I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 568

Chapter 562

Standing high in the sky, Tang You overlooked the sea, only to see the white-skinned blue-core icefield with no edge in sight.

The drop in global temperature has caused the surface of the sea to freeze, making it seem as if time has stood still, and even the shape of the waves has been frozen.

Due to the effect of geothermal radiation, the deep seawater is still liquid, and it still undergoes tidal changes under the action of the moon’s gravity.

“Squeak… clack…”

He saw many long cracks in the ocean ice surface, some hundreds of kilometers long.

This is the tidal force of the uncondensed sea water, pushing and pulling the surface ice, causing a large number of cracks to be created.

With the appearance of ice cracks, countless cold-resistant marine creatures that have been screened out swarmed, crowded densely, and absorbed dissolved oxygen in the cracks.

Marine ecology has not been destroyed.

Plants on land are changing, as are algae in the sea.

In the past, the photosynthetic energy conversion rate of blue star plants, the theoretical calculation value was 6% to 8%, but the actual production was 0.5% to 1%, and the maximum was only 2%.

Now, under the influence of the spiritual power environment, their actual production conversion rate has climbed to 12%, and due to the elimination and screening, the cold resistance has also been greatly improved.

These marine algae used to produce 90 percent of the oxygen in the Blue Star’s atmosphere.

Although they are no longer the same as they used to be22, they are still struggling to grow under the weak light passing through the ice sheet with high-efficiency photosynthesis, providing the rest of the marine life with necessary substances such as oxygen and nutrients.

This is an important reason why the marine ecosystem has been maintained to this day.

As the Jurassic movies say: “Life finds its own way.” The tenacity of creatures is vividly reflected in this moment.

But Tang You is not here for them today.

His body fell, through the cracks that gradually frozen, and sank into the icy sea water, all the water bodies avoided by themselves, as if he was afraid of getting his clothes wet.

Looking up, you can see the clear boundary of the light in the dark water body, and a large number of swimming fish swim in groups.

As it sank deeper and deeper, the surroundings became darker and darker.

This is the coast of the East Sea of ​​the Yan Kingdom, located in the northern part of the Ryukyu Islands, and the area on the southwest side of Neon Kyushu Island.

The bottom of the sea here is the Ryukyu Trench with a total length of about 1,000 kilometers. Where Tang You is located is the section with an average depth of 4,000 meters.

Soon, he came to the bottom of the trench that was as dark as a black abyss.

Tang You motivated the fruit with the power of prayer, and went upstream along the river of time, and the surroundings immediately became colorful.

He stepped into it and fished it casually, and he was able to catch a strange-looking deep-sea fish in an era when the ocean was not yet frozen.

This is the power of time.

Soon, these gorgeous colors disappeared, and the surrounding darkness returned to death. It seemed that nothing had changed, but it was thousands of years ago.



Tang You calmly said a word, and the world ruled by darkness immediately had light, and the undulating terrain and the mud disturbed by water were clearly visible.

Like the land, the sea has mountains, plains, and valleys, and the ups and downs are more formidable than the land.

His right hand was raised.

A giant rock rose with its movements, the nearby rock mass vibrated, the sea water gurgled, and the surrounding living creatures fled in a panic in the light and vibration.

With the caress of Tang You’s right hand, the giant rock rustled and peeled off immediately, and a large building was fabricated by invisible force.

They have obvious traces of the ancient style of the Yan Kingdom, but they are not identical. Many buildings are embedded in the terrain, with a simple and mysterious flavor.

Some are like corals, or like giant mushrooms… The layers are like a dense forest in the sea, just because they are shaped by rocks, the dull look is a bit depressing.

Tang You’s right hand suddenly squeezed together.


The deep ocean trench produced a loud sound like hallucinations out of thin air.

Under the transformation of his surging spiritual power, the atoms on the surface of these rocks were rearranged, the structure became extraordinarily neat, and macroscopically turned into dazzling crystals.

By reflecting the light of spiritual power, the building became dazzling for a while.

After doing all this, Tang You flew into it.

At the center of these buildings is a square, with a gate-shaped boulder guarded at the core and clearly engraved with the Aegis symbol.

His hand was on the stone door.

As soon as his mind moved, the golden spirit pattern spread from under his palm, gradually covering the entire stone gate, and then continued to expand along the square, finally covering all the artificial objects.

Only then did Tang You let go and look around in satisfaction.

This is the undersea secret place he built for the future Qinglong mythical beast Yaoxin. When he is reincarnated from the Zero Dragon Pool, he will sit here most of the time.

In a sense, this is also regarded as the “Dragon Palace of the East China Sea”.

Tang You will make this arrangement, the key reason is that the enemy’s center of gravity has changed and the pressure on the void defense line has been reduced.

Then, of course, we should devote a part of our energy to clean up the monsters of Blue Star and revive the human world.

He built this underwater secret place to gather the members who used to be responsible for the sea route, and was specially responsible for cleaning up the monsters who used the ocean as a paradise.

Although because of the complete change in the environment, monsters can never be wiped out, and will only become part of normal human life, but at least the tranquility of important sea areas must be ensured.

For example, the East China Sea that hosts this secret place.

When you open the map, you can see that maintaining the tranquility of the East China Sea and closing this big hole means maintaining the tranquility of the Bohai and Yellow Seas at the same time.

As a result, the Yan Kingdom and the peninsula and Neon can resume sea transportation.

So far, ocean shipping still ranks among the cheapest transportation capacity of all mankind. A 300,000-ton freighter is equivalent to 100 heavy-duty trains.

As early as in the past years, these three countries were the face of the entire Dongzhi economy and industry.

Now that the center of the world has shifted to Dongji, as long as their trade can be maintained, it means that no matter what the situation in the Philippines, Dayangzhou and other places is, the human heart will always be beating strongly.

Among them, the restoration of shipping is crucial.

When the conditions of the three countries are all stable, the Neon Island can be used as a springboard to travel along the island chain to the Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea in the north.

When the time comes, the three-nation coalition will be able to cut off the monsters in Siberia and connect with the northern magnesium and Alaska regions.

This will not only clear the vast northern part of Jizhou, but also ease the situation in Beimeizhou.

As for Africa, currently it can only be taken care of by the European countries, while joining hands with Mao Xiong to deal with the monsters raging in Eastern Europe, while dispatching some forces to the south.

It is unrealistic to not seek to restore the Philippine continent, but at least we must defend the northern part of the Philippine continent, lest they spread to the Middle East.

The crux of the Philippine problem is not in itself, but in other places in 607. Once the situation around the Blue Star gradually improves, its problems will be solved.

And the starting point of this string of big nets is right here, right in front of this secret place under the sea at a depth of 4,000 meters.

Feeling the sense of blocking from space and time in the universe, Tang You silently retreated into the long river of time, letting this semi-finished secret place be buried by time.

It has to wait until later generations, when its responsible person, the Qinglong divine beast, returns to his place, and after Shimen is connected to the headquarters, the secret space will be born.

At that time, this place can be regarded as the real Dragon Palace.

The sun rises and the moon sets, the blue star is still covered by ice and snow, and the earth is cold and vast.


In the deep-water port of Shanyang recovered from the monster, the captain of a large freighter is directing the operators.

Not far away, a nuclear-powered icebreaker made by the Yan Kingdom was opening a channel to allow this large ship full of cargo to pass.

Although the solid ice was thick, it still could not stop the fusion reactor’s combination of enhanced metal ramming angles, and the sound of “kakaka” shattering could be heard incessantly.

The two warships followed first, and the last two warships waited for the freighter to start.

The captain turned his head and looked at the young man next to him, whose uniform bears the logo of the Anomaly Investigation Bureau’s Life Species Cultivator Unit.

The man nodded to him.

So, the captain looked out of the porthole again. There were exoskeleton warriors and cultivators with cold weapons everywhere on the deck and on the container.

They will provide protection for this tentative sea voyage.

“Ignite and set sail, target – neon!”

The propellers spin in the water, pushing the freighter across the East China Sea to the Neon Kyushu Island.

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