I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 11 Goblin Hunt

In the Pit

I quickly gather my spear and shield and get ready to go out to hunt the goblins. As I am about to step through the wall I stop as I see two goblins coming through the gap in the collapse, so I wait and watch. The goblins take a quick look around at the dead end then turn to go back.

As they are entering the gap and are in single file I charge at them. I am expecting the spear to go through the first goblin, what I am not expecting is for it to impale the second goblin as well.

Objective: Kill Goblins 11/20


Congratulations! Skill Charge has progressed to level 2!


Level 2

Str +2

When you charge into battle you do double damage on your first hit.

I kick the goblins off the spear and head towards the well room. I stop at the corner to take a look around. The well room is empty as I look around but while I am deciding what to do a goblin comes out of the passageway to my left and starts running towards me.

Guessing from where it is looking, it is heading for the next passageway. I wait until it steps right in front of me and swing the spear at neck level to the goblin.


Objective: Kill Goblins 12/20

The goblin's body continues on for a few steps before falling over as it's head hits the ground with a plop sound.


Congratulations! Skill Spear Basics has progressed to level 2!

Spear Basics

Level 2

Str +2 Agi +2

You do 10% extra damage with spears.

I decide to see where it was going so I head towards the mushroom room. When I peek into the room I see two goblins on the other side of the stream gathering mushrooms. When I step into the room the goblins drop the mushrooms, draw their daggers, and rush across the bridge to attack me.

I stop one with a spear thrust to it's chest and swing my shield towards the other to block it's attack. The goblin drops down and goes under my shield and stabs me in the leg.

Objective: Kill Goblins 13/20

You have been stabbed for 5 damage.

HP: 219/224


You have been poisoned! 18 damage received! HP: 201/224


Congratulations! Skill Poison Resist has progressed to level 3!

Poison Resist

Level 3

End +3

You take 15% less damage from poison.

"Ugh! You sneaky little...."

I yank my spear back, bring it up high, and stab down at the goblin as it is pulling it's dagger out of my leg.


Objective: Kill Goblins 14/20

I free the spear from the corpse then reach down to pinch the wound in my leg closed until the bleeding stops. While I am waiting I look around and spot something on the floor by the mushrooms. I limp over the bridge for a closer look and find a mortar and pestle made of stone sitting there half full of paste.

It seems the goblins have been turning the mushrooms into paste to smear on their daggers. I pick up the mortar and pestle and go over to the stream to clean them, as I am kneeling down I spot movement. Looking closer I see a fish swim through the stream, this makes me smile as it is a new source of food. Once clean I take the mortar and pestle and return to my room, then I meditate for an hour before returning to the hunt.

HP: 224/225

As I go out to resume my hunt, the well room and the mushroom area are empty except for the corpses I left behind. So I continue on and check the passageway where I found the books but all the rooms are empty. So I continue searching and head for the room where I found the prisoners but it is also empty.

While looking around I spot a second door on the right side of the room so I head over and open it finding another hallway. I can see the hallway goes on for about thirty feet but halfway down is something irregular so I approach cautiously.

On the right is a shallow alcove but on the left the wall is broken and there seems to be a natural cave behind it. As I come closer to the opening I get a bad feeling and the hair on the back of my neck stands up.


Congratulations! You have acquired the passive skill Danger Sense!

Danger Sense

Level 1

Wis +1

A feeling that warns you of great danger.

I immediately put my back against the opposite wall. I slowly slide sideways until I can see into the cave. At first all I see is the webbing but after a few minutes of staring intently I spot the spider. It's body is at least three feet across and I am guessing with the legs it is at least five feet, it definitely is a giant spider!

I turn to leave the area but stop suddenly. I bet that thing has a beast core! I am trying to think how best to kill the spider when an evil grin blooms on my face and I set off back towards the well room.

As I am moving into the well room I move my spear to my shield hand and stop by the headless corpse to pick up it's dagger in my right hand. Then I creep into the last passageway that I haven't explored knowing it has to be the goblins lair.

As I move slowly down the passageway I see a room ahead and firelight so I know I guessed right. As I edge closer and can see into the room I count about twenty goblins around a fire, I also notice the room has torches along the walls as well as piles of trash, maybe goblin beds?

I also see a bigger goblin with a sword which I am guessing is the chief. Okay this should work, let's try it! I step into the light and throw the dagger at the goblin next to the chief.

MP: 95/100

Objective: Kill Goblins 15/20


Congratulations! Skill Dagger Throw has progressed to level 4!

Dagger Throw

Level 4

MP Cost 5

You can throw a dagger with speed and accuracy. Hit +4 Damage +8

"Catch me if you can!"

I grab the nearest torch off the wall, shoot a grin at the chief, and take off running. I can hear goblins in pursuit as I hit the well room and turn left, then left again towards the prisoner room.

I run through the room and through the door on the right and skid to a stop by the broken wall. I toss the torch onto the webbing in the cave then step back into the alcove.


MP: 80/100

I stay perfectly still as I watch ten goblins come running through the door and go straight into the cave chasing the light of the torch. As soon as they see the burning webbing the goblins skid to a stop and those in front start trying to backpedal. However they are too late as the spider lunges out of the darkness to snatch the front goblin.

Objective: Kill Goblins 16/20

'Ha ha I got credit for it?'

The remaining nine goblins charge in to attack the spider and I am about to jump out and attack them from behind when I hear footsteps so I hold still and wait. I see another goblin come through the door, but this goblin is wearing furs and feathers and carrying a stick like it's a staff.

'Jackpot! This must be the shaman!'

The shaman stops in the middle of the hallway and faces the cave, he starts muttering something which I assume is a spell.

'Sneak Attack.'

MP: 75/100

I step out of the alcove and stab the shaman in the back as hard as I can.

Objective: Kill Goblins 16/20


Objective: Kill the Goblin Shaman 1/1

Congratulations! You have completed the quest Kill the Goblin Shaman!

You have been awarded the magic skill Firebolt!


Congratulations you have unlocked Magic Skills!

Congratulations! You have acquired the magic skill Firebolt!


Level 1

MP Cost 30

You throw a bolt of fire that deals 30 fire damage.

'Yay magic! I can get magic as a skill? So I don't need to have a class to use magic, excellent!'

Objective: Kill Goblins 17/20

I look up to see a goblin twitching as it dies in the spider's mandibles. The remaining eight goblins are still attacking the spider but their daggers aren't even scratching it. The first goblin that turns to run gets my spear through its chest.

Objective: Kill Goblins 18/20

The next goblin doesn't even turn around and just looks down in surprise when the spearhead emerges from its chest.

Objective: Kill Goblins 19/20

I grin as I pull the spear free and the remaining six goblins turn to face me. I feint towards one of the goblins which quickly steps back only to scream as the spider bites it.

Objective: Kill Goblins 20/20


Congratulations! You have completed the quest Kill Goblins!

5 Stat points have been awarded!


New Quest Available!

Kill Goblins II

Objective: Kill Goblins 20/50

Reward: 10 STAT Points.

Do you accept the quest? Y/N

"Ha ha ha of course! Yes!"

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