I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 We Won!

On the flanks of the battlefield, without the positional guns, as long as the two heavy tanks are careful not to advance rashly, they can almost be called invincible.

The muzzle was pointed forward, the engine ‘rumbled’ and the scorching exhaust was expelled from the rear exhaust pipe.

Fortunately, this is just a game, not a real battlefield, otherwise the unpleasant smell of the smoke is enough to make the people behind him spit it out.

“Each tank, with a team, is always ready for repairs!”

A Yin commanded loudly.

The support soldiers, in units of five, followed behind the tanks, divided into two rows and were always ready to shoot.

There is an open field ahead, and the front row of stormtroopers are ready to cover.

The speed of the tank has also suddenly increased here, and at the same time, Fort Fao, not far away, has also entered the range of the tank.

“Fire! Fire!”

With the loud roar of gunfire came.

The pig in the tank immediately aimed.

‘boom! boom! ’

Cannonballs exploded at the position in front of Fort Fao.

The barbed wire that the opponent had deployed in front of a partial door was blasted into the sky, and at the same time, it also provided cover for the soldiers who had already charged to the front row.

The Ottoman players on the city wall, because the previous wave of suicide attacks by Nan Bird and Wai Jiejie had not recovered, and the two vehicles attacked in the second wave, most people’s attention was been transferred.

It has not yet been found that under the cover of gunpowder smoke, artillery shells and smoke screens, several teams in the front row have groped under the city wall.

“Debiao! Degang! Prepare to control the position!”

“Brother Chief, you and Eggplant will lead a group of people and find a way to see if they can capture the second floor!”

Ashu, who arrived at the frontline battlefield, took over the command position without hesitation.

But at this time, it doesn’t really matter where you fight.

Whether it is controlling the passage on the second floor, grabbing a spot on one side of the city wall, or directly occupying a spot on the first floor, it is possible to secure the opponent’s hometown and the return aid from the front.

“NMMD, leave it to us!” Still choosing the scout, Eggplant is a signal bomb facing the sky, and the number of enemies in a small area is detected.

“Grenade! Fill it on the second floor!”

Instantly judging the distribution of the enemy, Eggplant shouted loudly.

Rows of grenades were thrown from the first floor of Fort Fao to the second floor along the gap.

Boom boom boom!

The explosion of the grenade, coupled with the approach of the tank.

The battlefield on the Ottoman side was already in a state of chaos.

Some are still on the city wall, fighting the enemy below.

Some want to rush down from the second floor and take back control of the first floor.

Others simply went directly from the city bridge and ran to the other side to join the large army.

“Brothers, go ahead!”

At this time, A Yin, who had followed the tank to the point, shouted.

However, although they shouted the charge, and even some players directly shouted ‘Ulla’, and transformed from Great Britain into the Northland Bear, but except for one or two unfortunate people who didn’t fully understand the situation of the battle, they chased deeply.

Most of them refused to defend the gun after clearing the area, waiting for the arrival of the follow-up troops and the resurrection of their teammates.

After all, the main force of Ottoman had not suffered too much loss. Although they won by surprise, they beat the opponent into chaos.

But the main reason was that there were two heavy tanks under the cover. After all, there were no positional guns, plus there were infantry around.

This heavy tank is a nightmare for the big head soldiers.

Machine guns and 57MM caliber artillery, what you see is bloody storms.

“Come! Come! Still want to bomb the tank!”


The eggplant, who successfully shot down the second floor, squatted on the high point and shot the head of the soldier who wanted to rush here and blast the tank with a cluster grenade.

Obviously, there are still many players who can play on the Ottoman side. Knowing that in this case, the tank must be solved first.

Otherwise, the point will never be taken back.

The disadvantage of the number of people, coupled with the fact that A Yin and the others have been prepared for a long time, are still the heavy tanks with the highest defense. The behavior of these assault soldiers can only be described by mayflies shaking trees.

This is the most standard cooperation between tanks and infantry.

Tanks are used as fire suppression points to suppress the frontal battlefield and ensure the smooth charge of the frontline infantry.

The infantrymen who cover the tanks will primarily target soldiers with anti-tank equipment.

“Keep it! Control the first floor and block the city bridge on the second floor!”

“Mr. Park, you can just leave a tank here to suppress the fire. You go and help our front!”

Ain shouted loudly.

Many of the players on their left side came all the way from the previous mountainside battle.

Compared with other passers-by players, the cooperation is more tacit.

At the same time, Nan Bird and Wai Jiejie, who had sacrificed heroically before, were also resurrected beside their teammates.

“Beautiful! Your plane is awesome!” Ah Shu looked at the resurrected Nanniao and said enthusiastically.

“I wanted to get along with you as a bad guy, but now I’m not pretending to be a showdown.” Nan Bird pretended to sigh.

A group of people were stationed on the left side of Fort Fao, talking and laughing.

At this point, there are no tactical arrangements.

Just one word, keep it up!

Use the firepower of the heavy tanks at the close point to suppress the counterattack from the opponent’s resurrection from their hometown, and wait for our army to annihilate the other two enemies at the entrance one by one, and finally occupy the point completely.

With A Yin and his group, they are like nails, firmly guarding this opened gap.

On Osman’s side, it was like a wound with a cut in his stomach.

Although he didn’t die immediately, the blood that kept flowing out made his vitality weaker and weaker.

There are more and more colors representing your own soldiers in the dots. In the end, the seemingly indestructible castle of Fort Fao finally changed from a state of contention to a state of occupation.



“Fuck, it’s really cool to play!”

The progress bar with the occupation is completed at the last point.

The magnificent victory music and horn sounded in the ears of every player.

At the same time, a row of subtitles appeared for the players on the British side.

【we won】

In the entire Faou Fort, there were cheers from the players of the Great Britain camp.

Ah Shu, Nan Niao, Ah Yin, PDD and others applauded each other to celebrate.

Although it is just a game, it really makes everyone feel the trust of the back on the battlefield.

Players who didn’t know each other before became friends because of this.

And that’s the beauty of the game. *

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