I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 106 The Plains Part 1

Ruby says "What is this place?"

"It's from my old world, it is called a movie theater."

Alannis says "What is it for? I thought we would be training?"

"Physical training doesn't do any good in the soulscape. You are here to watch and learn from some recordings from my world."

Myria says "Recordings? How do you have them?"

"I remember them, in the soulscape anything I can remember is available to me. So, everyone please sit down and we will get started."

Once everyone is seated I start showing them one of the epic fantasy movies from my world. The looks of shock and amazement on their faces is absolutely priceless. Whatever issue Ruby had is forgotten almost instantly as she gets sucked into the movie.

I know the movie by heart so I don't pay much attention to it, rather I watch their reactions and enjoy myself. By the end of the third movie they have lost their amazement and are paying more attention to the skills shown by the characters. Those skills were made up for entertainment but in this world they are actually feasible.

"Did you all enjoy the recordings?"

Ruby says "Yes! It was really interesting!"

Leyla says "I never thought that a god's power could be used like that!"

Alannis says "I realize I have much to learn about the sword!"

Myria says "That archer was amazing! Who knew a bow could be used in such a way! Those elves are truly inspiring!"

"I am glad you all enjoyed it and I hope this will give you a new way of looking at things."

Ruby says "When you were telling me about your world I don't remember anything like this?"

"That's because these recordings were used for entertainment in my world. The world I came from had progressed far beyond these types of weapons, but we were still fascinated by the old ways."

Leyla says "Does that mean your world was peaceful?"

"No, it only means our wars were much more destructive and bloody. We had weapons that could destroy an entire city instantly."

Alannis says "How horrible! Where is the honor in such a weapon?"

"There was no honor in it at all. That is one of the reasons I am glad I was summoned to this world."

Myria says "So if you had the chance you wouldn't go back?"

"No, I never want to go back to that world."

Ruby says "Do you really mean that, master?"

"Yes, this is my world now. I will never leave it."

With a squeal of delight Ruby throws herself into my arms and kisses me. I expect her to back off blushing like she did before but this time the kiss lingers longer. In a flash she breaks off the kiss and vanishes, Leyla and Alannis laugh nervously before they too leave the soulscape.

To my surprise Myria doesn't laugh or leave, instead she walks up to me and kisses me as well. It is a serious enough kiss that I know she is not just being friendly, but before I can say anything she also leaves the soulscape. Gah, I will never understand women!

When I end the soulscape and open my eyes I find myself alone, the four of them have already moved out of sight. I pick my scrimshaw back up and focus on it to distract myself from what just happened. After a few minutes I sense Drog come close and sit down.

Drog says "Did you have a good time with your harem master?"

"Don't start with me, Drog, I'm confused enough right now."

Drog says "Confused, master? Why? At least two of them definitely want you."

"Which two? Wait, no, don't answer that! I really don't want to know. Just go way Drog."

Drog says "Yes, master."

Drog leaves but I can tell he is smirking as he leaves. Ugh, I need to do something soon or one of them is going to end up killing me. Maybe it's because I am the only male around, I should try to recruit some more men. Maybe then they will get distracted and this insanity will end.

My best bet for recruiting will be from the rebels, but we are still at least a week away from the forest. With letting Myria join the party there is only one spot left, I need to find a guy to fill that spot. The problem is going to be finding a guy who won't try to take advantage of any of the women.

Maybe I should have kept that one hero around, he seemed the type to be respectful. Then again, anyone who tried to abuse these women would get torn to shreds so fast I wouldn't even get a chance to help.

"I need to stop thinking about all this and focus on my work!"

Mericel says "Having problems master? Anything I can help with?"

"Oh, hi Mericel. No, I was just talking to myself, nothing to worry about."

Mericel says "You talking to yourself is fairly worrying all on its own. Now that there are more people to protect, the burdens of leading us have gotten heavier."

"Oh, it's not the leadership that I can't handle. I'm having issues with Ruby and Myria at the moment."

Mericel says "Oh! Sorry, I'm a bit too young to be able to help with that."

"I know, in this I am pretty much on my own."

Mericel says "Yeah, the most I can do is wish you luck!"

"Thanks for that, Mericel."

Mericel says "You're welcome, master!"

"Enough with the master stuff, Mericel."

Mericel says "Hehe! But you are so fun to tease!"

Mericel leaves to resume patrolling and I return to carving arrow shafts. Once I run out of straight bones for arrows I start carving the bow. This is not going to be finished anytime soon though, at times like this I really miss the underground forge room.

I really need to figure out what to do about Ruby and now Myria. They must be just teasing me, right? Well, maybe not Myria she said before she wanted to serve me in that way.



Congratulations! Skill Scrimshaw has progressed to level 9!


Level 9

Agi +9 Int +4

You can carve bone into many items.

Ruby charges into my little clearing with swords drawn. She quickly looks around, but when she finds no enemies she looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

Ruby says "Master, what happened?"

"Nothing! I just got a skill up and it surprised me!"

Ruby says "Pfft! Hahahaha!"

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, to disturb your rest!"

Ruby says "Oh, I wasn't resting, I was talking with Alannis. Even if you had woken me it would have been worth it!"

"Oh, what were you talking about?"

Ruby says "Nn-nothing! Good night!"

Ruby turns quickly and leaves my little clearing, sheathing her swords as she goes. Even though it was dark I could tell she was blushing. What could they have been talking about?

Ruby better not be convincing Alannis to help tease me, two of them are bad enough! With a sigh I set aside my scrimshaw, I can't really focus on it anymore tonight. Instead I will just meditate and work on my core.

Myria yells "Master!"

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