I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Level Design Enough To Become A Benchmark

In fact, it’s just like Ain thought.

In this level, the player can indeed be a ‘reckless man’ and directly open the unparalleled kill.

But the difficulty is basically higher than the original.

Recruits become ordinary, ordinary becomes difficult, and difficult becomes veteran.

As for the highest veteran, if you have to use the unparalleled play method, then this level alone will allow you to play for a year, and it is absolutely worth the money!

Unlike A Yin, some players who did not believe in evil at first and thought about doing something were different.

Ah Shu, who was also on the live broadcast, very restored the plot atmosphere in the game.

Those who knew it understood that he was playing the difficulty of recruits, but those who didn’t know it thought he was playing the difficulty of the real version, the kind that he really died if he crossed in and died.

Just two words: Cherish your life!

“What’s going on!”

Ah Shu, who followed closely behind McMillan, scanned the surroundings vigilantly every time he took a step, and when they came to the lawn area, McMillan raised his hand and signaled to stop.

Before Ah Shu could figure out the situation, suddenly there was a roaring engine sound in the distance.

“Get down!”

With a low drink, McMillan was ready to lie down in an instant.

But what McMillan didn’t expect was that Ashu was much faster than him lying down.

Seeing Captain Price lying beside him, McMillan in the game widened his eyes with a ghostly expression on his face.

When I beat people before, why didn’t I see you being so efficient?

“Maybe I’m not as good as you in beating people, but I must be strong to save my life!

Outside the game, Ah Shu, seeing that he finally had an ability to ‘convince’ McMillan, couldn’t help laughing.

At the same time, it also made Ah Shu feel emotional, every NPC in this game behaved simply!

Each one gave him a very fresh look.

What he didn’t know was that Chen Xu and the collective employees of Nebula Games had tossed around a lot for the small details in these games.

The current AI program obviously has no way to respond according to the player’s behavior, so these are all set trigger conditions.

After all, the former Chen Xu was a player, and he knew best what these guys liked to do.

Playing an ACT or ARPG, and seeing a girl character every day, I want to lie down and look up.

Therefore, in the game, players make some behaviors, and most of the NPCs who fight side by side with them have specially designed actions and lines.

When Ah Shu was emotional, the enemy’s large army had already arrived.

Four armoured vehicles drove ahead, and on either side of the convoy there were at least twenty enemies armed with AKs and machine guns.

Lying on the ground in the grass, Ah Shu didn’t even dare to twist his neck, and he didn’t interact with the audience in the live broadcast room as before, and he didn’t even dare to breathe harder, completely forgetting that his own voice had no way to transmit it to the game. inside.

Armored vehicles drove past him, even a dozen centimeters away, and Ah Shu saw the shoes of the enemy soldiers walking by in front of him.

‘Don’t spot me! Don’t spot me!

A Shu, who was lying on the grass, prayed silently in his heart, but fortunately, most of the enemies were moving with the armored vehicles, and no one paid attention to the weeds around him.

“It’s too exciting!”

Ah Shu took a deep breath. The level just now might not be the most popular in the game, but it definitely made him the most nervous.

With the feedback of VR and body sensing devices, it is no exaggeration to describe it as being in the real world.

It really made him put his heart in his throat.

“Can’t shoot, we need to get through this line of defense! Follow in my footsteps!”

Under the assassination of Captain McMillan, Ashu and the others passed through the enemy patrol line full of containers and came to a cemetery.

Several planes were parked here preparing to take off, as well as enemy armored vehicles.

“Follow me, we’ll go through!

Go through!?

are you kidding me!?

At this moment, it was Ah Shu’s turn to stare at the boss.

Before facing the enemy’s large army on the grass, it was a last resort.

But now, they have to take the initiative to pass through?

This! How did this go!

The next second I saw McMillan put the sniper rifle on his back, and his whole body lay down and got into the chassis of the armored vehicle.

“Wait! Wait for me!” Seeing McMillan’s actions, Ah Shu reacted and quickly took a picture of the gourd and got under the car.

Then he followed a principle.

Hot face to cold ass.

Regardless of the line ahead, regardless of the surrounding enemies.

Always keep a zero distance between yourself and McMillan, McMillan will move forward if he moves forward, and never fall behind!

The sound of the propeller, the conversation and footsteps of the soldiers next to him.

There is also the heartbeat from the characters in the game, and the accumulation of various small details makes Ashu feel like he is in the scene, and even when he is nervous, he exhales too much carbon dioxide due to hyperventilation, and his hands and feet are a little numb.

But compared to Ah Shu, the audience who was a little nervous at first, can’t get nervous at this time.

‘Grass! Brother Shu, can you look back a little bit!?’

‘McMillan: It’s quite abrupt, crawling and crawling behind me and it’s a little hot!’

‘???? You are wrong, you can drive on this broken road!’


In a short time, the frightened Ah Shu followed McMillan and climbed out of the car to a safe location. It was not a long journey, but it made Ah Shu feel like a year.

“It’s too exciting `々!” After successfully arriving at a safe point, Ashu let out a long sigh of relief, and his back was sweating from nervousness.

Press the menu interface to pause the game.

Leaning on the chair, Ah Shu slowed down for a minute before starting again

The next part of the journey is not as tense as before, obviously to give players some buffer time.

Except for the sudden appearance of the nine dogs, there was no threat when Ah Shu almost overturned the car.

Passing through the swimming pool to the side window upstairs of the hotel, McMillan set up a Barrett anti-vehicle sniper rifle.

All that’s left is to wait for the next day to come and kill Zakayev with one shot!

Crawled on the ground and waited quietly.

The next day, McMillan, who was holding the binoculars, suddenly spoke.

‘Lieutenant Price, the enemy delivery vehicle has appeared!

Hearing this, Ashu hurriedly leaned over to the erected Barrett to take aim.

I saw a dark green jeep arrive at the target point, and at the same time Zakayev in the car walked down with two guard soldiers.

“1000 meters away, don’t forget what I taught you.

“This distance requires an estimate of the humidity of the ballistic trajectory, as well as wind speed, etc.

“And at this shooting distance, you also need to take into account the Coriolis effect”

Hearing McMillan’s words, Ah Shu was immediately stunned.

What… what effect?

Very professional, but unfortunately he didn’t understand a word!

I only know one thing, that is, it is different from the general FPS aiming at people, and now it is impossible to hit the target and shoot at this distance.

But fortunately, the game obviously won’t really let him think about these things, and McMillan next to him will help.

“See that flag in front of Zakayev? I said shoot and shoot!”

Listening to McMillan’s words, Ah Shu also noticed the red flag fluttering in the wind on the opposite side.

When a gust of wind blew and made the flag face in his direction, McMillan next to him also gave an order.


Instantly, Ah Shu pulled the trigger.


12.7mm caliber, bullets big enough to rip steel are fired from the muzzle.

The bullet flying at a speed of 853 meters per second hit Zakayev’s arm more than a second later, and the powerful force directly tore the opponent’s arm.

The severe pain caused Zakayev to fall to the ground in a coma.

A gunship flew in their direction and began to fire frantically.

“Aim at the cockpit and shoot him down!” McMillan’s voice sounded in Ash’s ear.

Quickly turning the muzzle, Ashu aimed at the cockpit of the opponent’s gunship.


If it is a normal firearm bullet, it is obviously not enough to cause damage.

But Ashu is now using Barrett.

One shot into the soul, the bullet passed through the bulletproof glass of the gunship, directly piercing the driver in the driver’s seat.

The gunship that lost its pilot fell straight from the sky.

At this time, Ah Shu remembered that Zakayev, who had just had his arm broken before, wanted to continue to make another shot, but was dragged away by McMillan.

“Shock, blood loss, and this harsh environment will probably kill him!

“And more importantly we don’t have time to be here!”


McMillan grabbed Ashu and came to the prepared downhill rope.

The moment it descended, the enemy’s artillery also blasted over.

The floor they were originally on was instantly blown to pieces, and the upper part of the hotel was directly destroyed.

The air wave generated by the explosion sent McMillan and Ashu flying out.

Fortunately, the two of them were only two or three meters away from the ground at this time. Although they fell hard enough, their lives were not in danger.

At this time, the enemy’s ground troops also kept coming toward them.

“Go! Go in the direction of the playground! That’s our evacuation point!

McMillan led the way, and the two ran all the way north.

The surrounding buildings are all dilapidated and the aisles in the middle are wide, but the rooms of the buildings are connected and run through.

In addition to an M21 sniper rifle, Ashu also took an enemy AK47.

This is where it comes in handy.

Although his marksmanship is very good, this indoor environment is still no problem for the enemy.

A shuttle is pressed to the end, and a direct waist shot can shoot through the enemy.

After killing all the enemies in the bungalow, when they came outside, just when Ashu felt safe, another armed helicopter came towards them in the distance.

“It’s the end of us when it targets us, we have to kill it! McMillan raised the M21 in his hand without saying a word.

Whatever the captain says, he will do.

Following this line of thinking.

Ah Shu directly poked his head out of the bunker next to him, and replaced the firearm with the M21 semi-automatic sniper rifle that he had not thrown away.

Aim and shoot!

With continuous shooting, unlike the previous Barrett, the 7.62 caliber bullet of the m21 in his hand obviously had no way to directly penetrate the bulletproof glass and kill the pilot in the cockpit.

But can’t kill the pilot directly, can’t solve the plane?

Different from Ah Shu’s straightforward shooting at the cockpit, Ah Shu saw in the high-powered mirror that Captain McMillan next to him shot the gunship’s propeller.

This shot instantly caused the gunship in front of him to lose control.

“Cow! Otherwise, Captain, you are the captain!” Ashu exclaimed.

But it was too early for him to be happy.

Because at that moment in the time and space of the opposite plane, the pilot on the local plane, directly holding the controller in both hands, drove the out-of-control plane and rammed towards them.

The plane, which had lost power from its propeller engine, fell to the ground and charged towards them.



McMillan next to him was quick-witted, and when he saw Ah Shu next to him, he pulled him over and ran towards the side of the road.

But it was still a step too late. The powerful impact of the plane crash directly destroyed the tower, and the boulders fell one after another.

One of them smashed directly into McMillan’s thigh.

But what shocked Ah Shu was that McMillan’s face was contorted with pain, and sweat dripped from his forehead, but he didn’t make a sound.

“He’s a horse, I can’t move!” Lifting the boulder, McMillan gasped heavily, his face covered in fine sweat from the pain.

“It seems that for the next journey, Lieutenant, you have to travel alone!” McMillan endured the pain and took a deep breath.

“What nonsense! How could it be possible to leave you behind!” Without even exploring whether it was necessary to escape with McMillan, Ah Shu directly carried him on his back without any hesitation.

He was not the only one who made such a choice here, almost all the players who played here chose to carry McMillan on their backs.

How could he give up his comrades here!

And this part of McMillan’s plot, Chen Xu has also redesigned it, compared with the original version of the helicopter that killed the enemy, ‘pretend’ in the middle of the road and broke his leg.

Now in order to cover teammates, there is no doubt that the player will be more infectious and impactful.

Who would abandon the teammates who depend on life and death at this time?

Even if only in the game!

Carrying McMillan all the way, just like Price wouldn’t give up soap as a rookie on the freighter.

Here, he will never leave his captain McMillan!

Dodging the enemy’s pursuit and advancing little by little, Ashu finally brought McMillan to the target point: the amusement park.

Light the beacon and send a signal.

All that’s left is to brace until rescue forces arrive.

Put the immobile McMillan in the grass, where he will cover Price with his sniper rifle.

With the signal, friendly support determined their location.

But the enemy also determined their location.

Like the tide, waves of enemies came from all directions.

Ah Shu, who was hiding behind the bunker in the amusement park, was completely unable to lift his head, and the screen kept turning red and gray.

This is just the new (Nuo Zhao Zhao) soldier difficulty!

He didn’t dare to think about how difficult it would be if the veteran’s difficulty was here.

Wave after wave, until finally all the bullets on Price’s body were fired.

The sound of Price’s gunfire was no longer heard, and McMillan, who was holding an M21 sniper rifle behind the cover on the other side, seemed to realize something.

“It’s an honor to fight alongside you, Lieutenant John Price!”

“Me too, Captain Nate McMillan!”

The next second, the picture in front of Ah Shu fell into darkness, but it was in this darkness.

He heard the sound of helicopters, and the sound of machine gun fire.

This relieved him.

Although he clearly knew that Price would not die, the tight levels of the entire game made him unable to help worry about it.

Now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

“My dear, there is still such a legendary story!”

“So the culprit is Zakayev? The root of all evil!

Also from the normal difficulty to the recruit difficulty, A Yin, who has passed the last level of the amusement park, is also very emotional after learning about Price’s memories.

Two words: fun!

Perfect for diving into levels.

Thrilling, completely insufficient to describe the level experience that Price recalled.

Before that, A Yin originally thought that the level of Nuke.Wu might be the pinnacle of this game.

But I didn’t expect that this level of Reminiscence Killing would bring such a strong impact.

He even felt that this level could definitely become a benchmark in the history of cinematic games, and could be included as an example in a game level making textbook.

If we say that the various big scenes of the magnesium army line in the previous stages of Modern Warfare, let players feel what a big scene is.

The following plots and levels will make them understand why modern warfare is called modern warfare.

It is definitely not because the weapons and equipment of the combat soldiers belong to modern equipment.

But a brand new combat concept suit.

On the modern battlefield, a battle-hardened special team can have an even greater impact than an army of thousands!

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