I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 232

Chapter 232 Amazing Game Con10T

“Junima! It seems that you can really go to everything!”

“And can you climb all the trees and mountains?

In Shark TV, A Yin, who also broadcasted The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the first time, was also surprised at this time.

As a game anchor, I have played more games than ordinary players, I don’t know how much.

It can be said that he is well-informed, and sometimes he makes a surprised expression because of the game, just for the effect of the live broadcast.

Even including the old thief’s games, although many of them made him feel amazing, many of them were born with the game experience.

But “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”, this game carried on the NS.

It made him seem to be back to the surprise when he first saw “Grand Theft Auto”.

Because he found that almost everything can be interactive!

He can climb the cliffs, and he can climb the trees. There are even many red apples growing on the treetops, and the Link he manipulates can also pick the apples.

And the entire “Legend of Zelda” UI system.

Similar to VR games, that is to hide all text information as much as possible, and even players can hide the minimap if needed, which greatly increases the sense of substitution in the game.

Including collectible props such as apples and mushrooms will only use a faint light effect to remind players that these can be collected.

In addition to the ground, A Yin also picked up a branch.

Looking at the attributes, this is obviously a weapon in the early stage.

“So starting a Shika slate, does it all depend on picking up equipment?”

He had just started the game, and he had too little content. In addition, unlike the old thief’s game before, this Zelda disclosed too little information, and now he can only guess by himself.

While exploring without letting go of any luminous objects, A Yin also slowly came to the middle of the mountain,

The mysterious old man from before was sitting by the bonfire waiting for Link to talk to him.

At the same time beside him, there is a torch and an apple.

When picked up, it will also trigger a dialogue.

The place where Link is now is an existence called the Beginning Land.

It is said that it used to be the birthplace of the Hyrule Kingdom, and the dilapidated temple that the camera gave a close-up before is the temple where the Hyrule Kingdom once held sacrificial ceremonies.

But after the Hyrule Kingdom was destroyed by the Ganon Calamity 100 years ago, the temple fell into disuse.

Then the old man introduced some features of the game to A Yin.

For example, the magic of fire, fire can ignite grass and trees, and food similar to apples can also be roasted.

And roasted food can add more blood.

“Can flames ignite these things? Can branches be ignited except torches”~?”

After listening to the introduction of the mysterious old man, A Yin looked at the branches on his body.

Standing beside the fire, A Yin switched out the branches, but he didn’t wait for him to think about it.

I saw that the modeling of the branches in the game accidentally wiped the bonfire, and it was instantly ignited.

“Fuck, it’s really on fire! That’s okay too!

Like a curious baby who saw a brand-new toy, A Yin showed an astonishing expression in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that he was coming to the fire, which might trigger an action special effect, and then set the wooden stick on fire.

But he never expected that he was just wiped by the flame, and the wooden stick was ignited.

I was also amazed, and there were viewers watching the live broadcast.

‘My God! This game!

‘Is this too real?’

‘Wood can be ignited by fire! Does that make sense? Of course it makes sense!

‘Is this really a game on NS? Jeez!’

The barrage was swiping the screen one after another, but A Yin didn’t pay attention to the barrage at this time. He was attracted by the content of the game.

He brought the stick close to the grass on the ground rocking the chair in the wind, and then in A Yin’s excited expression, the grass on the ground slowly turned black, and then burned directly.

Even accompanied by a gust of breeze, the fire spread, igniting the grass next to it, and it took a while to extinguish.

A large black open space was added directly to the mountainside that was originally overgrown with green grass.

“You can still play like this!” A Yin couldn’t help but marvel.

As if he had discovered some new toy, A Yin walked towards the grass next to him with a wooden stick.

But at this moment, the burning value in Link’s hand in the game suddenly turned to ashes.

At the same time, there is a tip in the game.

If the wooden weapon is ignited by fire, it will continue to consume durability even if it does not attack.

When the durability is exhausted, the weapon will be destroyed and will disappear directly.

It’s not like other games, if the durability is gone, just go to a blacksmith, repair it and it can be used again.

Looking at this setting, A Yin was also surprised.

Out of durability? Out of weapons!

After that, if you get a weapon with high attributes, can’t you use it blindly?

Otherwise, when fighting the mobs, the durability of the weapon will explode, so don’t you feel distressed?

Looking at the bonfire in front of him, and the torch that just came from the old man in his backpack, A Yin silently took it out.

He didn’t know if the torches would be burnt out like the branches, but now he really couldn’t help his curiosity.

Then he raised the branch in his hand to an old crooked-neck tree next to him, and roasted the apples on the tree with the burning branch in his hand.

With a burst of smoke, the apples on the tree were roasted into black ripe apples and fell from the tree.

After eating the same blood volume, ripe apples also increased a little more.

In addition, some small animals on the grass can also interact with insects.

For example, the axe used by the old man to chop down trees can be swung to chop off the dense grass.

At this time, you will find some insects such as energy grasshoppers.

It’s just that these insects are different from mushrooms and apples. They disappear in the blink of an eye, and players need to be quicker to catch them.

Even this axe can cut down the big trees in the game!

A real interaction.

This is what Ah Yin is feeling now.

Although the style of “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” is a cartoon style.

But it gave A Yin a very strange feeling.

Even to some extent, Ah Yin feels more open and free than “Grand Theft Auto”.

With the bonfire as the center, A Yin kept chopping grass with an axe to catch grasshoppers, and then lit the surrounding bushes with torches to burn the mountains, and had a lot of fun.

Not in a hurry to go to the temple that looked like a quest trigger, Ah Yin was hanging around nearby.

Similarly, the audience in the live broadcast room did not urge A Yin to do the task.

Because so far, each exploration can bring a new experience.

In the direction to the right of the axe.

A Yin found that there was a protruding stone platform in the center of the lake, and there was a sword on it.

On the lake, green duckweed formed a ring, as if prompting the player to jump.

A Yin controls Link to enter the water dashingly.

Hit the bullseye!

Then a little guy with a green face, similar to a leaf, appeared on the lake.

Yahaha! I’ve been found!

“Huh? I thought it was Berkulin, but I was really surprised.”

“You… can you see me? My name is Kroger, the elf of the forest! Ah, yes! If you (Li Zhao) see Berkulin, help me give this to him!” ”

[Kroger’s Fruit: The small fruit given by Kloger, good things will happen after collection. It stinks a bit…]

A little stinky?

Doesn’t this stink!

This thing is clearly shit!

Golden golden yellow, and that shape.

A Yin directly said that he was drunk.

Across the screen, it seems to be able to smell the smell.

However, A Yin also knew that this thing should be one of the collection elements in the game.

In the follow-up, you can find the NPC named Bokulin and exchange some things, but I just don’t know what good things can be exchanged.

Accepting this poop-like fruit, A Yin came to the island in the middle of the lake and controlled Link to climb up and pull out the sword.

The only thing that made A Yin speechless was that this thing that imitated the sword in the lake was not the powerful weapon he imagined at all.

It is an ordinary sword, and it is still rusted. From the introduction, it will be damaged after a few uses.

But fortunately, the attack power is much higher than the old man’s axe, and the attack speed is also faster, which is quite good for mowing grass and catching insects.

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