I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 270

Chapter 236: Weird red figure

Phedero avoided my eyes, he lowered his head and said timidly.

“What did you say!”

There were too many things in a row. If Bald hadn’t said anything, I just remembered that when they were in Capua City, Lena and Ally were also on the front line with Bald.

Before, I always felt that something was missing here, it turned out to be the two of them! And this dead bald scoop has been concealed to the present, but I am also fighting as a devil most of the time. He didn’t have time to tell me.

But I am still angry. I stood up and wanted to take a picture of the table but found that there was no table to take.

I grabbed the bald collar and looked at him angrily.

Osser stood up, and he looked at me with an unkind look. I knew he had a very good relationship with Phadro. If I hurt Phadro, he would not spare me.

“Dead bald! You lost two beautiful girls, and you still didn’t tell the old man, I said what the reconnaissance team you sent is for investigation! That’s it!”

But to my surprise, Osser also looked at Phaedro with a cold face.

At this moment, Osair’s justice is awe-inspiring, and I admire him, and I have to say, what a stinky hooligan.

“Well, calm down first, nothing will happen.”

Lanstia and Riya hurriedly pulled Phedero and I away, Phedero’s face was black and gray, his head downcast, full of guilt.

“It’s all my fault. Before you came here. A small village on the border was suddenly attacked by the Rodel people. We originally arranged for the villagers to evacuate the small village. But the stubborn name of the village was unwilling. Leaving the homeland where he lived for a long time.

They formed their own defense organization and used sickles and hoes against the invading Rodelians, but the disparity in strength was too great, and several attacks caused heavy losses to the village.

On that day, the emergency report, the village was attacked again, and I took my team members. I didn’t expect Lena and Ellie to follow me.

The battle was very tragic. When we arrived, the villagers in the village had no life left.

I was very angry at the time, fighting selflessly. I couldn’t take care of them. In the end we won and Rodel retired.

But the two of them disappeared. I searched every corner of the village and there was none.

In this way, every day I arrange people to look around the village. So far, there is still no trace…”

Bald Phaedrus sighed, he said slowly.

“Will it be taken by Rodel?”

I frowned and listened carefully. There was no useful information at all.

“No, the Roderians were defeated. They were embarrassed when they retreated, and there were no prisoners.”

Phedero shook his head.

“What’s going on, how could the big living people disappear. And after so long, are they in danger?”

Lanstia frowned.

“You bastard! Let the beautiful girl go to the front line, and it is Lena. Do you know the relationship between his father and the Grand Duke! You are dead!”

Osser’s beard flew up.

“What is the terrain of that village?”

I motioned to everyone to be quiet, I looked at Baldiao and asked, now I have calmed down, it’s been too long. It is meaningless to be anxious.

“Because it is a small village on the border, there is a forest on the edge of the village, and there is a desert outside the forest.”

Federuo recalled.

I nodded, “Take me to see it.”

I have a gift from the tree of the world. It’s not too convenient to find people with that kind of scan.

Phedero nodded very cautiously, stood up, walked outside the room, Osser followed along, and I hurriedly stopped Osser.

“Old gangster, you still stay here. If Rodel’s new king comes, you can welcome them and lead them to the Principality of Alain. The reconciliation of the war is not a trivial matter.”

The originally excited Osail stopped, he frowned and nodded cautiously.

The small border village, which is located in the northwest of Nyak City, shares the border with the Kingdom of Rodel, passing through a forest is Rodel’s land boundary.

This forest has a green world on one side, and a world full of yellow sand on the other. It became the boundary separating the two places, representing barrenness and fertility.

Phedero led me, Lanstia and Riya to here. I frowned and looked at the surrounding terrain. The village is not big. If Lena and Ellie disappeared from here, they could only pass through. Lost in that forest, or lost in the forest.

Before long, we came to the village, and there were a few members of the Knights of the Silver Sword outside the village. They camped here, and it should have been arranged by the bald dipper so that Lena and Ally would have some care when they came back here again.

With a few simple instructions, Phedero led us towards the village. The moment I stepped into the village, my heart ached. The village in front of me was completely in ruins.

Walking in the village, ruined walls, burnt down and burnt black charcoal houses everywhere, this lively village in the past is now in decline.

Occasionally in the dilapidated house, a few huge mice shuttle out. These mice have red eyes and look a little weird. The look in their eyes always makes me feel like looking at humans. These mice are not afraid of us, they just squeak away after seeing us a few times.

This war-baptized village is full of sorrow and blood. It seems that scenes of tragic fighting and painful wailing have appeared before my eyes.

“Why can’t human beings always stop hurting each other.”

Lanstia looked at the devastated village and exclaimed.

I didn’t speak, I couldn’t answer her question, and Bald was just like me, looking at the ruins and fell into contemplation. There was some grief on his face, perhaps because he was thinking of scenes of the battle at that time.

“It’s really weird. They disappeared in the blink of an eye. As you know, Lena can’t be attacked by others, and Ellie can’t be attacked by others. They are two people who have no sense of existence. The disappearance can only be their own cause.”

When we walked through the village, the bald Phedero picked up a ragdoll that had been burned in half. He sighed, gently put the puppet back into the distance, and then said sincerely, although it sounds like shirking responsibility, he said it is true.

I signaled them to be quiet and hurriedly turned on the scanning function. This thing is just like playing an online game and opening the whole picture. It is really easy to use. This is also thanks to the World Tree, which is full of rhizomes all over the world www.readwn.com Everything around it appeared in my mind. As long as I want to, I can see any location in a radius of tens of kilometers. On this map. The red images of the four of us are very clear.

It’s just that these four figures are a little strange, with a kind of overlap.

“Go up to the side and take a few more steps.”

“An Le, did you find anything?”

Bald Phedero hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

“We just do what he says.”

Lanstia knew that I had a scanning function, and she pulled Riya to the distance with the bald Phedero.

When the three of them walked away, my heart beat wildly.

Because, at the moment, in my mind, three red figures are walking away, and beside me

There are still two red figures!

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