I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The Power Of Meteorology And Historical Wonders (For Collection)

After the system sound finished, Tang You felt a warm current burst out of his body.

As soon as it appeared, the warm current spread to the limbs and bones, causing a strange itching feeling. The whole body’s epidermis, muscles, internal organs, muscles and bones are rapidly strengthened and even transformed in this itch.

Then, this warm current turns to the brain.

Tang You only felt that his conscious thoughts were rapidly rising, passing through the body, through the clouds, through the atmosphere, and in the vast silence, he saw the faint blue light scattered on the surface of this planet.

Immediately, consciousness quickly fell back, wandering in the atmosphere of clouds.

Every wisp of air, every drop of water, and every flash of lightning seemed to be conscious because of him, turned into little elves, and cheered for his creator.

A strange power fills Tang You’s body and soul, and it seems that as long as it is used, it can command wind, rain and thunder.

Suddenly, a natural understanding was born in his heart—

“This is spiritual power!”

“This is extraordinary!”

Ming Wu’s life, a lot of knowledge and usage of spiritual power, all poured out of consciousness.

Good at manipulating the power of the weather, but more than that.

Tang You opened his eyes again and found that he was still standing in front of the table in the room, the candles that were blown out on the cake were still warm.

With a little clenched fist, the clear feeling of weakness in the past has long disappeared, and instead, there is plenty of power flowing throughout the body.

Spiritual power is a force that arises from the body and soul and also acts on the body and soul.

Therefore, the extraordinary creature with spiritual power is not the crispy skin of the master in the game, but a real combination of tactics, but different extraordinary creatures will have different directions of expertise.

The level of extraordinary creatures is the level of spiritual power.

Level 0, quasi-extraordinary creature, with weak spiritual power, but incomplete.

And level 3…

Tang You reached out and squeezed the three-centimeter-thick corner of the table.

It was the first time that Tang You saw such terrifying power, and Tang You himself was shocked. He knew very well that he had not used all his power.

After testing his physical strength, he went to the window again and opened it.


Noisy rain poured into the room.

Tang You stretched out his hand, his palm facing Ye Yu, his mind moved, and his whole body’s spiritual power was like a reservoir opening, and a large amount of it poured out.


A strong wind suddenly blew in outside the window.

Tang You’s hair fell back, the corners of his clothes swayed, and the paper on the wall swayed, and some of them were even blown around the room.

Frowning, Tang You’s range of manipulation continued to expand.

100 meters… 200 meters… 1 km…

The wind was blowing stronger and stronger.

Tang You gritted his teeth, he wanted to know exactly how far he could do it.


“It’s the limit.”

When Tang You felt that the spiritual energy in his body was almost boiling, he immediately stopped supplying the spiritual energy.

The wind stopped immediately, and the messy bedroom died.

He stretched out his hand to try out the window, but no drop of rain fell, and the sound of the rain disappeared without a trace.

“With the power of the weather, manipulating the weather will be much easier than other extraordinary creatures.”

“But due to the level of spiritual power, the weather can only be changed within 3 kilometers, and it can only last for a period of time. After the spiritual power dissipates, it will recover.”


Tang You laughed happily: “This is truly extraordinary power!”

After calming down, Tang You called out the system interface.

Host: Tang You

Organization Name: Aegis

Organization Level: Level 0 (0/200)

Organizing Wonders: 0

Initial mission 2: Place the first organizational wonder – Aegis headquarters (secret realm, 600m x 600m, cannot be changed). Reward: 100 organizational experience, random reward.

“Note: Organizing wonders, divided into two categories.”

“One is the secret realm category. That is, the functional area of ​​the organization that can still operate, such as the organization headquarters.”

“Such wonders exist in another layer of space, and they will not affect the world after they are placed. It requires organizers to rely on special methods to enter.”

“The second category is relics. That is, abandoned organizational buildings or landscapes.”

“After the relics and wonders are placed, they will appear directly in the world, and ordinary people can also enter. The main function of this type is to increase the historical heritage of the organization.”

“Finally, no matter what kind of spectacle, the host can freely adjust the number of years that have existed and the details of its appearance to make it conform to the organization’s history and style.”

“But once placed, the system will no longer provide this service, and subsequent changes will be resolved by the host itself.”

Listening to the introduction of the system item by item, Tang You’s heart beat slowly and violently.

Organizing Wonders!

This thing works too much.

Originally, he named the organization after the Holy Shield, just to complete a thought in his heart, to make it appear in this world, but now it seems that he can do more than that.

What is history mainly determined by?

Archaeological excavations!

And if a relic of the Holy Shield organization more than a thousand years ago appeared in the eyes of the world, what would happen?

I am afraid that the fictional novel “Knight of Light” will instantly become a documentary literature.

And an ancient extraordinary organization that has existed since a long time and silently guarded human beings will also appear in the minds of all discoverers.

Tang You got more excited the more he thought about it.

Throughout the ages, there are not many people in this world who have no desires or desires.

Although he is already an extraordinary person at this time, he has always been an ordinary person who has experienced ups and downs before. He has not fallen into darkness, and is already extremely outstanding. He cannot be expected to have no desires of his own.

He also hopes to make a career, make contributions to human beings and realize the value of life while surviving.

And now, such an opportunity is in front of him:

Create an ancient salvation organization, train a group of extraordinary people, and then lead them to fight monsters and save the world!

ps: Everyone, if you find that the introduction is “Zongmen System”, but the article here is “Salvation Organization System”, it is because it has been revised after the voting results of book friends.

The introduction and VIP chapters can only be changed when the editor is largely free.

Here, I apologize for the inconvenience of reading to you!

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