I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 38

Chapter 37 Behind The Logo

Suddenly, another question was asked: “What about these survivors?”

“Assyria’s deal with the normal process, the woman in Britain, sign the agreement, observe for a period of time, and then put it back.” Edgar said.

Everyone understands that the so-called signing agreement cannot really be kept secret, it is just a process.

After all, there is nothing to keep secret about this matter for other countries. They already knew about such a big movement when the incident happened.

“How about the testing of extraterrestrial life tissue samples over there in the laboratory?” Edgar asked.

The remaining remains of the corpse that fell to the earth were eventually brought back by the rice army.

“The manpower has just arrived, and it has just started.”

Edgar nodded.

He suddenly said a proverb: When you see a cockroach, it means that there are at least two hundred cockroaches hidden here.

This gave him some inspiration.

Perhaps the United States should be screened thoroughly to check for “supernatural” events that have been ignored in the past.

Then, go back to your old business…

So Edgar raised his head:

“After a while, I will request the US National Security Council to use the spyware implanted in electronic products around the world to monitor all phone calls that can be monitored to find information related to this incident.”

Tang You next to him looked stunned and got out of the “observation” state.

The mobilization of this behemoth of the United States is indeed quite amazing.

Let’s see what surprises it brings.

After all, he is also curious about how many monster invasion incidents have occurred around the world.

In addition, this observation also gave him a wake-up call:

Among the members of the Divine Shield, it is best to use less electronic products to communicate. Even if they are used, they cannot talk about the invasion of monsters, extraordinary power and the Divine Shield Society.

Then, after reflecting on the past, he found that there was nothing wrong, so he closed his eyes and rested.

Jiang Cheng city.

Li Rana finally sorted out the preliminary plan.

She made a plan by herself, she hadn’t done it for many years, but she must not fake it.

It’s a bit tiring, but it’s worth it.

Stretching the body, looking out the window, I saw that the setting sun had already set, the twilight was delivered, and the afterglow reflected the gradation of splendor.

Li Rana smiled happily.

But suddenly, the gorgeous color reminded her of the Holy Shield logo.

She moved in her heart and suddenly became curious.

The president said that the Holy Shield has been hidden for a long time, but is it really impossible to find any clues?

I am a person of the Holy Shield, look it up, don’t make a taboo.

Thinking of this, she opened the drawing software on the computer and began to draw the Holy Shield logo.

Due to the simplicity of the structure, she is also very easy to draw.

Screenshot, upload, search engine recognition map.

While waiting, she felt a little excited.

It was a very strange feeling.

Just like pressing the button in the lottery, the light spot is still spinning in the prize pool, and it is also like a blind box bought, which is being opened with scissors.

Soon, the search results appeared on the page.

The front is full of ads…

As expected of thousands of degrees, no matter what you search for, you can arrange ads for you.

Li Rana pulled straight back.

The match rate is pretty low, what is it like to search for a logo with a photo of a person in it?

Disappointingly flipping through a few pages, her hand suddenly stopped.


It was a photo of an ancient book. On the cover of the book, there was an emblem of a holy shield inlaid with silver.

Li Rana immediately leaned forward, her expression focused.

She didn’t expect that she could actually find it.

Upon closer inspection, the title of the book was written in some Latin script, and Li Rana knew John and Gaul, but she couldn’t recognize what it was.

However, it is vaguely similar to the Gallic language.

Click on the link, it is an ancient literature research exchange forum.

Initially, someone posted a photo saying that they had seen a manuscript copy of the book in the hands of a private collector.

Look at the posting time, it is 2009, it is already an old post 11 years ago.

In the post, someone below asked curiously about the origin of this book.

Before the landlord said it, someone who knew it gave the answer:

The Knight of Light, by Matthew de Dubois, a nobleman of the Eastern Roman Empire in the middle of the ninth century.

“Bright Knight?”

From this name, Li Ranna keenly captured a certain connection.

Looking down.

The author briefly described the content of the book.

The protagonist in the book is a destitute aristocrat who sets out from the Eastern Roman Empire and travels to the East.

As a result, on the way, he was attacked by evil things, and when he was about to die, he was rescued by a group of mysterious people.

That group of people, claiming to be members of the Holy Shield.

“Holy Shield!”

Although it had been expected, Li Rana couldn’t help but tighten her hand holding the mouse when she saw this.

“I can actually find information about the Holy Shield.”

Resisting the excitement in her heart, she continued to watch.

In the book, among the group of people who call themselves the Holy Shield, there are Easterners and Westerners, who are in harmony with each other and fight hand in hand.

Out of goodwill, they brought the protagonist injured by evil and looked for opportunities to help him heal.

The protagonist also has the opportunity to see the truth of this world.

Because of the heroism and kindness shown by the protagonist on the road, he was finally able to join the Aegis, and he returned to his hometown to die in his later years.

In this book, members of the Aegis are simply representatives of virtue.

Dine and sleep in the open air, do not admire money, slay evil, and ask for nothing in return. In order to protect the people, they can even sacrifice themselves.

After that, people in the post continued to analyze the book.

According to the background of the times at that time, the Eastern Roman Empire has existed for more than 400 years, the nobility is increasingly corrupt, and the Holy See is getting darker every day.

It is believed that this book was fabricated to satirize the nobles and the Holy See at that time.

The owner agrees with this analysis.

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