I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 My War Ends With You!

Although Soap and Price have been blacklisted by many countries for killing Sheffield.

But the totoaba operation and Price’s personal connections made it impossible for them to get reinforcements directly.

But he was able to get the latest information, and Price also asked the alloy team to protect the Russian commander.

And Price and the others finally got information about Makarov.

Makarov and his top staff will meet in occupied Prague in a few days.

Time waits for no one, and the troops of various countries have no way to support, so Price and Soap decided to bring this matter to an end.

Just like when Price and McMillan killed Zakayev.

Price found a familiar leader of the Russian anti-Makarov organization, Kamarov, who had rescued one of them.

with the help of Kamarov.

Price, Yuri, and Soap successfully infiltrated Prague, which was occupied by Makarov’s followers, in the heavy rain. On the top of the church tower~ ready to snipe.

“Alpha One, check the radio, done!” came Price’s voice over the intercom.

“Bravo One, received. We proceed as instructed.” Soap responded immediately.

“Okay, Kamaloff’s men are still in the hotel, and we’re ready to get this done as soon as he gives the signal! What do you see?” Price said of the established plan.

Through the binoculars, Soap and Yuri observed the location of the Council Chamber.

“Nothing, it looks like Makarov is going to be late for his funeral.” Soap said coldly.

“Be quiet until we clear the enemy, and do whatever you want afterwards. 99


After all, Price hung up the radio.

Soap and Yuri also acted, and the loaded sniper scope was aimed at the conference hall.

Next, we only need to wait for Makarov to appear, and then we can end all this.

“Should it be over soon? 39

A Yin held the controller in his hand and operated Yuri to observe the direction of the parliamentary hall through the sniper scope, and said in his mouth.

“But I feel that after killing Makarov, there will be a play of defense and waiting for support.”

A Yin’s tone was very relaxed, but his expression became more and more serious.

Although Ghost and Xiaoqiang died because of Sheffield.

But it also has nothing to do with Makarov.

The only thing that worries A Yin is whether the Yuri he manipulated will die.

After all, he manipulated Xiaoqiang before, and Xiaoqiang died.

And now the protagonist he manipulated has become Yuri again. At the same time, from some dialogues, A Yin also felt the unusualness of this character.

He seemed to have known Makarov once, plus he was a Russian.

This made A Yin feel that he was a little unusual.

“Watch out for the arrival of Makarov’s convoy, but Makarov hasn’t been seen yet!

At this time, the voice of Soap next to him interrupted A Yin’s speculation.

“Makarov found! In the third car!”

Carefully observe through the sniper scope, at this time A Yin saw the other party.

But the tricky part for Soap was that Makarov didn’t get out of the car, but drove to the garage.

“Damn, they entered the garage, didn’t they find us?” Soap scolded.

“Don’t get excited, you stay here first, and leave the rest to Kamarov.”

“Kamarov, did you hear that?”

Price repeated it on the radio.

But did not receive any response.

This is a very unusual performance, and the soap vaguely feels a little bad.

But whether it was Yuri, who hated Makarov deeply, or was eager to kill Makarov’s money team, at this time, emotions interfered with his judgment.

Makarov has already appeared and entered the basement before, if he doesn’t kill him here, the ghost knows what the next chance will be.

Therefore, Price still sneaked into the conference hall according to the original plan.

“Sniper cover me!”

Price’s voice sounded on the radio, A Yin and Soap aimed at the enemies in the conference room, killing them one by one easily.

But this time something shocked Price happened.

As a door opened, a dead man sat on a chair.

“What the hell? Price, who is that?” Soapy asked in the communication strangely that he couldn’t see each other’s face clearly from the distance.

“Kamarov…” Price

At this time, the communication of Kamarov, who had been silent for a long time, rang.

But what appeared inside was Makarov’s voice.

‘Captain Price, hell is calling you!’

In the sniper scope, Soap saw the flashing bombs in the room and yelled: “Price, run!””

And the next second, the voice in the communication made Soap stunned.

“Yuri, my friend, you shouldn’t be here.””

Makarov really knew Yuri!

But before Soap had much time to reflect, there was the sound of bombs arriving in the room.

“Damn, run! Right now!”

Aware of the dangerous soap, the first reaction was to push Yuri out of the room, and then he threw himself out.


The room where the two of them were originally exploded in an instant.

Two people fell from the sky.

Fortunately, there are wooden boards under construction as a cushion. Although A Yin was thrown all over the place, he was not fatally injured.

But in the next second, A Yin turned to look at the ground next to him, and he was stunned for a moment.

The body was covered in blood, the explosion and the injury from falling from the building, as well as the rupture of the wound caused by the knife from the Sheffield bucket, the soap at this time was lying in a pool of blood, and had already lost consciousness.

“No way! Could it be…”

A Yin’s heart trembled.

Looking at the dying soap on the ground, Ah Yin didn’t dare to think about the possible situation.

From Zakayev to Operation Totoaba to Sheffield.

Soap has had so many life-and-death crises along the way, and he has survived all of them.

Why can’t you survive this time?

But the tight plot of the game doesn’t give Ah Yin much time to think about it.

Price, who escaped from the parliamentary hall, carried the soap off the ground.

Price, who has always been known for his calmness, panicked for the first time.

“Damn! Quick! We’re getting out of here! Soap on your back, Yuri! I’ll clear the way for you!”

Holding a grenade-loaded assault rifle, Price stepped forward like a god of war.

And A Yinze followed the Qian team with soap on his back.

Blood flowed unstoppably from the wound on Soap’s chest, and the pain and blood loss made his face extremely pale.

Under the attack of Makarov’s soldiers, Yuri and Price finally sent the soap to the base camp of the Kamarov rebels.

Countless bullets swept past them like shooting stars, landing on the soil and splashing the soil.

Price carried the soap on his back and opened fire as he walked.

‘Soap, hold on!’

‘We’re here!’

‘hold onto!’

But at this time, Soap, even had no strength to speak.

Breathing also became inaudible.

Rushing into the resistance base, Price hurriedly placed the soap on the table.

The flowing blood instantly dyed the table red.

Yuri and Price covered the soapy wound with their hands, trying to stop the bleeding, but it was all in vain.

“Price… Yuri.” Soap lying on the table tried to say something to Price but was interrupted.

“No…soap…don’t talk, take a break!” Price soothed Soap nervously.

Price has always felt so calm.

In the middle of the night, he attacked the freighter in the Bering Strait, faced the desperate situation of Zakayev, and when he was rescued from the Gulag concentration camp, he knew that there was a war between magnesium and Russia.

It was only after he learned that the ghost and Xiaoqiang died in Sheffield’s hands that he became angry.

But now, he showed an expression that he had never shown so far: panic and fear.

“Doctor! Find a doctor!”

“Come on, you won’t die, boy.

Price shouted loudly.

Struggling, the soap lying there shook his head.

“No…you have to know…Makarov, he…knows…Yuri.””

With his last strength, Soap said the message, and then closed his eyes forever.

・・For flowers..

“No! Soap, damn it! Open your eyes!” Looking at Soap who had lost his vital signs, Price, who was standing there, lost control of his emotions.

The resistance group next to him reminded Price that it was time to leave, because the enemy was coming soon, but Price was roughly pushed away.

Price looked back at the dead soap, took out a handful of M1911 from his pocket, and gently placed it on Soap’s chest.


I’m sorry, I don’t know if I’m saying I didn’t take good care of the soap, or I said to the leader of the resistance group he pushed away.

Then Price took Soap’s diary and carefully put it into his arms.

On the battlefield, it was the only thing he could keep that represented soap.

Following the rebels, Makarov’s attack was repelled.

In the basement, Price knocked Yuri to the ground with a hard punch and pointed a gun at his head.

The most crucial question was asked.

That’s why Makarov knew Yuri.

This is also the question that A Yin and the players are most concerned about.

Yuri, isn’t he a Twenty-five boy?

Facing Price in front of him, Yuri also confessed his experience.

He was indeed a fanatic once, and worked under Zakayev with Makarov.

But gradually Yuri discovered that Makarov and Zakayev were pure lunatics.


A nuclear explosion turned 30,000 soldiers into ashes in an instant.

Desperate to hit the east coast with missiles.

Team up with Sheffield for the massacre of the airport.

Yuri longed for the revival of Russia, but he did not use such means and methods to revive it.

So he took the risk of revealing to Magnesium that Makarov was going to attack Zakayev Airport.

But this piece of information came into the hands of Sheffield, which naturally led to a murder, and this was the conspiracy planned by Sheffield and Makarov together.

After escaping, Yuri officially left the organization and found Nikolai who wanted to join 141 and kill Makarov.

Faced with Yuri’s remarks, Price reluctantly agreed and agreed to continue to maintain a cooperative relationship with him.

After all, Yuri did help him and Soap before, and he is still on the blacklist of various countries, and there are no comrades around who can support each other.

At this time, Yuri also provided a new piece of information, that is, he knew Makarov’s equipment military base.

At the risk of exposure, Price contacted McMillan, now the commander of the SAS, to confirm the authenticity of the news.

The other party also extended a helping hand under the trust in Price’s personality and past friendship, providing information and equipment to help the two successfully infiltrate Makarov’s base near Prague.

Unexpectedly, although they could not find Makarov, they got the news that Makarov was ready to attack the Queen of Russia.

So after the two evacuated, Price immediately passed the information to Sandman of the alloy team.

Unfortunately, the rescue team was still a step behind. When they arrived at the scene, they could only see that the two hostages had been taken into the helicopter.

However, although the rescue failed, the coalition forces tracked the hostages to a giant diamond mine in Siberia.

Here is still Price, who is on the blacklist of various countries, Yuri, who bears sin, the Delta alloy team, and the Russian anti-Makarov forces. The three parties have joined forces to rescue.

A tragic action.

In this operation, Sandman, Tucker and others of the alloy team all sacrificed to cover the others.

This action not only ended the magnesium-Russian war, but also cleared Price’s crime.

However, when countries are busy cleaning up the mess and repairing the bruised world, Price still has one thing to do, and it is also one thing that countless players must do.

As long as Makarov doesn’t die, the war that belongs to him will never end.

Price watched the news of the end of the war broadcast on TV while sorting through all the information on the operation.

“Who are you?”

“Prisoner 627, Makarov, I’m here for you.

“Didn’t you hear them? The war is over!”

“My war ends with you!” Three.

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