I, Dasheng Sun, swear not to become a Buddha

Page 811

===Chapter 1098 Wangxiang Terrace, Huangquan Road===

The fourth courtyard behind the Chenghuang Temple turned out to be the fifth courtyard behind the gambling house!

What the hell!The casino and the Town God's Temple are linked together!

Sun Wukong took a closer look at the connecting doors on both sides, looking from one side to the other side of the gambling house, there was almost nothing unusual about the door, as if it was separated by a wall.

The situation is similar to the door from the gambling house, if it weren't for Monkey King's sharp eyes, he wouldn't be able to find that it was a door.

After careful investigation, Monkey King found some clues.

"Was that ghost here just now? Did he disappear from here?"

Monkey King felt Wang Fugui's residual breath, and when he came out of Wang Fugui's house, he brought a strand of Wang Fugui's hair.

Using this method of finding people with things is the best way to track down that ghost.

"It turns out that the gate of hell is closed here!"

Sun Wukong looked back into the main room, the strange aura actually came from the ghost gate, not from the ghost.

"City God! Damn it! That ghost is the City God!" Sun Wukong was completely enlightened!

No wonder that guy is not afraid of the sun!

And even though the City God is not at home, he can still enter the underworld from here!

This is so clearly a city god with a priesthood!

"City... City God?"

The land master is stupid, how could the city god open such a gambling house, and even smoke the souls of mortals!

Monkey King told the land master what he saw in the casino.

As a city god, it is a sin to conduct business in the mortal world without permission.

What's more, there is a serious crime of sucking people's soul, and this is not an ordinary serious crime, enough to send him to the eighteenth floor of hell.

Although the land master is in charge of many things in the city, he is from the monster clan and is not well received by his colleagues.

So I don't get close to people on weekdays, so I don't know what Chenghuang is doing behind the scenes.

"I'm going down to find him, do you know where he's going?"

Monkey King stood in front of the ghost gate and turned to ask the Lord of the Land, who is also a yin god, hoping that he can provide clues.

The land master shook his head and said, "I don't know about this little one. Usually, after the Yin God enters the underworld, he has his own residence. I don't know him well, so I don't know where he lives."

"Didn't you say that he went to the underworld to report on his work?" Monkey King asked.

"Yes, before he left, he left me a letter saying that he was going to report on his work."

"He went to Yan Luo Palace to report on his work?" Sun Wukong asked.

He was wondering whether to go to the Hall of Yama. As a golden immortal, he should be able to go to the Hall of Yama.

"Uh. It turns out that the Shangxian doesn't know the structure of the underworld. I and other little gods are not qualified to go to the Yan Luo Palace. This city is under the rule of the Western Ghost Emperor. If the City God is going to report to the Yin Division, he will go to the City God Division of Sizhong Mountain."

The Lord of the Land talked about the possible destination of the City God, and introduced the underworld.

Only then did Monkey King understand that the underworld does not only have the Ten Palaces of Yama.

The nominal supreme leader of the entire underworld is actually Tianqi Rensheng Emperor, who is in charge of the life and death of all things in the world.

The one who is currently in this position is Huang Feihu who sat on it during the last time of the Conferred God Tribulation.

It's just that this big boss doesn't sit in the underworld on weekdays, and belongs to the nature of a hands-off shopkeeper.

Under Emperor Tianqi Rensheng is Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin, who is actually the highest official in charge of the underworld.

Ordinary people call him the Great Emperor of Beiyin and the Son of Heaven.

As for the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the west, he is equivalent to a high-ranking guest minister. He has no specific responsibility for affairs, but he has many cronies in various departments of the underworld.

Down from the Yin Tianzi are the five ghost emperors, the ten halls of Yama, and the 76 ghost divisions.

The nature of the five ghost emperors is similar to that of the great officials in the frontier, each in charge of the comprehensive affairs of one side of Yin and Yang.

The ten Yamas are the judicial system that governs the underworld, and these ten Yamas can be regarded as the chief judges.

As for the 76 ghost divisions, there are 76 administrative departments in charge of specific affairs, such as the City God Division, the Mountain God Division, the Zhongxiao Division, and so on.

The 76th Division has further divided into five branches, which are the 76th Divisions under the rule of the five ghost emperors. These subordinate organizations have a clearer division of labor and are responsible for the specific affairs management in each area.

Further down are the Yin gods such as the City God and the Land.


The City God is actually the City God Division under the jurisdiction of the Wufang Ghost Emperor, and the Land Lord belongs to the Land Division.

The two of them are actually not in a subordinate relationship, but the city god has more duties than the land, so the land master appears to be lower than the city god.

"I see!"

Monkey King didn't realize until now that the underworld is such a huge institution.

If you think about it, the country in Yangjian needs various departments and offices to function, not to mention the underworld where all ghosts gather.

If all the ghosts had to go to Yama of the Ten Temples to wait for the trial, Yama of the Ten Temples would not be able to come here even if he did not rest 24 hours a day.

Knowing the basic structure of the underworld, Sun Wukong was a little relieved, this little city god is not a big official.

It's not that easy to send the news about Honghaier, and he still has a chance to redeem it.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong didn't hesitate any longer, and cast a magic spell, and his figure disappeared in front of the ghost gate.

The road to Huangquan is not easy to walk, and there are no young or old on the road to Huangquan.

The sun, moon and stars are not seen above, and the earth and dust are not seen below.

You don't see Yangguan Road in the front, and you don't see relatives and friends in the back.

Hazy and directionless, confused and ignorant of the way.

As soon as you enter the ghost gate, you will be on the road to Huangquan. Monkey King came to the underworld for the first time, and he was always a little scared.

Although he is already on the Golden Immortal Avenue, his thoughts are still influenced by his previous life.

"Open!" Monkey King opened his Dharma Eye with the golden light in his eyes.

Dharma eyes are different from pupil techniques such as fire eyes and golden eyes. As long as one has the cultivation base, one can open Dharma eyes.

The function is to see clearly the obstacles, so as not to get lost.

As soon as Fayan opened, the golden light swept around, but it was still endlessly hazy and gray, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Sun Wukong shook his head and closed his Fayan, closing his eyes and stepping forward.

This is the way the land master told him to pass Huangquan Road.

It takes seven days for the ghost to walk the road of Huangquan, no matter where he goes, he can walk out of the road of Huangquan after seven days.

However, strangers or monks who have cultivated themselves only need to take a step forward with their eyes closed, without distracting thoughts, and they can step out of the road to hell.

The reason why he probed with his eyes was actually purely out of curiosity, wanting to see what was different in the underworld, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything due to his lack of strength.

Sure enough, when Monkey King opened his eyes again, a tall stone platform appeared in front of him, and endless darkness behind him.

In the darkness behind him, there were endless wandering souls and some wandering remnants pouring out.

They seemed to be summoned by something, and they drifted slowly towards the stone platform.

There seems to be an invisible barrier on the stone platform, and only about a hundred ghosts can enter each time.

And the wandering souls who got on the stone platform should have regained their senses. They looked at the distance of nothingness, some were crying and laughing, and some were roaring angrily.

A moment later, Yin soldiers with steel forks stepped forward and drove them to the opposite side.

There are no ghosts around Sun Wukong, and the powerful immortal aura on him makes the silver ghosts dare not approach at all.

This is an innate fear that has nothing to do with consciousness.

After walking a few steps forward, we arrived in front of the stone platform. Next to the stone platform, there was a stone tablet with three big gray characters "Wangxiangtai" written on it.


===Chapter 1099 Wild Ghost Village===

When he arrived at Wangxiang Terrace, Sun Wukong used Wang Fugui's hair to cast a spell of finding people, and the hair pointed to the other side of Wangxiang Terrace.

When he boarded the Wangxiang Terrace, Sun Wukong's eyes were dim, and there was nothing unusual. The ghosts around him didn't know what they saw, and they behaved differently.

On the other side of the Wangxiang Terrace, the ghosts who were driven down by the ghost messengers lined up in a long line to the distance.

On the Wangxiang stage, because of the presence of Monkey King, although the ghosts were emotional, they did not dare to approach Monkey King.

The ghost messenger down there noticed something unusual and immediately turned his head to look.


The ghost messenger found Sun Wukong, and he could tell at a glance that he was a cultivator who had achieved immortality from his aura of a stranger and his powerful strength.

The ghost messenger rushed up and saluted Sun Wukong: "I don't know if Shangxian is here, I will be far away to welcome and forgive my sins. Dare I ask Shangxian where are you going?"

These ghost messengers are all low-level officials in the underworld, and the most powerful little bosses have only transformed themselves into gods, and they dare not make mistakes in front of Monkey King.

Monkey King picked up Wang Fugui's hair, which pointed in a gray direction.

The ghost messenger came up to smell it and asked, "It's him?"

"You know him?" Sun Wukong looked at the ghost messenger.

"Not long ago, a city god brought this living soul over there." The ghost messenger replied.

The living soul is the soul that is forcibly extracted from the body. Unlike the yin and yin, the living soul has yang energy in it, so ghosts can distinguish Wang Fugui's aura at a glance.

"Where did he go?" Sun Wukong asked.

The ghost messenger shook his head, although the City God is a petty official, it's not something the lowest ghost messengers like them can offend, let alone asking where he is going.

"Where is Sizhong Mountain?" Monkey King asked again, he knew that the City God was under the jurisdiction of the Western Ghost Emperor.

"Sizhong Mountain?" The ghost guard was taken aback, looked at Monkey King and said, "This place is Sizhong Mountain."

Sun Wukong wakes up, it turns out that Sizhong Mountain does not point to a specific mountain, but an area, and the entire area under the jurisdiction of the Western Ghost Emperor is called Sizhong Mountain.

"You mean the western ghost town, right in this direction." The ghost messenger pointed to the direction where Wang Fugui's hair was pointing.

"Thank you for telling me, this is your reward."

Monkey King thanked him, a golden light flashed under his feet, and he used the method of vertical golden light, and he had already rushed in that direction.

"Hey hey hey! This celestial being is really generous!" The ghost guard smiled as he looked at the certain gold in his hand.

Gold and silver floating wealth is nothing in the eyes of Monkey King, but it is still a good thing in the eyes of ghosts.

Although the underworld does not circulate gold and silver, gold and silver can be exchanged for many things.

And they also have their own channels, taking honeysuckle to Yangjian to buy the yellow paper for incense candles they need.

That's why there is a saying that money can turn ghosts around.

Following the guidance of Wang Fugui's hair, Monkey King hurried on his way in the underworld.

He didn't use the clouds to ride the fog. Once he ascended to the sky, all the scenes in the underworld would turn into nothingness, and he couldn't see the road clearly.

Flying at low altitude has many obstacles, but it is actually not as fast as the combination of Zongdi Jinguang and Leopard Running.

"Huh? Almost catching up?"

After chasing for a long time, some violent fluctuations came from the hair in Monkey King's hand.

He knew that he was about to catch up with that City God, to be precise, he was about to find Wang Fugui's soul.

"Woof!" A dog barked faintly in front of him.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The farther you go, the louder the dog barks, and soon there is a mountain in front of you.

There are some trees of different heights on the ridge. The whole body of this kind of tree is black, and the branches and leaves are not flourishing. I don't know what kind of plant it is.

It was from these bushes that the barking sound came.

"It should be the evil dog mountain that the land master said."

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the range of this mountain range, more than a dozen vicious dogs rushed out of the forest.

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