked to the air: “Yeah, a pile of bloody money.”

Seeing that the other party disliked him like stinky shit, he didn’t even want to look over. Borg held his right hand behind his back tightly, but his face became more and more kind:

“It’s a pile of bloody money, I admit. But that’s how the world is. There are always people doing bad things, and if it’s not me, there will be others. Now it’s just… just me.”

“Did you know? I have a secret warehouse with 200 million euros of cash lying in it. It is a huge 077 cuboid, taller than a person…”

While talking, Borg looked up and observed the man. Seeing that the other party did not change his demeanor because of his description, he immediately changed his words:

“Of course, this is not to buy my life, but a gift to you. I think my life is still worth a little bit, at least more than 200 million euros.”

“What I really used to buy my life is… all my money will be handed over to you for proper handling. Believe me, this is definitely a huge wealth.”

After speaking, he deliberately revealed his nervousness and fear to show weakness.

Tang You looked at the ruthless flow of the Seine River, his eyes were deep: “Your Melville family has been involved in human trafficking for several generations, and the wealth accumulated is indeed amazing. I came, and I did take this money, but I, I didn’t intend to let you go.”

Borg’s heartbeat was extremely fast, and there was a hint of reluctance in his smile, but he still smiled: “Sir, in this case, I’m afraid I won’t cooperate, and it’s basically impossible for you to get it.”

“No,” Tang You shook his head: “Actually, I already got it. I came forward now, just to help some guys make up the loopholes and prevent you from running away.”

Borg felt a conflict between absurdity and convincing.

He knew best how secret the family wealth was and how complicated it was to obtain it, but it was impossible for someone to say that he had already obtained the wealth of the Melville family without passing through him!

However, looking up, this existence like a passer-by is just chatting-like words and casual gestures, all of which have a strong appeal, and people unconsciously believe it.

This strange feeling made him feel a deep sense of fear in his heart.

Borg has seen more powerful people in Europa than ordinary people, but he has never met such a person.

Suddenly, he saw two passers-by chatting and walking past the man behind the back.

Shocked by something intangible and intangible, Borg, who entered a state of despair, was instantly angry with a hint of hope, which prompted him to shout decisively:

“Help me! Help me call the police!”

It sounds a bit ridiculous for a criminal organization leader to actually want to call the police to protect himself.

But the fact is that when it falls into the hands of the police, Borg has more room to deal with it. There are many people, and he must save his life for his own sake.

Tang You let him roar, just looking at the river from a distance, he saw that although the lights of the city were gorgeous, there were also dark corners that could not be illuminated.

But…there will be less of it soon.

Borg tried his best to shout, but there was only a distance of less than four or five meters, but the two passersby seemed to be deaf and had no response.

The brutal result left Borg’s hands and feet cold.

The mysterious man and him, obviously standing here, seem to be in another world.

Why is this happening? Who is he? who is it! ! !

At this time, Tang You took out a glowing pendant from his chest and finally looked at Borg for the first time, but this would also be the last time.

“Do you know what this is?”

At this moment, I found that things are not as simple as everything I usually know. Borg lost the calmness he pretended to be, and his voice seemed to be a little dry: “What… what?”

Tang You said word by word, “It’s a concentrated radioactive substance.”

Hearing this, Borg’s eyes widened.

Picking up the rope with his index finger and shaking it, Tang You calmly explained:

“You only need to be exposed to it for two or three seconds, and you will be exposed to 20,000 times the normal dose of radiation, and then you will suffer from radiation sickness. Let me describe to you what you will experience.”

“The chromosomes of your cells will be smashed to pieces by radiation.”

“Within a week, the number of white blood cells in your immune system drops to less than one-tenth of normal.”

“After ten days, your skin starts to peel and doesn’t regenerate, and all that’s left is pain.”

“By a month, your gut lining starts to flake off, and because without the skin and gut lining, you’re losing 10 litres of fluid a day.”

“You will be in great pain, but you will not be able to even cry.”

“By the way, I left you a sum of money, enough for you to go to the hospital to maintain your own life. In the last time, you will enjoy despair every day.”

Seeing that Borg’s hands and feet were already shaking, looking at himself with fear and resentment, Tang You shook his head: “Even so, you can’t repay what you did to those victims.”

Straightening up, Tang You twisted the pendant directly with his hand, and there was a shimmer of light shining on Borg.

Under the survival instinct, Borg immediately put aside everything, roaring like a wild beast like avoiding, but his heart was like falling into an abyss and found that he couldn’t move at all!

“No, please, let me go! I can do whatever you want, trust me, trust me, please trust me!!!”

In the next second, a gleam of light enveloped him.

Just like ordinary light, there was nothing abnormal, but Borg’s loud plea for mercy stopped abruptly, and his eyes gradually became confused, as if his memory had been rewritten.

Tang You put the pendant back into his chest and clothes, like a walking person, his back is walking along the river railing, slowly walking into the distance.

The street lights on the street seem to be a little brighter…

On the first-level flood control embankment, Borg’s eyes slowly returned to clarity, he patted the clothes on his abdomen, and looked at the manor in the distance, especially gloomy:

“You will pay for what happened today.”

As he was about to leave quickly, a burly shadow appeared behind his back, grabbed his neck and dragged him into the sewer.

“You have quite a lot of mouse holes, almost let you run away, and you’re going to take a lot of trouble…”

After witnessing this time with his own eyes, Zheng Wenjun became much simpler and more straightforward. He directly grabbed Borg’s foot and dragged him back like a dead dog.

Borg struggled with all his might, but still couldn’t avoid his cheeks, and his expensive custom suits, making a mark on the sludge deposited on the floor of the sewer.

“Who are you? Let me go, I can give you a lot of money, a lot of money…”

His voice became smaller and smaller in the sewers, and the banks of the Seine returned to their original appearance, only the breeze was whistling, and everything seemed to have never happened…

ps: Everyone, the title suffix is ​​collected!

Europe and the United States have been identified as knights.

Is the Yan Kingdom, or the Yan Kingdom Cultural District (including Neon, North and South Kingdoms, Southeast Asia, and even a small part of Central Asia), are they called monks, alchemists, real people, or something else?

To fit the culture, easy to understand.

It will be used soon! Thank you all for putting forward your ideas! .

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