I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 161

Chapter 161 “Payday” Sales Exploded

Payday’s fun gameplay quickly became a topic of discussion among players.

This small and medium-sized game obviously gives players an extraordinary feeling.

The first is the freshness of the theme, the gameplay of gangsters and robbery, which makes players feel that they have broken the taboo.

As a game, players can do mischief in it, and they are not bound by morality and laws. It can be said that it is the best way to vent the pressure in their hearts.

Of course, there is another very important point, that is, the anger that players received in “Monster Hunter” before, can finally be released through “Payday”.

However, the reason why “Payday” has been so interesting is also not only the simple point that it is a cool game, and the theme is very special.

What’s more important is that players feel a kind of ingenuity and a sense of authenticity in the game.

Even players can learn a lot of professional knowledge when they play the game “Payday”.

For example, many players before playing the game Payday.

You may not know that in fact, there are one-button alarms under the counters in general banks.

When the robber is found, it only needs a little touch, and the robber has no idea that the bank has called the police.

The second is the glass at the front desk of the bank, which is also not ordinary glass 11, but a special bulletproof glass, not to mention bullets.

Even ordinary home-made grenades can’t be blasted.

There are also bank vaults, which generally have two doors and will not store as much money as players think.

At the same time, the banknotes stored in the bank also have chips for positioning and special dyes left behind.

It can be said that after playing this game, many players have learned a lot of new knowledge and have been alerted.

That is, if you can’t be like Dallas and the others in the game, with four-dimensional pockets, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and various cutters, then robbing a bank is a dead end!

And as more and more players vote in the game and participate in more and more robberies and time, the sales of “Payday” are also rising.

“Mr. Chen, the first-week sales of “Payday” are out!”

In the office of Nebula Games, Qin Yi came to Chen Xu with the latest sales report file.

Take it over and Chen Xu glanced at it.

The PC version sold 3.51 million copies worldwide, and the VR version sold 2.11 million copies worldwide.

“This is our second game that did not break 10 million sales in the first week. 35 Qin Yi said with some depressing.

When “Battlefield” went on sale, Nebula Games was actually a leather bag company.

However, because of the theme and gameplay and other reasons, the sales of “Naughty Kitchen” belong to the bottom.

Now “Payday” has become the second project to sell less than 10 million in its first week.

“Old Qin, don’t say this in front of other colleagues, or I’m afraid you will be killed by others.” Chen Xu also joked.

Hearing Chen Xu’s words, Qin Yi couldn’t help but smile happily.

To say disappointment, there must be a little bit.

But to say that “Payday” was a failure would be sheer bullshit.

As far as the first week of sales is concerned, most game manufacturers may not be able to achieve a game from life to death.

But in Qin Yi’s view, after all, “Payday” was made from the leftovers of the game they were developing.

The deeper the development, the more they can feel the experience of that game.

Love the house and Wuxia, Qin Yi felt that “Payday” should also be able to break through 10 million sales.

“In most cases, the first-week sales basically cover 50% of a game’s total sales, or even more.

“But also pay attention, this game is exclusive to our Fairyland Mall, plus the rating of adult grades, it’s actually not bad.

Chen Xu smiled and was not dissatisfied with the result of “Payday”, and even the sales had completely exceeded his expectations.

You must know that “Payday” itself is a small and medium-sized game, and the same is true in terms of pricing.

In addition, although the sales in the first week are not as good as that of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” and “Ayrden Circle”, this does not mean that the sales of this game will be pulled.

“Don’t forget that we haven’t invested much publicity resources in this game, and for the game circle, players who recognize game companies or producers only occupy a small part, and don’t forget the game “Payday” , it will take players a while to understand.” Chen Xu said with a smile.

Why do some top game manufacturers still need to advertise when the game is online?

Isn’t it good to save tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of promotion costs?

Naturally, because more players belong to the silent ones.

They play games not only because the games are fun, but also because of certain trends and popularity.

This is also the reason why various krypton games still exist, whether domestically or abroad.

And as far as “Payday” is concerned, after experiencing it for a period of time and understanding the various contents in the game, the charm of this game will be strengthened again.

For Chen Xu, the first week of “Payday” has made him very satisfied.

It also proves the strength of the paying users of Wonderland Mall, which is definitely a great success.

However, I am aware of my own affairs, but for those domestic and foreign channels and game manufacturers who have been following Nebula Games and Chen Xu.

The result of “Payday” made them seem to have found a great opportunity.

‘The end of the channel mall, compared to the sales of “Monster Hunter” in the first week, “Payday” plummeted by 60%!’

‘Chen Xu’s swell, Nebula Games is dying!’

“Payday’s 5.5 million sales on a single platform in the first week can hardly hide the decline!

All kinds of black manuscripts appeared on the Internet for a while, as well as the cynicism of some melon eaters.

Just judging from these posts, it seems that Nebula Games will go bankrupt next month.

Also under these posts, there are many fans of Nebula Games and Chen Xu who are fighting back in various ways.

During the lunch break, in the cafeteria of Nebula Games, Ruan Xue, who was in a hurry, had the same emotion written on her face, Yang Xin, who was swiping her phone, and Chen Xu, who was holding a vanilla cream ice cream, smiled and said:

“Don’t pay attention to these people, it’s just purely to black us.”

Putting down the phone, Yang Xin said to Ruan Xue, “Mr. Chen, I know you know, but it’s still annoying!

“What’s the matter? Let me take them all together.” Chen Xu sent a message and asked the marketing department for the latest “Payday” sales data.

Then open your official blog.

[The two-week sales of “Payday” on a single platform must not conceal the decline of the losers, and the sales of “Brave of Swords” in the first month of the whole channel of 3 million show the king’s style! 】

With the release of Chen Xu’s official blog, there was a carnival on the major forums in an instant.

Especially the Nebula game fans who fought back for “Payday” before 010, this time is completely hilarious.

It turned out that they felt like they were fighting alone.

But after Chen Xu’s official blog was released, it instantly made them understand that Nebula Games was on the same line as them.

‘Haha, I laughed so hard! “Sword Warrior” seems to be a masterpiece bought by Big Goose Games, right? It is said to be online in all channels except the Wonderland Mall? Dream

‘My God! 3 million sales across all channels in the first month? It’s so scary! How can this make “Payday” sell 10 million on a single platform!

‘Haha, it’s too bad! The old thief is indeed the old thief!’

‘Millions of sales can’t hide the decline of the losers, and millions of sales show the king’s style! Hahaha, how did you come up with this?’

‘Sorry, as fans of Chen Xu and Nebula Games, we can do whatever we want.

‘Huh? The previous post was deleted voluntarily? Fortunately, I took a screenshot, brothers, come and hold it high!


‘Grass, whip corpse? You are too cruel! But please bring me one!’

On the forum, in the post bar, and on the hot topic of the official blog, there are content related to “Payday” everywhere.

In particular, game designers and manufacturers in the industry also became serious when they saw that there was almost no drop in the second week, and even the online popularity of “Payday” increased again.

Before that, many people thought that this was a fast-food game that occupied the fame of the theme and Nebula games, and there was no in-depth playable content.

But now, apparently they were wrong.

It’s still a fast-food game, but it’s definitely not something that doesn’t exist without playable content!.

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