I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Break The Defense, Spread The Fire? Spread The Fart!

Pushing open the door, Lothric, who caught his eye, surprised Ah Yin and the barrage in the live broadcast room.

In fact, the original concept painting, as well as the previous publicity conference, have all been seen.

But actually manipulating the character to see it in the game is a different feeling.

From the ring to the dark soul.

That kind of heavy epic feeling has always been the most direct look and feel for players.

In the hazy gray fog in the distance, the magnificent royal city could be vaguely seen.

It has a Gothic-style building and a pointed roof with a religious flavor.

The two magnificent castles are connected by a huge covered bridge, but at the same time, the traces brought by the years make the royal city look vicissitudes.

“This is so beautiful! I don’t know if Dark Souls will be like the French Ring, where all the buildings you see can be entered.

A Yin said with emotion.

In this piece of art design, you can always trust the old thief!

The only thing that worries A Yin is that this “Dark Soul” has replaced it with a level-advancing thread gameplay.

Then, like the French ring, you can go to various maps.

After all, in the French Ring, the most interesting thing for players is that all the buildings and maps that players see can be measured with their own feet.

And “Dark Soul”, A Yinze is not clear, whether it can still do this.

“But let’s ignore it for now, anyway, I understand this thing now, there is no map in this game! What a sin! 35

While talking, A Yin cleaned up the undead soldiers.

On the side of the Lothric High Wall, A Yin was 100% sure of one thing.

That is, unlike the French Ring, the old thief in this Black Soul did not join the map at all.

What is malicious, this is malicious!

Although the game has just started, Ah Yin has already thought of the danger he may encounter next, that is, getting lost!

But the difficulty of getting lost has not yet been experienced by A Yin.

He felt the deep malice that belonged to the old thief.

On the side of the Lothric High Wall, except for the corpse mobs that kneel on the ground like pilgrims who won’t resist, basically all mobs have the ability to kill him.

And the more critical point is that these little monsters, if they are the same as Crystal Lizard, Brother Dao, and the first-timer Ash Guda, they can be crushed by their powerful personal strength.

The key is that the little monsters here are all old yin ratios who don’t talk about martial arts!

Many mobs hang insidiously on the city wall outside, or squat in a corner, and when he walks past, they will suddenly appear from behind to attack.

In particular, there were some mobs with fire crossbows hiding in the cracks of the wall, and they didn’t move when he passed by.

When he came to the bottom and fought with other monsters, he began to shoot cold arrows behind him.

The second is that if you are not careful, you may attract two or three monsters. When they play together, A Yin doesn’t know whether the king is powerful or not, but these little monsters are as powerful as one plus one!

An ARPG game, A Yin even completed a horror game.

You have absolutely no idea where a monster will suddenly appear and bring you unexpected surprises.

Of course, if only that was the case.

Because these monsters who don’t talk about martial arts are basically weak chickens.

As long as it is discovered, it is the life that the three swords take away.

But the key is that there are not only old yin than weak chickens, but also real strong people.

While exploring the map of Lothric High Wall, A Yin also encountered a majestic knight holding a sword and shield.

A bit similar to the Lost Knights of Stoneville in the French Tour.

In the middle of the game, before a corridor leading to the sentry tower, he encounters a Lothric knight with a sword and shield.

In the promotional trailer, this knight character has also appeared, but it belongs to the kind that the background board was tortured to kill.

But when the fight really started, Ah Yin realized how fierce this guy was.

Looking at the Lothric Knight in front of him, A Yin rushed forward bravely.

At the same time, I decided to use this knight to try the shield, because Ashes was hit with short hair in the previous promotional film.

The first time the shield was reversed, A Yin rolled over a bottle of Elemental Elements.

The second time the shield was reversed, A Yin took another sip of the element bottle.

For the third time, A Yin successfully returned to the bonfire lit before.

“What’s the situation? Why do I always feel that the mobs I encountered after defeating Ashes Guda felt almost as powerful as him, or even stronger? 33 A Yin’s whole person is not good.

Crystal lizards, Brother Dao, including this Lothric knight, all feel particularly fierce!

‘What a powerful monster! Except for the lack of BOSS health bar, I feel that I am not inferior to Mr. Guda at all!

‘Isn’t it normal to be more reasonable than the concierge, Uncle Gu?’

‘That’s right, Uncle Gu is a gatekeeper, how powerful can you expect him to be?

‘That’s right, Uncle Gu is a bit fierce with a spear in one hand and turning into a snake. There is a kind of you who ask him to throw away the spear in his hand and give you a set of military fists, so you don’t torture him to death!’

‘Monkey suffer!’

A Yin doubts life, but Danmuan likes to watch the anchor suffer.

For them, they can learn about the game through live broadcast first, as if they watched the strategy, and then play it, they can suffer a little less pain, which is also what many players like to do.

“No, I have to try again!

A Yin was a little unconvinced, and came back to challenge again after being resurrected.

But the result is still the same, he only knocked out a third of the knight’s blood, and he was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

If he didn’t use dual wielding, his normal attack would still be stabbed by the knight’s shield.

Obviously, when the sword is cut on his shield, it will not appear stiff.

It’s not fair!

Not only that, but when Ah Yin wanted to use his shield to slowly wear down the opponent, he found that the knight would also hit him with his shield.

After being hit, his energy value will be instantly cleared, which is much more than the energy bar deducted by ordinary attacks.

Not to mention in the state of broken defense, the two swords directly took him away, and the A Yin who hit him had no temper at all.

“Big guy, it’s still the same sentence, it’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years! 35

A Yin was silent for a few seconds, and then made a difficult decision to bypass the knight first.

After all, these intellectual elite monsters, not BOSS, can jump over.

After making a heartfelt decision, A Yin continued to explore other places.

Then he died on the road twice in a row.

Once, he accidentally led a monster, and then he was beaten to death by a group.

Another time was on a bridge full of monsters. At that time, he was about to lure the monsters to clear them. As a result, a huge flying dragon fell from the sky. It sprayed flames at the bridge and burned him to death. .

After a lot of hardships, A Yin finally avoided the flying dragon and entered the tower room.

“Fortunately, I ran fast!” Hearing the movement outside, Ah Yin was panting.

“However, this place is quite suitable for soul-hunting! The automatic soul-hunting machine, unfortunately, is too far in the middle.

Looking at the rising soul in the lower right corner, A Yin smashed his mouth.

But the tempting idea was abandoned.

Too much trouble.

Even if he wanted to brush his soul, he would prefer to find places like Ravenslope in the French Ring and Munger Bank of the Blood Dynasty.

“There’s even a treasure chest!””

Just after crossing the Fire Dragon Bridge, A Yin, who was about to explore, suddenly found a treasure chest in the corner.

After approaching, A Yin was surprised when he saw the interactive button that was turned on on the screen.

You should know that in the French ring, the things in the treasure chest are generally very good.

“Wait! Did you guys think of anything? That’s right, the treasure chest trap! Remember the teleportation trap in the Dragon’s Breath ruins in the Circle of God? 99

“This time we quickly pressed the roll button, so that after opening, we can immediately avoid the teleportation trap smoke! 35

A Yin gave a soft drink and let out a contemptuous laugh.

Everything is ready, open the box.

At the same time, A Yin pressed the scroll button.

But what made him stunned happened. The characters in the game did not move at all, and after the box was opened, there was no big treasure inside, and there was no smoke, but a row of sharp teeth, a big tongue, and a pair of hands.

This box is so weird!

“I’ll take your second uncle! Jienima is a treasure chest monster! 35

A Yin was so frightened that he almost threw the controller in his hand, and his heart rate soared, almost triggering a security alarm and dropping him.

At this time, I saw the sharp teeth of the treasure chest monster, biting the head of the character in the game fiercely.

Immediately, blood spurted out, and the characters in the game struggled constantly, but the blood bar bottomed out instantly as if it had disappeared.

After struggling for a while, A Yin’s character finally lost his voice.

Three familiar blood-red characters: [You are dead]

‘Hahahahaha, Monkey, you are right, this treasure chest is indeed a trap!

“This wave is the old thief who predicted the monkey’s prediction!”

The old thief is getting worse and worse! This special treasure chest monster has come, who could have imagined this!’

The horse, the treasure chest monster just now gave me a complete shock!

‘Everyone, don’t go to other live broadcast rooms, I want to see if other people will be fooled here!

The barrage made me laugh stupidly.

Who would have thought that this treasure chest could be turned into a monster, and when opening the box, the player was forced not to roll and dodge.

It’s just too clunky!

And A Yin had to put on a mask of pain and started another round of running.

030 You must know that this kind of running map can be said to be the source of torture.

Because after sitting on fire and resurrecting, the monsters that you fight along the way will be resurrected.

Whether you want to fight or parkour, unless you are a boss or have developed muscle memory, it will inevitably attack blood.

Losing blood means drinking the Elemental Bottle, but there is no way to replenish the Elemental Bottle when it reaches the next bonfire.

This vicious circle of ever-decreasing fault tolerance can be said to be the biggest difficulty in the game.

And this is not the same as playing BOSS, you are constantly honing in BOSS, and the atmosphere of BOSS station is designed to give you a sense of epic.

After defeating the boss, the sense of accomplishment and atmosphere is simply full.

But running pictures and fighting mobs, there is a sense of achievement!

And this experience, A Yin soon felt again.

According to the previous inertial thinking, A Yin felt that this kind of yin monster should be the existence of relatively weak chickens.

So he crossed the mountains and rivers, returned to the basement, and picked up the lost soul to prepare for revenge.

But soon reality called him a man.

This treasure chest monster can stand up!

Those two long legs shattered his bones with one kick!

Even this treasure chest monster is speculative, and it can’t be blocked with a shield.

The attack also exploded high, hugged and gnawed, and the others were gone.

“Why are you little monsters doing so much!?”

“One by one is so strong, don’t spread the word and become famous, and shrink here as a little monster?”

“Spread the fire? Spread the fart! If you can’t get past the first high wall, spread the feathers!””

Once again resurrected in front of the bonfire, thinking about the difficulties and dangers of running the map.

A Yin finally ushered in his first defense break from the official experience of “Dark Souls”!

It wasn’t just A Yin who broke the defense. Those players who had passed the test of Teacher Guda and came to the Fire Sacrifice Field and led to the Lothric High Wall.

They all encountered the same problem as A Yin, defeated the seemingly powerful teacher Guda, and felt that he could chop melons and vegetables until the next BOSS suffered again.

But I didn’t expect that this game experience is indeed chopping melons and vegetables, but I am a chopping melon and cutting vegetables.

Whether it is moving or not moving, all of them have the ability of seconds.

This world is full of dangers!

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