I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Unprecedented H8S, Start The Nebula Game Of Hunting

As most designers in the industry think.

In the “Battle of Berlin” between the Big Goose game and the AE game, as the chief designer, Meleski felt very embarrassed at this time.

If he was on E3 before and saw the promotional video of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”, he just paid attention.

Later, when the game trial became popular all over the world, there was only a little hope in his heart.

Looking forward to the content behind the official version of the game is not as good as imagined.

But now, it was obvious that reality had given him a heavy hammer, and he was almost out of breath.

In all fairness, he actually felt that the quality of the game “Battle of Berlin” was good in all aspects.

Both the plot and the gameplay are remarkable, and it not only perfectly restores the classic famous scenes in the movie, but also expands the prequel and follow-up scenes.

After all, there are more than two hours of movie content, and there are many literary dramas, which is far from enough for an FPS game.

As for the content of the game, the popular point is that the protagonist in the game killed all the way to Berlin, and then caught the mustache by chance, ending the war that affected the world.

Don’t think that this story sounds a bit old-fashioned, but most of the movies in the parallel world are like this.

And small people save the world, which itself is a classic routine that has been passed down since ancient times.

There are also a lot of so-called kingly plots, including previous lives. There are always many homogeneous works on the market, obviously there is a large audience market.

At the same time, as a world-renowned designer, Meleschi still has a high standard.

The arrangement of various plots, as well as the structure of shooting levels, can be said to be on the passing line, and it can be regarded as a good shooting game.

Coupled with this gimmick adapted from a well-known movie, it might be a big hit.

But the key also depends on who it meets.

How to fight the monster called “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”?

Almost completely crushed!

Inside the office, Meleskey watched the discussions of his peers in some industry forums.

Looking at the latest ratings from the major media, he couldn’t help but sighed helplessly.

Like players who have been completely crazy, major industry media are also amazed by “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”, and have given extremely high evaluations.

Among them, ING, a veteran game media, gave a full score of more than 10 points.

‘The type of FPS game is not uncommon, because it has a history of more than ten years or more, but there are few games as memorable as “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”.

‘The huge visual experience brings only shock after personal experience, especially the well-designed levels, which fully demonstrate what is called modern warfare. ”

“It doesn’t mean that there are modern weapons such as planes and tanks. Modern warfare, elite warfare, information-based network operations, and the containment of the enemy’s information network can immediately make the war one-sided.

‘In the game we see how modern warfare unfolds. Dream

‘And the excitement and tension are the experience that has never been missed in the game. The battlefield of bullets, the fall of the white house, the city core, the flat, the collapse of the iron tower, all kinds of shocking scenes, make players like watching a blockbuster Same. ’

‘The overall rhythm of the game is just like what Chen Xu promised at E3 before, he allows us to experience a movie-level audio-visual enjoyment in a game. ”

‘But these are the interesting things about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which can really move countless players, and what makes the game sublime is its plot and character shaping.

‘In this game, Chen Xu made us think about war.

‘He didn’t tell us whether the war was good or bad, he just used the game to tell us directly what the war would bring.

Thirty thousand marines died in action, and countless innocent people died in magnesium, Russia, and many European countries. As a front-line soldier, from the SAS period to the 141 period, only Price was alone with a cigar.

‘The war has taken countless lives, but what has it brought? The answer is nothing. ’

‘And the player is not the omnipotent protagonist in the movie. Without the halo of immortality, he can’t save it every time. Soap, Xiaoqiang, Yuri, etc., as well as the ghosts and Gates that the player can’t control, they are all in this war. victim.

‘A true FPS masterpiece, he told us that games can bring shocking audio-visual effects like movies, even stronger than movies!

Not only the ING media, but also other well-known media around the world have also published relevant comments.

In three days, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” resounded in the global game circle.

Countless game designers are also sighing.

After the launch of “Battlefield” two years ago, many game makers have followed suit and launched various FPS games in the past two years.

But no game can reach the heights of “Battlefield”.

But now, Chen Xu has appeared with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The stunning plot and level design make almost all producers feel that this is a game that has surpassed the times, which can only be described as breathtaking.

With the development of the game, more excellent FPS games will inevitably appear in the future.

But ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’ will undoubtedly leave its bright mark in the history of FPS games.

The words Chen Xu will inevitably be remembered by later game designers and players.

And just when players around the world are still marveling at the touching plot in “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”.

One week after the game was officially launched, a blockbuster was presented by Nebula Games again.

At the same time, it also made many game channel malls at home and abroad feel that Chen Xu’s arrival is not good.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is getting a huge update on this day.

Not additional story DLC content.

Instead, the multiplayer mode in the game is online!

That’s right, the previous life “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” can become the world’s top FPS, not only the foundation laid by the excellent plot of Modern Warfare.

It’s more about the multiplayer mode of the game.

It’s a completely different style from Battlefield.

At the launch, a total of four modes have been updated in the game.

The first is the blasting mode. In the previous “Call of Duty” series, there was no such mode at the beginning.

However, whether it is the previous life or the parallel world, there are obviously a large number of players who like the blasting mode.

And this is also the mode with the widest audience of FPS games in the parallel world at present, Chen Xu could not ignore it.

Just as we play games, we all know that WSAD stands for up, down, left and right.

But if everyone in the parallel world is used to using IJKL to represent up, down, left and right, even if Chen Xu insists on using WASD instead, he will definitely be rejected by most players.

The second mode is the most classic team competition in the “Call of Duty” series.

The main thing is to be refreshing, pick up a gun and do it, and continue to do it after death and resurrection.

Dead or alive, alive or dead, as long as there are still people gunshots will never stop.

The first team to get a certain kill score will win the game.

The third is the tactical capture of the flag, similar to the conquest mode in Battlefield, but on a smaller scale, focusing on team-based confrontation.

In addition, there is a PVE survival mode, where players can cooperate with three other friends to fight fiercely with the enemy, resisting waves of attacks.

What surprises players even more is the content of the multiplayer mode, which fully shows the features of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”.

For example, firearm modification, players can modify different firearms according to their own needs. (No money is good)

Sacrifice the stability and maneuverability of firearms in exchange for greater power.

Reduce the power of firearms in exchange for faster rate of fire and stability.

It even includes a series of accessories such as thermal imaging, heartbeat meter, under-mounted howitzer barrel, etc. Players can prepare corresponding tactical equipment according to their own thoughts.

There are also various high-tech kill streak systems in the game. According to the number of kills, after killing multiple enemies in a row, you can obtain UVA unmanned reconnaissance records similar to perspective, as well as bomb planes and even air-to-surface missiles.

Even if the player can kill enough people, they can drop a direct screen-clearing missile in the current area.

And the launch of this multiplayer mode, players cheered.

But for the major game channel malls, they saw the sharp claws exposed by Chen Xu.

From “Jelly Bean Man” and “Naughty Kitchen” to the first step of testing, and then to the launch of “Minecraft” and the creative workshop, the ambition fox has been shown.

Now a series of operations of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”, Wonderland (Eden) rush to experience the demo demo, more discounts, and now the multiplayer mode is launched.

Nebula Game, has come out of the nest, showing his claws and started hunting.

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