I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 265

Chapter 231: Heroes will be late, but never absent

I watched the commotion around me. I held Lancetia and Yuri and others who were trying to rush into the crowd. It was not the time for us to take action.

But I didn’t stop the prince. The prince took the scissors into her hand with an angry look. She moved extremely fast. In a moment, he rushed to the gallows, and the sharp scissors cut the rope around the prince’s neck.

We are in the audience, pretending to be innocent people. The trump card needs to be played when the enemy is most proud and unsuspecting.

“You shouldn’t have come, my sister.”

After being rescued, the prince shook his head helplessly.

“This is a trap. Take the things I gave you and leave. Rodel’s Kingdom is no longer saved.”

The prince stroked the crying imperfect prince and said.

I stared at the prince’s uncle, his calmness made me a little unclear. Therefore, although I don’t know why he is so confident, I continue to observe the surroundings, and there is nothing wrong with me.

“You know this is a trap, why do you want to come, whether you or the rebel army. It’s still too young.”

The uncle smiled and shook his head.

Lanstia glanced at me, and I stood beside her, telling me instinctively that there must be a problem.

“Wang Nu, hand over the method of making Horcruxes.”

The uncle looked at the prince and said with a smile.

Even in the current situation, facing the rebel army more than the king’s army and my demon servant and others on the stage, my uncle is still very calm.

The prince stopped crying, she glanced at the prince, her eyes full of determination.

“You don’t need to pay, your emperor brother, he is very poisoned. Isn’t it too much to change the method of making the antidote to the Horcrux?”

Poisoned! The prince was more shocked than I was when she saw the prince, the prince nodded slightly.

“Leave, while you can go now.”

The prince did not explain too much, he said to the prince.

“I hope my death will wake up some sleeping Rodel people, that’s enough.”

“No, no, brother…”

The prince’s tears dripped again, and she stood by the prince’s side, showing everything with her actions.

“Uncle, you should wake up, the country is already yours, so why do you do that.”

The prince stood up straight, he stood in front of the prince’s daughter, even in the case of severe poison in his body, he still chose to protect his sister.

“Haha, yeah, the country is mine, but the Horcrux is not yet. Killing your father in the first place and becoming the king was just for the production of the Horcrux in your hands.

The production method in the hands of the Rodel royal family can only be inherited by the king. This is the secret of the Rodel royal family. I didn’t get it thirty years ago, and I must get it thirty years later!

I just didn’t expect, my brother, you bastard! You gave this secret to your son without dying.

Damn you, brother. ”

The current king screamed madly for a while, his voice was so striking and harsh in the silence of death.

For a while, everyone in the audience, the rebels, the king’s army, and Rodel’s people were stunned.

The crowd stopped their attacks, and the uncle’s explosive remarks turned this **** battle into a ridiculous mutual injury. The bad guys are like that, and they often talk too much.

“He killed the old king?”

“Not the prince?”

Doubts and curses rang out, and they stared at the uncle of the prince’s daughter.

“Uncle, you shouldn’t say that.”

The prince shook his head.

“My people, listen, this man in front of you is the real murderer of the father!

My Ziming, you should open your eyes from your deep sleep. ”

The prince took this opportunity to shout at everyone, but he just said a word, suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood.

The prince hurriedly supported the prince who was about to fall, and it seemed that the prince’s poison was very deadly.

“Kakhaka, what do you say? These people are already dead.”

Uncle laughed madly. With his laughter, the whole square changed again, footsteps sounded, and the roaring machine sound echoed throughout the square.

Facing the square, more than a dozen weird-looking machines appeared in the distance. In front of each cannon, there were teams of well-dressed knights with spears and shields in their hands.

“Are you crazy! There are still many civilians and kings here.”

At this moment, the prince shouted angrily at his uncle.

“In this case, doesn’t anyone know all this? The prince’s rebels attacked the gallows and killed countless people. Tsk tsk, this is really a good story.”

The uncle smiled and said.

When those cold machines appeared on the periphery of the square, everything changed.

This is a siege weapon peculiar to the Rodel people, like a cannon from the celestial dynasty. Even if the artillery fire is not powerful in the Cold Weapon era, such a huge cannon is enough to kill everyone in this square.

The people who had stopped fighting under the gallows were in panic. They looked at the cold and **** machine in the distance in horror. Every Rodel knew what this machine meant.

It is death and fear.

With the advent of the artillery, a huge number of kings’ army, with great momentum, the brave and combative Rodel people will write extremely bravely at this moment, facing these rebels and unarmed masses. They can even display several times their usual combat power.

These artillerymen are the real guards of the royal uncles and the real rebels. Every cannon made a rumbling sound, and this sound conveyed fear and anxiety. I knew that this artillery fire could bombard everyone on the square at any time.

“Sorry, my people, I killed you.”

The prince spouted blood again. The prince hurriedly supported the prince. She turned to the audience and looked at me for help.

As soon as the prince’s voice fell, there was no more desperate crying in the audience, and the spirit of Rodel in their hearts was revived at this moment. Regardless of whether it was the rebel army or the king’s army, they all gathered together, and they surrounded Rodel’s masses, trying to use their bodies to block the outlying cannons.

“The prince, the prince is about to die www.readwn.com Are you still unwilling to exchange the Horcrux production method for the antidote? If you don’t hand it in, this artillery fire may destroy this city, this one you love so much. Rodel City.”

The king’s uncle smiled. He held a small glass bottle in his hand with an unknown drug in it. He looked at everyone in the audience with only silent expressions.

“I hand it over, I just hope you let my emperor brother let go of these innocent people.”

With this threat, the prince had to surrender the method of making Horcruxes.

The princess tried to take out the sheepskin scroll found under the emperor brother’s bed from her arms. Everything now indicates that this sheepskin scroll is the method of making Horcruxes.

I know that it’s time for me to come on stage. Heroes always come out at the most critical moment. They will be late but never absent.

“Yuli, Gemini, Lin Ze and Sha Wei, these giant cannons will be handed over to you.”

Yuli looked at the giant cannon in the distance and nodded.

“Then now, Lanstia, it’s time for us to appear.”

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