I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

The second peak of the Floating Mountains is dense with ancient trees, and the red buildings and green tiles are hidden in the middle.

This is where the Aegis Office is located.

In the document pavilion, many girls were still sitting behind their desks, and the documents flew in an orderly manner in the air, coming to them who were writing the documents.

Sun Huizhen, wearing white pure cotton long sleeves, with short curly hair and short neck-length hair, stepped into the door with an ingenious blend of youthful and mature temperament.

She found Yenya to register, got a document, then narrowed her eyes into thin lines, said “goodbye” with a smile, and went out to the small building on the top of the mountain.

After training at the Holy Shield Office for nearly two weeks, Sun Hye-jung was no longer the goryo squirrel who was surprised at everything she saw when she first arrived.

Regardless of the environment, or work, have gradually become familiar.

Stepping on the bluestone path full of traces of the years, the light of the warm sun, through the broad shade of the ancient trees along the way, sheds swaying shade and light spots.

The chirping of birds echoed through the treetops, making the place even more serene.

Out of the corner of Sun Huizhen’s eyes, she saw that in the woods on the left, next to the cool grass with green leaves, there was a squirrel holding a fruit, standing upright, its dark eyes gazing at herself.

For some reason, she always had the illusion of looking in the mirror when she saw those eyes.

Um? I always feel something is not right.

Sun Huizhen raised her eyebrows on one side.

The gentle breeze came, rushing on the back, bringing a hint of coolness.

She couldn’t help but look back. In the gap between the short white clouds, there was a grassland full of flowers, and then outside, there were buildings in the secular society outside the boundary of the headquarters.

With Sun Huizhen’s extraordinary eyesight, he can still see vehicles moving, passers-by walking, and garbage trucks stopping for work.

Wonderland, mundane…

It gave her a wonderful sense of overlap.

But when she thought about what she learned recently, Sun Huizhen turned a little worried.

Working in the brain of the Holy Shield organization, the Office of Divine Shield Affairs, she will naturally know a lot of things. For example, the Dongji and Dayangzhou branches will set up a first-level station in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

And because the academy’s spiritual pattern books can achieve the amazing effect of “indoctrination + experience”, so she and other classmates learned basic spiritual knowledge very quickly.

In addition, the knowledge of spiritual power is endless, and the follow-up is more lifelong learning in practice, so the first batch of students will graduate in one month.

At that time, she will also face the question of where to be transferred.

From the bottom of her heart, Sun Huizhen wanted to return to her hometown to fight, but Li Ranna, the head of the office, wanted her to stay, and she herself liked staying at the headquarters.

So she will be troubled and worried.

Sun Huizhen let out a sigh of relief while puffing out her pale cheeks, temporarily put aside her distracting thoughts, and continued to climb up.

At the top of the mountain, I saw a number of jade talismans with exquisite carvings and vivid animal images hanging from the eaves of a two-storey Yan Kingdom ancient style building with red ropes, which were gently swaying in the breeze at this time.

Before knocking on the door, the door opened automatically, and Li Rana, with long hair tied up, was writing something behind her desk.

Sun Huizhen walked in quickly and handed over the documents: “Sister Rana, this is the recruitment plan for the second batch of students of the Holy Shield you want in December.”

“Thank you.” Li Ranna smiled, then took over the document and read it.

Qiying eyebrows turned slightly to the center, and after a moment of contemplation, she picked up a pen and quickly wrote a few lines of instructions on it, and handed it back: “Pass it to Simon in the technical department, and let him increase the number of personnel to 300.”

“Also, you go with Rachel to determine the departments…”

At this moment, the house shook slightly, and the two women’s eyes immediately looked at each other. After a while, Li Ranna got up and walked out, and Sun Huizhen hurriedly followed.

As soon as I went out, I saw the boundary of the secret realm of the headquarters, which has been substantiated into a hemispheric mask made of many golden hexagons, and this mask is still expanding in all directions.

Sun Huizhen opened her mouth slightly: “This is…”

“It’s the recovery and expansion of the secret realm of the headquarters.” Li Rana was also surprised. She had missed such a thing before, and this was the first time she had seen it with her own eyes.

I saw the light curtain swept across, and the mountains and vegetation slowly emerged as if they had been printed out.

Over time, after a period of vegetation transition, even vast coniferous forests covered in snow appeared.

Amidst the verdant greenery, the thick and soft snow with smooth lines makes people feel extra soft when looking at it.

The two girls stared blankly at all this.

The border continues to advance, and the farther north, the coniferous forests pressed by snow gradually become frozen dry ice forests, with glacial lakes in spacious places, and icicles hanging down on cliffs…

Finally, the expansion of the border stops only after the radius has doubled.

Li Rana looked around and found that not only the north side had changed greatly, but the changes in the other three directions were equally astonishing.

Deserts and small volcanoes appear to the west, dense cloudy forests to the east, and rainforests and swamps to the south.

The crowded scene of various terrains and climates reminded her of the 2016 animated film “Zootopia”.

Suddenly there was a light landing sound next to it, and the two women hurriedly looked.


The two women shouted almost in no particular order.

Tang You nodded and explained to the eyes of the two women: “My holy shield artifact is classified, so the secret realm of the headquarters is expanded again.”

Then, I took Kevin and others to check, and they found the ruins of the ancient Aegis Shield Magnesium branch in the Mexican rainforest, and said briefly.

Finally concluded:

“This artifact will bring back a peculiar member of our Holy Shield, which will greatly improve the training efficiency and combat strength of the members.”

“But I don’t know enough about it right now, it takes a while to get used to it.”

Hearing this, Li Rana and Sun Huizhen were a little overjoyed. After all, as the only extraordinary organization of mankind, the stronger the Aegis is, the better the hope of surviving the catastrophe in the future.

“There is one more thing to tell you, Louise just told me that she has been promoted to level 1, and her bias ability is ‘healing light’.” Tang You expected, staring at Li Ranna’s face and said.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, Li Ranna’s cheeks bulged visibly to the naked eye, her big eyes gradually narrowed, and then she finally couldn’t hold back, and laughed out loud:

“Hahaha… We have been betting to see who will become the first full-time ‘nurse’ after the resurrection of the Holy Shield, but I didn’t expect it to be a blue-eyed cat!”

“I’m a nanny, and after seeing her, I still have the face to say that I’m big…”

Li Ranna’s words of wanton laughter came to an abrupt end, her face blushed quickly, and there was obvious shyness in her eyes.

Tang You, on the other hand, was very interested, pretended not to hear it, looked at Sun Huizhen next to him, and changed the subject: “I remember that you, Thiago and Chang Wu were a small gang, working in the Aegis Office. How about it?”

It was the first time for Sun Huizhen to be in the headquarters for so long. Seeing this president, who is known as the ancient sage, was a little excited at first.

Hearing that the chairman asked himself alone, he straightened his back immediately, his face flushed with excitement: “Everyone is very good, they have been pointing me, and I am also familiar with this job.. 0”

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not a man-eating tiger.”

Tang You smiled and reassured, even though he recited all the information about each of these students, he still asked the place of origin and other greetings for a while, and then flew away with a few words of encouragement.

The embarrassment was resolved by the president, and Li Rana felt warm in her heart. She was not surprised when she saw Sun Huizhen, a gory squirrel, looking at the direction where the president left, with excitement and admiration on her face.

After all, the members of the Holy Shield organization after the recovery are basically the fanatical followers of the president.

Nodding on Sun Huizhen’s head, Li Rana returned to the house, and the voice came: “It’s not over yet, hurry up and go to work.”

a few days later.

A military base in Georgia, United States.


The roar of the engine was incessant.

Edgar walked forward with sound-isolating headphones and his subordinates, and when he heard the howling getting closer, he looked up.

I saw a c-130 Hercules transport plane flew into the field of vision and landed smoothly on the runway. The sudden explosion of the reverse thrust was almost deafening, but it also reduced the speed rapidly.

After the Divine Shield Extraordinary left that day, they continued to explore everything they saw, and they still flashed in his mind one after another.

Disappearing “Magma”…

Huge and complete building complex…

Deep in the north passage, there is obviously a huge pit where something was taken away…

There is also the innermost passage on the west side, which shocked everyone and caused the mutation…

Edgar’s face was grim, and he kept taking his next steps.

Looking down, several small black spots are slowly approaching the stationary transport plane.

When it was behind the transport plane, the belly had been opened, and a group of employees from the ninth district were guarding the side of the huge box made of special alloys, about two people’s height, and four metal chains, which were firmly fixed in the cabin.

At this time, a modified, heavily armored transport vehicle also happened to drive over to dock with it.

Seeing that the top executive of the ninth district stepped in without a word, the employees in the cabin hurried out and turned their backs.

Edgar put his hand on the verification area.

Fingerprint verification.

Green light flashed across the screen.


There is a “click” sound from the special alloy box.

Edgar bent down and set his eyes on the glowing area.

5.3 Iris Verification.


The special alloy box is the sound of “click”.

Finally, he put four chains on the pure mechanical combination locks with different passwords and only he knew, and opened them one by one.

Only then can the special alloy box be moved.

“Uncover, I want to check.” Edgar said loudly.

The Ninth District employee who turned his back came over immediately, turning the knob the size of his head, and a slight greasy metallic sound followed.

The side of the box facing Edgar, cracked from the top, and then slowly spread down, and the sunlight from the outside shone in, reflecting the lustrous azure color.

A large blue-colored scaly snake with a flat snout like a crocodile’s beak and a slight eagle’s beak with a curved head is entrenched in it, staring at the person in front of him!

Even though it was the second time, Edgar’s heart could not help but stop for a moment.

so similar!

This jade statue of Feathered Serpent found in the ruins of the Holy Shield looks like it is alive!

ps: The transition chapters are difficult to write…

Gentlemen, do you have any suggestions for the Eudemons in each branch? Don’t be too aggressive.

Especially sudden ones, such as Shenlong, should be left to Li Rana, Zheng Wenjun and other high-level officials from the cultural circle of the Yan Kingdom. .

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