I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 45

Chapter 18: My people will be saved by me!

Dark forest, I am standing in front of the second patient who is tightly wrapped in a black cloak.

“Patients with advanced secondary cancer, you are not saved. Surrender, your half-orcs are all experience points.”

“Chuck, I surrender? Great devil, you are really stupid! Do you think my purpose is to kill you? But it’s best to kill nature, chuck.”

Isn’t it to kill me, is your brain of the second-degree patient not at home? He set up an ambush while the demon king led his team to conquer the dragon, and said it was not to kill me?

and many more! On the way to defeat the dragon? Could it be that this S2 patient is delaying the dragon for time?

Speaking of which, this dragon is also strange, but it woke up yesterday. However, he hasn’t come out of the lair for a long time. Is it possible that a dragon still considers his image? Wake up and have to take a bath, change clothes, and go out clean?

“The ignorant big devil, since you don’t know, then you don’t need to know.”

The second patient had just finished speaking and took off the cap from the cloak, revealing a face.

This is a human face, about thirty years old, with a scar on its face. Both eyes were sunken, and his eyes were blank, and they didn’t look like a living person in any way.

His hands hidden in his sleeves are also exposed at this moment, his hands are as dry as branches, and he holds a dagger glowing with black light.

The second patient licked his dagger and laughed strangely.

“My dagger is poisoned.”

“Oh? Then you die slowly, I have something to do, go ahead.”

I stared at the second-degree patient with a brain disability, and licked the poisonous dagger myself. What do you say about your picture? Where did so many problems come from? Why do bad guys always pretend to lick their daggers? They have to be poisoned.

I don’t need to fight this. This grandson seems to have been played to death by himself.

I clapped my hands, ready to greet my harem group to stop pestering these half-orcs. I always feel that there is something in the dragon that must be stopped quickly.

As soon as I turned around, I saw Lanstia yelling at me.

“not good!”

I was surprised secretly!

The second secondary patient is like a ghost, with a poisonous dagger in his hand attacking me.

There was no way to dodge for a while, and the dagger pierced my heart.

to die to die, eh? Wait, what I wear is the Demon King’s armor. Can you pierce this dagger?

The second-degree patient was also slightly taken aback.

“Chuck, dastardly devil, even wearing armor!”

“You are not only in the second grade, you are also blind, so I always wear it. And you said that your dagger is poisonous, and you didn’t lick it? Why didn’t you die? I hate people who say nothing.”

“Chuck, because, I am a dead person!”

As soon as the second patient finished speaking, the dagger that was on my armor suddenly used force. I subconsciously want to step back and avoid it.

Under my gaze, the dagger didn’t penetrate the armor, but turned into a plume of black smoke and hit my body.

My heart is not good, this black smoke must be poisonous smoke.

The sorrow of the frost in my hand waved desperately and drove away the black smoke, but the black smoke could not be dispelled if there was any substance.

Amid the disgusting laughter of the second-degree patient, the armor on his chest was about to corrode. I am a little desperate. This weird black smoke is really hard to deal with.


With a sound of caution, a golden light suddenly pierced towards me from behind me and hit the black smoke directly. The black smoke retreated like a natural enemy and retreated into the hands of the second-degree patient. Only the second-degree patient struck the black smoke slightly. An exaggerated long sword appeared, and the entire body of the sword was like black smoke. It was much more evil than the sword of victory in my hand that had been transformed into a dark blue appearance by Lanstia.

“Scream! Sword of Plague–Aris!”

With a strange cry from the second-degree patient, the black long sword in his hand suddenly disintegrated into a cloud of black smoke. The black smoke was originally just a ball but suddenly exploded. The dense black smoke wrapped the second-degree patient tightly. In fact, this is not over yet, this black smoke is floating towards the people who are still fighting.

This black smoke can no longer be called black smoke. In the black smoke, the skeletons with distorted faces in a struggling state, as well as the screams and weeping that resound through the sky.

I just felt that my heart was full of sadness and fear, and I stared blankly at the black smoke hitting me.

Suddenly a howl of pain sounded in my ears, and I suddenly became sober.

“My grass, how dirty your grandson is, the ashes on your body are so exaggerated, you are dying.”

“Don’t fight, let’s run!”

I don’t know who shouted, and the whole battlefield was chaotic in a moment. The half-orcs and my harem and the heroes collided like headless flies. I know that the more this time, the less messy it can be.

“Bald scoop, you take the brave, this king takes the demons, withdraw first!”

Under my order, the seven-man harem group plus Lanstia ran towards me.

Phedero and I ran desperately with two groups of people, and the black smoke behind them was chasing after death like a **** of death!

Those half-orcs who didn’t run away in time were soon enveloped in black smoke, and then screams came out. All kinds of screams continued throughout the forest for a while, and the whole was **** on earth.

“This horrible thing kills even their own people, but it also has automatic tracking. It’s dying.”

“Master Devil, you will eventually be caught up by the black smoke when you run down. What is this?”

Yuri asked me.

“I don’t know what it is, but the second patient is muttering the plague sword and screaming. The black smoke king feels full of fear at a glance. Being chased will definitely be like those half-orcs.”

“The plague…the sword of the plague? This, is this black smoke… the source of the plague? If it is true, it will ulcerate to death if caught by this black smoke.”

Yuri tremblingly said.

What is the source of the plague? But looking at Yuri’s scared look, I’m afraid it’s very unusual www.readwn.com Seeing the black smoke is about to catch up, I feel miserable. What the **** is this? We are here to fight the dragon, so it hurts you. You are a secondary patient, it’s a big deal for you to be a devil.

I looked back, and there seemed to be a person in the smoke flying with the black smoke, the hollow eyes and the scars on his face, that’s right. It turned out that the black smoke that was automatically tracked was actually manipulated by the second patient.

“Chuck, hypocritical demon king and weak brave! Keep running, keep running. Run in front of my plague, towards the abyss of death!”

“Bah, bastard. You grandson still dare to taunt, if I couldn’t beat you, I would have turned my face already, ah, chase slowly, I will die.”

“Master Devil, sooner or later you will be caught up after you run down, so let’s give it a go!”

“Fight? How to fight? You help me? This black smoke knife cuts continuously and can’t penetrate through the sword. Run, live for a while. Why not, while we are not dead, let’s talk about love.”

“Ah, what time is it. You still have this leisurely mind. Who of you can release a defensive shield, preferably a light attribute!”

Lanstia gave me a white look, and then shouted!

“The servant is willing to try!”

Eh? You Li, don’t make trouble, you are a dark elf with a **** light attribute defensive shield!

“Don’t make trouble, Yuri. Let’s have a good relationship and ignore this rubbish.”

“Master Devil, what I said is true! Master Lanstia, I know the light attribute shield, but I don’t know how long it will last.”

“You can hold it for a while.”

“I want to save the world!”

Lanstia stopped suddenly and grinned behind him. This smile is very warm.

“My people, I will save them!

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