I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 108 The Plains Part 3

Myria says "Thank you!"

"Alright, go tell the others to stay back. Also tell Alannis and Leyla to come up here."

Myria says "Right away!"

She heads back towards the others while I settle in to wait. Myria returns with Alannis and Leyla shortly before Drog joins us. Then we wait for Mericel to come back with numbers so we can make a plan.

Mericel says "There are fifty mounted guards with another hundred on foot or riding on the wagons."

"How about slaves?"

Mericel says "They are packed in pretty tightly so it was hard to count but I would say around a hundred."

"Okay, we are going to need to catch as many of the horses as we can then. Moving through the grasslands with over a hundred people is not going to be easy."

Alannis says "You are worried about that? Shouldn't we be discussing the plan to deal with a hundred and fifty enemies?"

Ruby says "They are slaver guards not soldiers, it shouldn't be very hard."

"Ruby is right, all they have going for them is numbers."

Drog says "What's the plan master?"

"I will attack from the front and draw them all together. You and Mericel attack from the west side of the road. Ruby, Alannis, and Myria will attack from the east side."

Alannis says "Seven against a hundred and fifty is not a smart move."

"Have a little faith, Alannis."

Ruby says "Just wait, you haven't seen the master get serious yet."

"Anyway, time is short, get into position. And remember to keep them away from the slaves."

Everyone heads off to take their places, Alannis is reluctant but goes anyway. I head straight to the road and hunker down to wait for the slavers to come in sight. Once I can see the first guards in the distance I stand up, draw Blitz, and step into the road.

As I hoped when the guards spot me they all stop, and they stop the wagons. Then the guards move forward until they can see me, I can see those along the sides of the wagons moving closer to see what is going on.

Guard 1 says "Hey isn't that the beastman on the wanted posters?"

Guard captain says "Yeah, it is!"

Guard 2 says "The bounty on him is ten thousand gold!!!"

A lot of the guards turn and look at each other, then in mass they charge at me. Exactly as planned, greed is always a powerful motivator. The first three to reach me go down in one slash with Blitz.

I step back after cutting down six more, as I hoped the rest only care that I stepped back. They pay no attention to the bodies they are stepping over, they are convinced they are overwhelming me. Each one is sure he will be the one to take my head, meanwhile the riders are all sitting back watching.

If I was alone they probably could wear me down with this many people, and once I was down the riders would kill the remaining foot soldiers. Then fight amongst themselves, and more than likely the slavers would kill them off too. Greed is a poison that spreads and spreads, too bad I'm not a greed demon or I would be feasting right now.

Thirty are dead before I am sure they are fully committed, then I let out a small roar to signal everyone else to attack. Now that the trap is sprung I don't have to hold back anymore, I kick my speed up to full and charge into the guards.

A dozen drop in the first few seconds, as the others attack the riders from behind, chaos erupts as the enemies finally realize I am not alone. I kill dozens as I hack my way through the foot troops, none of them even manage to hit me. Moving at my full speed the guards seem to be moving in slow motion, I even surprise myself with how easily I cut them down.

From the others attacking, to all the guards being dead takes a little less than three minutes. None of them escaped, by the time they realized they should run it was too late. A quick look shows the slavers are all dead as well, each with an arrow through the head, looks like Myria is quite the archer already.

"Drog, scout the road to the north, Mericel check the south, warn us of any approaching enemies."

Drog and Mericel say "Yes, master." and take off.

"Myria, get the women out of the cages and line them up so I can remove the shackles. Leyla, check their injuries, save your spells for the worst off. Alannis, check the wagons for provisions and have the other women care for the horses."

I quickly walk down the line of wagons tearing the locks off the cages as everyone else scatters to their tasks. The women are obviously scared of me but I can also see the spark of hope in their eyes. Now my main concern is how I am going to get over a hundred women safely across most of the kingdom to the forest.

"Ruby, here take the cleansing stone and help Myria please."

Ruby says "Yes, master."

As the ex-slaves are moved out of the wagons and cleaned I start breaking their manacles. I have unlocked about a dozen of the women when I hear a scream, looking over I find Myria hugging a wolfwoman and crying. I wonder if that's the leader of her tribe she mentioned?

No time for that now, I continue breaking manacles as fast as I can. The human women seem relieved yet nervous when I come close to them, the beastwomen on the other hand all sniff me as I free them. Just like the first group did when I freed them, now after Myria's explanation it doesn't bother me.

"Alannis, if you have found any food that doesn't require cooking, hand it out. They all look like they haven't eaten in days."

Alannis says "Alright, I found trail rations, those should do for now."

I finally get to where Myria and the wolfwoman are talking, they both fall silent when I approach. When I reach in to snap the wolfwoman's manacles she takes a deep breath, it doesn't bother me since I was expecting it.

Myria says "Master, this is Annya, she is my tribe's leader and my adoptive mother."

"Pleasure to meet you, Annya."

Annya says "Oh, no, the pleasure is definitely mine! Thank you for saving all of us!"

"You are welcome. I hate slavers almost as much as you must."

Annya says "Whatever the reason, you have our thanks!"

"Um, Myria, can you take on their debts as well? No offense, but I don't want an army of beastwomen following me around."

Myria says "Only if you stop complaining about me calling you master."

Annya laughs and says "Oh, you recognize him as your master? He must be really special!"

Myria says "Oh, he is! More than even he realizes!"

"You do know I am right here, Myria."

Myria says "Of course I know! So is it a deal? I take on all their debts and you are my master?"

"Alright, fine! You win!"

Myria says "Yay! Did you hear that Annya, I won!"

Annya chuckles and says "Congratulations, Myria! Looks like it has been a good day for both of us!"

Mericel says "Master! Master, we have trouble!"

"Oh, what now?"

Mericel says "There are a thousand soldiers marching up the road towards us!"

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