I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 99

Chapter 70: The fall of the queen

Qiu embraced a banshee and was dragged out of the ruins of the house by the queen. The queen threw Qiu from the tree house to the ground with an angry throw.

I hurriedly flew forward to catch Qiu, and placed Qiuping on the ground under the attention of a group of female demons.

Only now I discovered that the banshee in Qiu’s arms turned out to be her younger sister-the banshee named Luo. Qiu had no obvious wounds on her body, but her sister’s abdomen was **** and internally turned, Luo Shuang Eyes closed tightly, fearing that he had already lost his life.

Qiu’s attention was all on her sister Luo, and she ignored me saving her.

Queen stood in front of the ruins of the broken tree house, her face was extremely angry. Seeing that I rescued Qiu Ke but no banshee stepped forward to stop her, she screamed angrily towards the sky.

“Do you want to rebel too!”

These banshees who kneel down tremble slightly, and no one dares to look at the queen with their heads down.

“This king is the great demon king of the demon race! You are all my servants, I am afraid it is you who want to rebel!”

As soon as my voice fell, the tremors of these banshees who were kneeling on the ground became more violent.


A sad cry suddenly sounded, and I followed the sound, it was Qiu, Qiu howling in pain.

Qiu hugged her sister tightly in her arms. The blood stained Qiu’s clothes. A red liquid slowly ran down her cheeks. She didn’t know if the blood was stained with tears or the tears were blood. It hurts me to see it for a while.

“Die, you have to die! All of you!”

The queen yelled frantically, her eardrums hurting with her sharp and piercing voice.

I haven’t set off yet. At this moment, the **** winged queen doesn’t even care about the wounds of the wings. She flapped her wings and flew towards me quickly. It seemed that she was really desperate. The continuous hurricane attack just now, she can say that she is already It’s the end of the battle.

The queen’s nails are like sharp blades, but I disdain to avoid it. This kind of attack is really just tickling to me who is demonized. I sneered and watched the queen attacking me. You really lost your mind. Just come. If you don’t cut it, I will lose.

Dawu just wanted to step forward and was stopped by me. Lao Tzu’s anger hadn’t vented yet. It just happened to be an opportunity. Just watch it honestly.

At this moment, the mutation happened!

Qiu, who was sitting on the ground holding her sister, let out a heart-piercing howl again. Her voice was a little hoarse, and her eyes were stained red with blood.

Qiu put down his sister in his arms, and rushed straight to the queen who had attacked me in a rage. Qiu was crazy. After losing her wings, her slender fingers and nails, which were originally human-like, now became evenly long and sharp.

I sighed and didn’t step forward to stop Qiu’s actions. Needless to say, Qiu’s sister must have been killed by the Queen. It is also a good thing to let her vent the grievances in her heart at this moment.

秋 screamed, desperate, angry, and sad. Her nails are like knives, torn and pierced on the queen’s body, and also pierced in her own heart. She is afraid that this action will make her even unworthy of the name Banshee from then on. But I don’t care about coming to Autumn, because she has lost her relatives, even though this relative once wanted to kill her.

Although the queen is the end of the crossbow, it is not something that Qiu, a banshee who has lost her wings, can deal with. The queen smiled grinningly and flapped her broken wings. The feathers on her wings were like blades, flying feathers all over the sky towards Qiu. .

If this blow is real, Qiu is afraid that he will really die. I sighed. If I don’t do it at this moment, Qiu’s life will not be guaranteed.

I crossed my arm to stop Dawu who wanted to move forward again, Dawu looked at me and then at Qiu. The white flame-like eyes seemed to be able to speak. I don’t know if it was an illusion, I actually read the word obscenity in Dau’s eyes.

special, such a good opportunity to pretend, how can I let you occupy it, let alone you are still a skeleton.

I glared at Dawu, and Fei turned forward, blocking Qiu’s body, facing Qiu, and back facing the Queen.

Qiu looked at him in a daze, and in just an instant he recovered his hostile expression.

I touched Qiu’s head, and the bat wing suddenly stretched out behind me. The bat wing that was five or six meters long wrapped me and Qiu.

I just feel a little itching behind me, I think it was the queen’s flying feather that hit my bat wing.

It didn’t take long for the movement to stop. I shook the flying feathers launched by the queen on the bat wing behind me, and retracted the bat wing. The bat wing behind me again became as big as usual. Qiu seemed to be calm at the moment, she looked at me, and stopped talking.

“Queen, do you have any other moves?”

I turned around and looked at the queen. At this moment, her wings can only be described as miserable. The original pair of wings, one white and one black. And now it’s like chicken wings that have been fading, just a little disgusting with blood and blood.

The queen’s original ferocious face is now a dead gray, despair and helplessness crawling all over her face.

She laughed wildly, but in the end the laughter sounded more like crying.

I walked towards the queen with the scream of Shuangzhi, she sat slumped on the ground, holding her body with her hands, and the voice in her mouth could not tell whether she was crying or laughing.

She raised her head and looked at me with an indescribable weird smile. A line of blood and tears flowed from her eyes, “Hey hey…”

“We are all cursed sinners. The place we face is only silver evil and filth. We live only to redeem our sins. We don’t want this, we don’t want to!”

The queen suddenly raised her voice and gave a long roar. When I looked at her again, the sadness in her eyes was obvious.

The queen finished speaking, her sharp nails pierced her chest. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes.

Qiu stared blankly at the queen who died in front of her. The vengeance anger in her eyes had been extinguished at this moment. She walked to her sister’s body, sat on the ground, and hugged her sister’s body tightly, just like the warmth of her chest. This cold body can be warmed up.

At this moment, the queen died, and all the banshees stood up silently. They looked at me with no fear in their eyes, but as if I did not exist.

Dozens of banshees walked up to the queen and began to converge the queen’s body. A group of banshees did not have sad expressions on their faces, on the contrary, it was a kind of relaxed and longing.

The brutal reign of the queen is over…

Dawu leaned in front of me, shaking the skull head constantly, I was afraid he would shake his head off.

“It’s a pity, my main palace is so dead, we two are not good enough yet!”

This is such a dead metamorphosis, and I still have this mind at this moment, I knew I shouldn’t have saved you from a hurricane.

Solved the queen, and there was an unprecedented sense of emptiness in my heart. I watched the banshee bury the queen’s body, and also watched Qiu dig the soil with hands alone, trying to bury her sister.

Qiu refused the help of other banshees, and also refused and Dawu. It’s just a person digging the pit with both hands silently, and the only ones who accompany her are blood-red tears on her face.

I stood there silently watching every move of the banshees, they also regarded me and Dau as non-existent.

A long time later, Qiuya buried her sister. Her hands were already bloody, and even the bones could be seen.

I sighed and walked towards Qiu. Just about to talk, Qiu looked at me, but spoke first.

“My sister, once wanted to kill me, but I didn’t blame her. But when the queen stabbed me, my sister stood in front of me, I was helpless, I yelled at her angrily, you You know, when my sister was dying, she turned her head and said to me,’Sister, I’m very tired, you have to live well.’

“I am very angry…I, I am a trash, a coward, I have been saved time and time again www.readwn.com I am such a humble life, how worthy to live! You, why do you want to save me, you Why are you saving me? I can’t afford it, I can’t afford it…”

Qiu became more and more excited as she talked about it, her emotions gradually got out of control, and at the end she burst into tears again.

“Autumn, now you are not alone in your life, and you live with your sister in the future. You are not a sinner, and weakness is not a sin. We save you because we think you should live. Your sister, she must want to see you Live happily…”

Qiu’s voice was heart-piercing, and I gently patted her on the back. It took a quarter of an hour for her to stabilize.

“Are you the devil?”

After his mood stabilized, Qiu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, and raised his head to look at me.

“Well, would you like to go with this king to the Demon King’s Castle?”

Qiu, who was still in pain, listened to my words with a look of surprise, and then she smiled faintly, “Master Demon King, Demon King Castle is a different demon clan, all the demon clan are like family members. Place?”

I looked at Qiu and listened to her repeating what I told her as a brave. I nodded towards Qiu.

“Master Devil, I don’t know, does the Demon King’s Castle welcome me, the evil silver banshee without wings?”

Qiu Qiu’s mouth curled up slightly, and this shallow smile was very moving.

“Welcome, naturally welcome.” I subconsciously said.

Qiu did not speak, she looked at me, her eyes full of memories and sadness.

While I was still wondering how Qiu Chong’s expression changed a bit quickly, Qiu suddenly walked up to me and whispered in my ear: “Master Devil, the way you feel when you touch my head, and The same person. The same warmth and gentleness…”

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