I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 273

Chapter 239: Mole Man

When I found Lanstia and Riya, they were followed by a short man in a cloak.

And this person, his face is clearly a mouse without fur!

He smiled at me. This smile made me stiff. At this moment, I felt the blood in my body stopped beating and my body was out of control.

His smile is so weird, it seems to have a fascinating magic.

At this moment, Lanstia and Riya also turned their heads, their eyes were dull, they looked like puppets.

What happened to Lanstia and Riya? How can they be controlled by this kind of thing? Are they not goddesses?


Suddenly, there was an urgent cry in my ear, and I came back to my senses. Bald Phaedro shouted in his mouth that he was galloping and the sword in his hand was about to attack the weird mouse face.

The mouse smiled. Have you ever seen a mouse that can laugh? This smile is so disgusting, it makes people shudder.

In fact, the same is true for Bald. Although he yelled furiously, in my opinion, his body is already stiff, and even the attacking moves have become slow motion.

Only then did I understand that the smile on the mouse’s face was a mockery.

“What a fool!”

Rui Ya, whose eyes were dull, suddenly recovered to Qingming, she said very unhappy, and then a golden spear suddenly came out from her hand, and under my shocked eyes, the spear pierced the mouse’s face.

A look of horror appeared on the mouse’s face, and he turned his head, just about to shout something in his mouth, but his body fell straight down.

The moment the mouse face died, my body felt a sense of relief.

I hurried to Lanstia.

“Are you okay, how could you get caught, and what is this?”

I asked Lanstia with concern.

“Huh? You ask so many questions at once, how should I answer?”

Lanstia scratched her head as if she didn’t know how to answer.

“In short, when we were asleep in the middle of the night, we suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell, and then I woke up. Then I felt a little confused in my mind, and this mouse face that didn’t know what it was appeared in front of me.

Although my mind was a little confused, it only took a while to regain my sanity. After all, I am a female, no, am I talking about an angel? I’m very strong, wow kha kha kha. ”

Lanstia talked, and suddenly laughed happily.

“Say the point!”

I impatiently interrupted Lanstia’s narcissism.

“At that time, Sister Lanstia and I decided to do our best to see what this thing wanted to do, and then we followed him to come here. During the period, I wanted to wake you up, but there was no chance.”

Rui Ya added.

Now I am basically sure that Lena and Ally were caused by this stuff, presumably the scent is a kind of drug.

Also, Lanstia and Riya are special, otherwise it’s hard to say what will happen.

“Well, what the **** is this?”

After listening to the narration of Lanstia and Riya, Bald squatted on the ground to examine the face of the dead mouse.

I also looked towards the ground. The face of the dead mouse was turned over by the bald scoop, and I could see clearly that his face was like a mouse without fur, with small eyes and a beard around his mouth, as did his skin. Pink, a little disgusting.

His fingers are long and thin, and his nails are thin. The stature is more limited than the Goblin Gang, and as a whole, it looks like a mole without fur. What a Mole Man!

“Do you know what this is?”

I asked Lanstia and Riya.

“I don’t know, it feels disgusting, and they still want to have wisdom.”

Lanstia replied.

“Forget it, don’t care so much, Lena and Ally should have been tied here by this thing. Let’s find them first, make sure they are okay, and then make plans.”

Everyone nodded and continued to march forward.

During this period, I have been on guard for fear that one or two of these things will suddenly pop up. Although I don’t know how effective the fighting is, just looking at it makes my scalp numb.

The passage was still as calm as it always was. No such mole man appeared again. I also started scanning many times, but apart from being able to see Ellie and Lena, I couldn’t detect this monster. How many of these Mole People are there has become a big rock in my heart, because this is obviously their home.

As we progressed, the passage gradually widened.

“Wait! You guys listen.”

Baldiao stopped abruptly, and he said with his ears tilted.

I also hurriedly stopped and listened carefully. It was indeed a squeaking noise, perhaps it was this monster. I hurriedly started scanning again, the figures of Ellie and Lena were moving slowly and were no longer where they were.

“Speed up, Ellie and the others may be in danger.”

I said to everyone, and then accelerated my pace.

As time passed by little by little, my heart gradually became tense.

The passage is about to come to an end, and the noisy voice is much clearer. Like the sound of a mouse, are these monsters all mice becoming spirits?

“Wait, if we appear rashly like this, wouldn’t it be that we have exposed our identities and have to be surrounded by these monsters, and we will be in trouble at that time.”

The front of the passage is wide, and it seems to be entering a large space. With these sounds, I guess it is most likely an underground cavern, where these monsters gather.

“That’s right. A few words are okay. If there are too many, it will be troublesome. And I don’t know what the purpose of these monsters is. You said, why did they kidnap Ellie and Lena?”

Bald Phaedrus touched his bald head, with doubts on his face.

This question of his is also a question that bothers me. What are these mole people for, eat or have another purpose?

“Leave it to me. The simple disguise allows us to drive like them. I can still do it.”

Just when I was embarrassed, Rui Ya said to me, if it was her, it might be possible. I still remember the scene when she turned me into a bat outside of the blood clan territory.

This soft and cute girl with pink hair, who first met in the land of the light elves, but after getting along, made me feel that this goddess is very black. It’s really if life is just as it was at first sight.

After everyone nodded, Rui Ya whispered a spell again. After a while, there was a puff of smoke outside my body, and I knew it had changed for the better.

With expectant eyes www.readwn.com I looked at everyone, um, bald mice, pink-haired mice, and white-haired mice. By comparison, I am still the most handsome, and now I am much satisfied.

After the dressing was completed, we headed forward again, and the distance between us and Lena and Ellie was not far away.

Sure enough, in a short while, two mole men appeared in front of them, and they sandwiched Allie and Lena one after the other.

When they found us, they just turned their heads and looked at us. Although they were puzzled, they continued to walk. They seem to have something important to do.

Allie and Lena turned their heads mechanically, their eyes were hollow, like walking corpses.

At this moment, the flames of anger burned, and I walked towards the two mole men…

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