I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 The Last Difficulty

After taking full control of the Salem Pass, the attackers attacked the fourth line of defense on Mount Grabba in two directions.

And just as York Lennon envisioned it.

In the face of the attackers who already have a comprehensive advantage in armament, as the defenders, the disadvantage is too great.

The Saint Silly Meng tank, which was covering its own side, set off from the Seren Passage, and the Butan cooperated with the retreating Austro-Hungarian soldiers to pursue the retreating Austro-Hungarian soldiers to the front of the Lucca hut.

This point is like the church of St. Rocco at the beginning.

But there is one difference, that is, there is no dug trench in front of this Lucca hut.

So in the face of the attacking side Shengshameng’s tank, this Lucca hut is like a little white rabbit encountering a big bad wolf, and it has no resistance at all.

“Bring me his fine Italian gun!”

This kind of comprehensive suppression attack, the pig is full of enthusiasm.

The blood pressure and heart rate rose sharply, making the audience watching his live broadcast excited and worried.

The excitement is that this game is too cool, the worry is that the heart rate and blood pressure are too high to trigger the health monitoring of the VR device, and the game will be directly kicked out.

“Second battalion commander, there are no Italian goods, but there is one for France!” Eggplant laughed, lining up the Saint Silly gun barrels bound for the front line with his hands.

“Then what are you waiting for? Fire! Fire!”



Along with the shelling, the entire building of Luca’s hut was smashed to pieces.

At the same time, the infantry rushes to encircle and suppress it, which can be said to be done in one go.

In the entire Luca hut at point A, it can be said that the players on the side of the Austro-Hungarian Empire have no temper at all.

Different from the previous tactics, this time it was abrupt and reckless.

What’s on this side of the Austro-Hungarian camp?

Like a toy car that was accidentally run over by their armored car.

As for the Mocchini turret position at point B on the mountain, it is not as easy to take as the Lucca hut.

Mainly because of the terrain here, it did delay the Austro-Hungarian soldiers for a while, and there were also bombers on the opposite side for fire support, so they didn’t get it right away.

But when the troops who took down Lucca’s hut at the foot of the mountain, and the elite troops who were already ready to go, the situation was completely different.

Several small teams cleared the soldiers in the trenches of the Mocini turret at point B, leaving only the last group of Austro-Hungarian soldiers resurrected in the underground fortress.

However, unlike the previous underground fortresses, the Austro-Hungarian soldiers can directly occupy the underground fortresses on the side of the Mocini turret.

Therefore, if the number of attackers is not large enough and there is no way to forcibly get some points, then the attacking team will have no choice even if they play outside for a year.

But if there are enough people, as the attackers, they can directly force this point to be taken down.

It’s just that the current attackers are not satisfied to take some points by force in this way, because the delay here is too long.

There are still a lot of Austrian players left in this underground fortress.

The progress bar that occupies the point is like a turtle moving slowly.

According to the current progress bar, they need at least one and a half minutes before they can occupy point B.

Therefore, as the attackers, they directly decided to forcibly break the point and occupy it.

At the entrance of the two underground fortresses, the commandos directly blasted the big iron gate outside with explosives.

Players who had obtained elite equipment before were about to cry at this time.

Because finally it was their turn to come in handy.

Sentinels with strong defenses, and fire-breathers who are not afraid of poisonous fire, Chen Xu had always let them save their lives when tactical arrangements were made in order to get some points quickly at this moment.

However, for these players with elite equipment, the previous game experience was not very good.

The front-line soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy, and used their own lives to push the front line in the direction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

These guys with elite gear are bragging in the back.

A Yin, A Shu, Sao Zhu, these elite teams, went deep behind the enemy to perform various important tasks, and made excellent captures for the siege of the city.

Those of them in elite gear shouted Ness from the back and became a cheerleader vibe.

Now, it’s finally their turn to show off their prowess!

“Burn! Burn! Burn! I will burn you!”

The Sentinels led the way, followed by the Flamethrower, who spewed scorching flames toward the subterranean fortress.

Several Austro-Hungarian players behind the observation gate were directly scalded to death.

Afterwards, the two entrances attacked at the same time, one after the other, and the sentry took the MG08 water-cooled heavy machine gun and the Villaperosa double-barreled submachine gun and shot frantically in front.

The flamethrower behind, with poisonous flames and flames, rushed in and faced the Austrian army with a burst of flames.

Although they were instantly killed by the Austrian troops inside, they also killed a large number of Austrian troops.

The flames spread directly inside the underground fortress, burning a large number of Austrian troops to death.

Without giving them a chance to survive, the remaining attackers rushed into the underground fortress with grenades in their hands.

Not to live alone, but to die together!

With the equipment leading and the offensive personnel not afraid of life and death, point B was instantly occupied.

The fourth line of defense left only one of the farthest stables in Lucca.

But everyone knows that this point is completely impossible to stop the attacker’s pace.

Without any delay, after winning point B and emptying the remaining Austrian troops, the attackers divided into two groups and attacked the last point of the line of defense, Luka Stables.

Under the attack from both sides, even this fourth Lucca stable was easier than any previous point.

In other words, the momentum of the Austrian army that hit here has been almost completely wiped out.

Next, the fifth line of defense of the Austrian army, Mateo’s bridge at point B, only has a simple trench bunker in the rear, but because the point is located under the bridge, as the attackers, they can easily rush into the river ditch. This spot is occupied.

As for the Mocchini supply station at the other point A, there are not even redundant fortifications, only a small trench in the central area.

When the Saint Silly Meng tank and the infantry arrived here, the Austrian army even gave a symbolic resistance twice, and was immediately defeated.

The attacking side was imposing like a rainbow, as if the victory of the game was close at hand.

The defending side was like a concubine, and apparently also thought that the other side had won the victory.

But in the whole game, there are two people who know that victory or defeat, on this map called Graba Mountain, there is still one final level to overcome.

It is also the largest level in this map. *

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