I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1125 The Ancient Capital Part 8

Lin says "Then that's all the more reason for us to wait until the battle is over. How do you think the pantheon will react if their forces are defeated by the demons?"

"They will probably be enraged. Either that or they will try to pretend that it never happened."

Lin says "Well, I am hoping for the first one. If that happens they will continue to attack the demons and weaken them for us. Either way, their attention won't be focused on us. Besides, if demon reinforcements come, then I can blast them and get even more exp!"

"Alright. We will do it your way."

Lin says "You mean the right way?"

I don't answer her, which just makes her chuckle and hug my neck tightly. She stays that way as we watch the battle going on below, we have a great view of it. We can even see the demon's reinforcements long before the angelic forces can.

Instead of attacking directly, the reinforcements circle around and come in from behind. The angelic forces are surrounded before they even know what is going on. They had already started taking losses, but once they are surrounded the battle quickly turns one-sided.

Within a couple of minutes only the three strongest beings on the angel's side are left alive. From here I can't tell if they are avatars or just high ranked angels, but they are fighting hard. They manage to kill quite a few demons, but in the end they are swarmed and slain.

Lin says "Looks like you were right. I expected them to last longer than that."

"Those last three were stronger than I expected. I am surprised that they lasted as long as they did."

Lin says "So, should I start the spell now or wait a bit longer?"

"I am ready whenever you are. You can decide when to cast it."

Lin says "Do you think more demons will show up? Or will the reinforcements leave?"

"I doubt more will come, unless it is a higher ranked demon doing an inspection. The reinforcements should stick around until they are sure another attack isn't coming."

Lin says "In that case, I will wait a few more minutes. If I can kill a higher ranked demon that should be some good exp. Besides, beasts are still coming through and they aren't leaving the area."

We continue to wait and watch as I hover just beneath the layer of clouds. A few minutes later a few more demons arrive and one of them seems to be important. However, it is not one of the demon lords that I met, which is a little disappointing.

Once the leader and his group arrive, Lin starts casting the new version of the spell. Once the spell is ready, I pour all of my mana into enhancing it. However, this time I pour everything into enhancing just the damage.

When Lin releases the spell, the clouds directly above the gate turn black. However, nothing happens for the next few minutes, although some of the demons look up. They can probably feel the mana gathering, but so far they aren't doing anything.

However, as the mana continues gathering, the demons start acting nervous. They quickly gather around the gate and activate some form of defensive shield. It is probably a function of the gate, but I doubt it was made with our kind of spell in mind.

I am pretty sure that the spell will beat the shield, but how much power will be left? If it doesn't have enough power left to destroy the gate, then we will need to try again. That means we will have to rest for several more hours to recover our mana.

That will give the demons a chance to send more reinforcements and maybe rebuild the shield. If we fail again, then we will have to move to plan B, but I really don't want to do that. With my luck, I am pretty much guaranteed to get stuck in the demon plane.

All the mana in the clouds finally finishes gathering and a huge fire dragon descends. Just the head of it is as big as a stadium and I am suddenly worried that we are too close. I get the feeling that this spell is far more powerful than we were expecting.

"Lin, I have no mana, you need to cast whatever defensive spells you have!"

Lin says "Alright!"

I turn and start flying away from the gate, but I can't help but look back to watch. The fire dragon is descending slowly, but the demons are already panicking. As we fly away, Lin casts defensive spells non-stop until she has used all of them.

When the fire dragon impacts the shield there is a blinding flash of light. For a second the entire world goes white and then we get hit by a shockwave. Half of Lin's defensive spells shatter instantly and several more follow after only a second.

Even though the spells blocked the shockwave, I still feel myself thrown forward violently. I stabilize my flight through feel and then wait for my eye to recover. Once they do, I look back again, but I am confused since I seem to be looking at the sun.

In actuality, it is just a super massive ball of fire, but the sight just doesn't make sense at first. Suddenly a strong wind hits me, trying to drag me back towards the ball of fire. The fire is so intense and is sucking up so much air that it is generating its own weather.

Lin says "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I am. How are you?"

Lin says "Fine. The spells were definitely a good idea! I can't believe that we did that! That kind of power should be restricted to gods!"

"Yeah. I was expecting it to be big, but not that big! We need to get out of here as soon as we can."

It is only when I think about getting back into the clouds to hide that I realize there are none. The shockwave completely blew away all of the clouds leaving the sky completely clear. What worries me is that the ball of fire doesn't seem to be shrinking yet.

Despite wanting to leave the area, I can't bring myself to until I see the ball of fire fade away. After all, while I doubt that the gate survived, I have to make sure by seeing it for myself. So, I continue flying away, but slowly as I watch that ball of fire and wait for it to die out.

To my relief, after a few more minutes it does start slowly shrinking down. It still takes another fifteen minutes or so before the fire completely dies out. The shield is gone, the demons are gone, the gate is gone, and even the ruins are gone.

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