I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

The screams of the night watchman woke everyone up.

Before Li De opened his eyes, he pulled out the Roman long sword beside him, lifted the quilt to stand up, and took off the shield hanging from the camel.

Starting from the Eastern Roman Empire and stepping over the enemy country Dashi (Ara Empire), the hardships and dangers encountered along the way have melted what he learned in the past into his bones and become an excellent warrior.

Even the 50-year-old old monk from the Dharma Realm also took out a long stick.

In his early years, he was a military attache of the Tang Dynasty, otherwise he would not have been ordered to escort the mission.

After everyone took out their weapons, the vibration of the ground was gradually replaced by the sound of hoofs, and a group of vague silhouettes gradually appeared in the night.

The head of the caravan looked a little ugly.

Ordinary small nomadic robbers will not act rashly after seeing that they have such a large caravan, and everyone is armed with weapons.

But now, judging by the sound of hooves alone, the number of horse thieves rushing in is far beyond imagination.

“Breakout and avoid disaster!”

The caravan leader said helplessly in his heart.

In the night, a group of horse thieves gradually became clear, and they stopped after a certain distance.

After identifying the caravan leader, he found that there were nearly 30 horse thieves in total. He took a step and shouted in the Tang Dynasty: “You heroes! I have been running the business for many years, understand the rules of the road, and I will take one of the belongings that I bring. The deal is for you.”

“We have more than 100 people with weapons, all of them old and young, and we live by running merchants. This property is our life. This move is already a cost, hope you all heroes Haihan!”

The legal world heard that the words of the caravan leader were soft and hard.

When the words fell, the horse thieves did not respond at all, and the caravan leader let people shout again in the local language, even Tocharian, Turkic, and Tibetan.

The horse thief still did not respond.

Everyone realized that something was wrong, and even though their hands were frozen, they still held on to their weapons.

The sound of the hoofs started again, but it was very slow, not like a rush.

I saw the group of people pacing the horse slowly, gradually approaching the dangerous distance.

The atmosphere became more and more depressing.

The sound of horse hooves was like a knock in the heart.

“Everyone! Please stop, so as not to cause you and me to misunderstand and fight!” The leader of the caravan was also fierce, and he drew a machete and warned sharply.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and the horse thief’s face finally came into everyone’s eyes clearly. It was indeed a local nomad.

But it was the people on horseback who made them gasp for breath. Their eyes were like wild wolves, glowing with green evil light in the night, and it was chilling to watch.

The horse thief headed looked at the crowd, and while the corners of his mouth did not move, he raised his mouth to a great extent, smiling strangely.

“Be us.”

He spoke a hoarse and repressed strange language, but it was strange that the people present understood the meaning.

Li De swallowed his saliva, always feeling that these horse thieves are not normal people, then turned to look at the only religious person in the team, and said in a low voice:

“Master of the Dharma Realm, look at this…”

However, before he finished speaking, he saw the leader of the horse thief out of the corner of his eye, and looked at him suddenly, causing the rest of his words to get stuck in his throat.

This time, the corner of the horse thief leader’s frozen mouth also rose quickly, the green evil light in his eyes became more and more vigorous, and the hoarse and repressed strange language also came out again:

“Finally found you… This time and space, the person who carries the concept…”

Before everyone understood what was going on, they saw a dark evil light suddenly emerge from under his skin, and his entire body was still expanding, just like some kind of dim light mucus, which was constantly expanding his skin.

This bizarre scene made the group of ancients terrified and staggered back while their weapons trembled. Some of them tripped over stones and fell to the ground.


The Tang people in the team widened their eyes and said with a trembling voice.

And the big cannibal wrapped in a turban roared loudly: “Ibu bad servant (devil)! Ibu bad servant 〃々!”

This scene has exceeded everyone’s imagination.

Li De was speechless.

For the Dharma Realm, it may be that what he saw in the afternoon has already created some kind of foreshadowing in his heart, and after years of practice, his xinxing is far beyond ordinary people, so although it is shocking at this moment, it has not yet reached the point of eclipse.


After hitting the stone with a stick and waking everyone up with a muffled sound, the old monk hurriedly shouted: “Don’t run!”

At this moment, the leader of the horse thief swelled to the limit, and together with the horse under the crotch, it had completely lost its original shape and turned into a huge sphere covered with dim light mucus.

Everyone ran away in terror.

The Dharma Realm monk held a long stick in his right hand, grabbed the nearest Li De in his left hand, and ran back with him.

At this moment, the surface of the dark-colored light sphere suddenly burst, and a fine crystal like mucus, like a long snake, came straight towards the two running.

“Be careful!”

Dharma Realm saw this scene out of the corner of the eye, and pushed Li De away, but the latter was a young man who had survived the fight.


The dim light crystal hit, and Li Dezhi’s round shield was in front of him, fragile like glass, and broke in an instant. The terrifying force threw Li De away and smashed heavily on the ground.

Then, the light snake composed of finely broken crystals stopped in mid-air, looked down at the monk of the Dharma Realm with his head raised, and then spoke hoarsely in that unfamiliar language:

“This world…”

In the next second, an eyebrow-length stick smashed with astonishing force.


The long stick was broken in two.

Although the monk of the Dharma Realm was highly skilled in martial arts when he was young, he is now old and his muscles and bones are weak. This huge anti-shock force instantly dislocated his wrist and left his right hand weak.

Seeing that the monster wasn’t hurt at all, he couldn’t help but take a step back.

Not far away, Li De, who only felt pain as if his internal organs were torn apart, struggled to get up, trying to find his long sword in the dark.

The whimpering of the undercurrent under the ice, the howling of the cold wind, and the cries of the fleeing crowd lingered noisy in the ears of the monks of the Dharma Realm.

The Snake of Fine Crystals showed a sinister smile: “Get…you…this world…return to silt…”

Hearing this, the Dharma Realm monk Li was at a loss.

Are these monsters here specifically to find you?

When he was stunned, the crystal-shattering snake slightly lifted back and assumed the stance before the snakes attacked, but in the next second, a certain figure jumped up from the side and stabbed him with a long sword.


With a crisp sound, the blade curled.

Li De gritted his teeth and landed.

The Roman Empire is a rare glory in the history of Europa. Not to mention the early establishment of the republic, the pure-bred Romans, in the age of cold weapons, were obviously smaller than the surrounding races, but they still defeated one of them.

The Li De family, long before Rome was divided, were already nobles.

And the aristocracy at that time was not the same as when the Anglo-Saxons ruled Europa later, when the wealth and power expanded at the same time.

For the early Roman nobility, nobility only meant honor.

Honor, you have to rely on your own blood to earn.

Their family can last for such a long time because there is a spirit in it, and Li De grew up in such a traditional education.

The Dharma Realm monk saved him just now, and he was about to give his life to save the Dharma Realm monk.

The snake with fine crystals faced the mosquito bite-like injury, and didn’t care, his eyes were still fixed on the Dharma Realm, and his tail seemed to be inadvertently flicked.

Li De smashed to the ground again.

This time, he couldn’t get up again.


The Dharma Realm monk shouted angrily: “You want me, yes, I’ll go with you, but don’t hurt others!”

The Snake of Fine Crystals grinned: “No need…to…go…”

As soon as the voice fell, the whole body slammed out, and instantly fell into the chest of the Dharma Realm, causing his eyes to burst, and he staggered back, while the long, dim light snake body was still submerging incessantly.

Finally, the snake body entered, and the brilliance disappeared.

Li De, who was in a trance, saw that the Dharma Realm made a “thump” and was unable to sit on the ground. The former wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, sweet blood choked out.

In the body of the Dharma Realm, the snake mouth of the fine crystals holds its tail to form a ring, and then, the evil patterns emerge from the center of the ring, and spread out to fill the rest.

It was as if a gate had been opened, and one by one translucent gray shadows emerged from the ring of crystals.

At this moment, in the Dharma Realm’s mind, countless babblings, screaming laughter, and mad roars poured out like a flood gate.

He grabbed his head in an instant, and let out a suppressed and painful growl.

Countless evil, dirty, and distorted consciousnesses were constantly trying to erode his mind, and the normal world in front of him became more and more distorted in his eyes.

“Evil demon…” The monk of the Dharma Realm tried to squeeze these two words out of his throat, tried his best to put his hands together, and recited the scriptures: “So I heard: At one time, the Buddha gave only a tree to the lonely garden in the country of Shewei…”

Under his monk robe, protrusions appeared one after another, as if countless snakes were hidden under the skin, as if breaking free.

The boundless sea of ​​black liquid, the wriggling flesh and blood full of oily yellow mucus, the tangled tentacles…

Evil pictures flashed in the minds of the monks in the Dharma Realm.

Countless crazy babble, trying to pull his consciousness into eternal chaos.

He had a ferocious look on his face, but he was still trying his best to recite the scriptures: “In the city, beg one after another, and return to this place. After the meal is finished, put away the robe and bowl, wash your feet, and sit down.”

On the backs of the palms of the Dharma Realm, several protrusions kept protruding, and at the tips were completely twisted faces, as if trying to break through the skin and come to the world.

But under the shackles of astonishing thoughts, the skin seemed to be extremely tough, a person’s face protruded, and it was pushed out ten centimeters high, but it still failed.

Within the ring of crystals, the translucent gray shadows were still pouring out one after another, but they couldn’t break free, so they piled up more and more in the body of the Dharma Realm, even to the point of being densely packed.

And that evil impregnation became more and more intense.

“¨’The Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should thus subdue their minds! All sentient beings and the like…”

Numerous O-level evil spirits that could not be broken for a long time gradually collapsed in each other’s squeezing and merged into the flesh and blood of the monks of the Dharma Realm.

His hair, eyebrows, and fine hair turned into tiny tentacles little by little, and his entire body slowly expanded in the surging mucus.


The monk’s robe was torn.

Covered with dense tentacles and whiskers, it looks like soft hair from a distance, but it can make people’s scalp tingle and explode when seen up close.

The will of the monk in the Dharma Realm is already amazing, but after all, he is only a mortal. The rapidly rising evil force, like water flushing sand piles, continues to consume his consciousness.

“If a bodhisattva has the appearance of self, the appearance of people, the appearance of sentient beings, and the appearance of longevity, then he is not a bodhisattva…”

The sound of chanting is getting weaker and weaker.

Its mutated body has reached a height of two or three meters, and the exhaled gas is thick and hot, as if two white smoke spewed out.

Swallowing the blood in his throat, Li De saw in the blur that the Dharma Master, who was kneeling there, seemed to have turned into a giant furry monkey.

“Fa… Master…”

Li De was weak, and the voice of his efforts was also covered up by the sound of water.

The chanting stopped at this very moment.

The giant monkey turned around abruptly, and blood-red light bloomed in his eyes!


The giant monkey suddenly stood up, roared in the sky, and shook his body, even suppressing the whistling wind in the Wakhan corridor for a while.

Then, two beams of blood light burst into the sky from his eyes!

Li De stared blankly at this scene.

But suddenly, the two beams of blood seemed to hit something, and a small golden light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky, but soon disappeared without a trace.

The giant monkey lowered his head, his scarlet eyes fixed on Li De on the ground, and stepped forward.


Ground shaking.

The giant monkey was only more than three meters tall, but it seemed to be extremely heavy, and every step it took, the ground shook endlessly.

Death was about to come, but Li De was like a ray of light, and his consciousness became very clear.

Scenes from the past flashed in my mind like a lantern.

The castle by the woods, the family members with good and bad relationships, what I have seen and heard along the way…

“I’m going to die… But in the end, I couldn’t set foot in the Tang country to see the prosperous country that the businessmen said.”

The giant monkey’s right arm has been raised high.

Li De stared at all this, waiting for the last moment to come, but suddenly, he saw the sky far away, and a blue-violet electric light suddenly swept across the clouds.

Far away, in the blink of an eye.

Before he could see clearly, an electric light flashed down from the top of his head, and the powerful light made Li De unable to restrain his eyes from closing.

The light dissipated, and he quickly looked straight ahead.

A young man dressed in a T-shirt from the Tang Dynasty, carrying a shimmering light, his toes upright like a dragonfly on water, standing lightly on the top of the giant monkey’s head.

At this time, the thunder of the lightning flashed from the sky just now, and it rumbled through the valley just now.

And in the midst of this rolling thunder, the man’s peaceful, but incomparably clear voice, also fell into his ears:

“With such a big movement and touching the barrier, could it be that I’m blind…”

ps1: In this time-travel plot, the monk of the Dharma Realm is the main supporting role. I believe that most of you may already know his identity by writing this.

ps2: Everyone, I saw a big message in the comment area, saying that it became unsightly.

There is no feedback. I wrote and wrote it myself. Of course, the main line is fine, but the rhythm and plot are indeed easy to be crooked.

Therefore, I urge everyone who finds problems to point out in the comment area.

In addition, I also know that my writing is slow, and it is normal for everyone to support it. If you can still remember that there is such a story that is not over yet, I would be very grateful if you could click on it in your spare time to read it.

Thank you to the little author who really wants to finish writing! father.

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