I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 255

Chapter 221: Determination to destroy the world

The faces that disappeared in pain were entangled by vines and stabbed their faces, blood drenched, and their beauty was destroyed.

There is only wailing between heaven and earth.

All this happened so suddenly that no one would have thought that a small seed could cause such a disaster.

Xue was lying in Yu’s arms, and in her hand she held a small beast whose white fur was stained red with blood, which was her beast spirit.

“Li, Li, leave here…”

Snow’s voice was very weak, and the rain was howling in pain.

A little black beast on Yu’s shoulder is like a little black beast like a puppy. The little beast is baring its teeth, and there is some light outside its body, resisting the frantically growing branches of the World Tree.

“no no!”

The rain was roaring wildly. As a young man, he didn’t understand parting, and he didn’t understand death.

“Xue, wait for me, I haven’t said that yet, you…”

The rain stopped, and he did not continue, because Xue had closed his eyes. He left peacefully with a smile. Xue Xue’s hand fell to the ground, and her young life was gone, and she slept peacefully on this land with her little beast forever.

Even the powerful beast spirit messengers, even those adult messengers that can be transformed into beasts, cannot escape the attack of the growing roots and branches of the World Tree.

This is an attack belonging to the creator, not to mention the destruction of a world. I don’t know the tired tree of the world, its branches stretched aimlessly towards the sky, and its rhizomes were deeply inserted into the soil.

In just over a month, the world has become a ruin. The World Tree has also stopped spreading, because its rhizome has spread to any corner of the world, because it has enough blood, and it is the watering of these blood that makes the growth of the World Tree crazy.

From a seed to a tree of the world, this process is entirely instinct. At this time, the tree of the world is just a plant, and it will only become wise when the new world is born.

The world in ruins was gradually changing, and the messy land began to come back to life little by little. This is a process, a process of death and rebirth.

There was only one teenager in the ruins, with a smile on his face. It was a desperate smile, he walked aimlessly.

Behind him is a small black beast like a leopard, following him. Perhaps it was this leopard that made the teenager not feel so lonely.

The boy, walking back and forth among the collapsed houses, no one knew what he wanted to do, even himself.





The young man sat on the ground, and he roared four times in a row, one more sad than another, another more desolate.

“It’s only me, no, and you.”

The boy was lying on the ground with no expression on his face. He would howl in the ruins every day, trying to wake the sleeping people.

But the sleeping people have already fallen into eternal sleep.

The boy stroked the little beast, and the little beast licked the boy’s face. Only at this moment would the boy feel that he was still alive.

The young man thought about death, but his heart remembered Xue’s words, leave and live.

He wanted to live, and with Xue’s entrustment to live, Yu stood up.


Yu suddenly roared angrily.

He galloped towards the distance.

In the front, a big tree supporting the sky and the earth is there.

Yu attacked frantically, kicking, boxing, slashing, and biting. All All Rain used all his attacking moves, but the tree remained motionless.

The little beast screamed, trying to stop the owner from doing this every day, because the owner’s fists were already full of blood and because the corners of the owner’s mouth were full of blood.


Yu sat down again decadently on the ground. He was desperate. For a whole month, he could not even destroy a piece of the bark of this big tree.


“I want to become a beast ambassador! A real beast ambassador, a beast ambassador who can be transformed into a beast!”

“I’m going to destroy your **** tree with my own hands, your big tree that brings destruction and disaster!”

Yu clenched his fists again, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said viciously.

Time passed day by day, the world was destroyed, there was no day and night, just a gray sky, and the rain did not know how long it had passed. He only knew that he and the little beasts grew up day by day, leaning on the soil to look at the weeds, leaning on wild fruits and even animal corpses…

Growing up Yu has a handsome face, and what he doesn’t want to match with this face is his gloomy look.

The little beast that grew up completely grew into a fierce beast, with black fur and black eyes, this leopard-shaped fierce beast. If the world is not destroyed, Yu must be a powerful beast spirit messenger.

Now the rain can be transformed into a beast.

His relationship with the little beast got closer and closer, and Yu discovered the existence of the beast spirit, which was in the little beast’s brain, which looked like a little beast. Mini leopard.

To become a beast spirit envoy that can be transformed into a beast, the last step is to devour the beast spirit!

This is cruel. In this ruined world, in this world with only him and the little beast, he hesitated…

Becoming a beast spirit indicates loneliness, loss indicates destruction. To destroy the tree of the world, he needs strength.

This night was the first night in this world. The destruction has reached the end, and the new life has begun.

This night, the little beast was extremely quiet. He lay beside Yu, motionless.

Yu stroked his hair, and he could talk to the beast but he couldn’t understand the language of the little beast.

This night was the night lost by the rain for the second time.

At the moment when he swallowed the spirit of the beast, he understood the language of the little beast, and the sentence that knew you very heartily became the second scar in Yu’s heart. There was a warm liquid on Yu’s face.

In front of the world tree.

The appearance of the tree of the world is also changing day by day, no longer supporting the heavens and the earth, but more and more of a normal tree.

Yu knelt before the tree of the world, with endless tears on his face. This is the second tear that Yu has shed since the destruction of this world.

He failed, even if he turned into a beast, he still couldn’t destroy this big tree, this big tree that destroyed the world.


The sound of rain echoed between the sky and the earth, and the sky started to rain. This is the first rain after the destruction.

The boy rain in the rain, the tears mixed with the rain.

“Want revenge? Boy.”

In the rain, an unobvious voice rang in the boy’s ears.


Yu roared, he couldn’t tell whether it was joy, excitement, or sadness. Is there still a living person in this world?

In front of him, a huge phantom appeared.

“I need you www.readwn.com We have the same purpose.”

“Over there is the tree that destroys the world, destroy this world!”

“So, are you willing to help me destroy this world?”

The voice of the phantom was faint, and fell into the rain’s ears along with the rain.

In the near future, the world will be reborn, with green grass and beautiful sky.

The **** that appeared abruptly opened another door and appeared from the door with a confused human being.

The rain hiding in the corner clenched his fists, watching the sudden appearance of the powerful god.

He watched these gods dance and sing in front of the world tree.

At this moment, Yu clenched his fists, his teeth creaked.

“My beast spirit messenger–Rain!

willing! “

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