I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 113 A Hero's Tale Part 7

"Ancient ruins? Wait, Silveria's mother told you? How?"

Emmy says "Yes, Silveria's mother is a sacred wolf and can talk just as well as you and I can."

Giles says "A talking wolf? Did you hit your head?"

Silveria growls at him and surprisingly Koko glares at him, when Giles notices he shuts up quickly. I can't help wondering what has happened to Emmy, she seems to have grown up a lot in just four days. She is more confident and outspoken than I have ever seen her, can this really be just because of gaining a contract?

Emmy says "Anyway, these ruins are from an empire that ruled the continent a thousand years ago. They had much stronger magic and even normal soldiers were equipped with magic gear."

Rachel says "So, the ruins should have tons of magic items?"

Emmy says "Yep! It was a fortress and fell during the war so there should be more than we can carry."

Giles says "How would some wolf know about this place?"

Emmy says "Because, she was alive when it happened."

Rachel smacks Giles in the back of the head which makes Koko laugh. I notice Koko putting away a dagger she had been about to throw at Giles. It seems both Rachel and Koko are taking Emmy's side.

"If it has been a thousand years surely someone has looted the place by now?"

Emmy says "Well, what Great Mother told me was that when the fortress fell thousands died there, but both sides were too busy to clean it up. All those bodies decaying cursed the place, and it became overrun with undead."

Rachel says "Ooh! Undead!"

Giles says "Why do you say that like it's a good thing? Why are you and Justin grinning at each other?"

"Because, both paladins and clerics get double experience for killing undead!"

Giles says "What?! How is that fair?"

Rachel says "That is just how it is, stop whining!"

As Emmy and Koko giggle at Giles I pull out the pot and start making bear stew. It will take a few hours to cook but it is too late to leave today so we may as well just enjoy the rest of the day. Even though it was only four days we all missed and worried about Emmy, so this is a good time to relax.

"Rachel, are you done healing the idiot and his horse?"

Rachel laughs and says "Yes, I am."

Giles says "Who are you calling an idiot?"

"You. Now everyone, let's sit down and talk this out, then we will vote."

Everyone gathers around the fire as Emmy tells us everything that has happened since she left us. It is an incredible tale and everyone is completely absorbed by it. Even Giles stays silent throughout the story.

Giles says "When she made you do exercises did you get any stat ups?"

Emmy says "Um, yes?"

Giles says "Without skill ups?"

Emmy says "Yes, why?"

While Giles is grumbling I explain to Emmy what we found out and our theories. She is understandably upset about the king but totally willing to join us in exercising every morning. We have talked so long that the stew is done so I serve it out and we all eat our fill before we continue the discussion.

"So, what does everyone think?"

Giles says "It's suicide, we can't fight hundreds or thousands of undead."

Rachel says "I think if we are smart we can do it, I'm in."

Emmy says "It will be tough but I think it will be worth it, I'm in."

Koko says "In."

"Looks like you are out voted Giles, I'm in."

Giles says "Great, I hope someone survives to put that on your tombstone."

Rachel says "Don't worry, if we die we will most likely become undead anyway."

Emmy says "If death were certain Mother Wolf would not have told me about the place."

"So, now that it has been decided, Emmy, where are the ruins?"

Emmy says "West and a little north from here."

"Can you guide us there?"

Emmy says "I should be able to, Mother Wolf gave me directions."

"Okay, then we will leave in the morning."

Giles says "Oh, yay! Rushing off to our deaths!"

Rachel smacks him in the head again causing everyone else to laugh. It is good that we are all back together, I just hope Giles isn't right. It is a big risk but there should be amazing rewards if we can pull it off.

The next morning after breakfast we pack up and head west through the forest. We see mana beasts several times including a couple of fang bears, but as soon as they see Silveria they turn and run. Must be their instincts telling them that she is an opponent they don't want to face.

"Emmy, you said Silveria and her mother are both sacred beasts?"

Emmy says "Yes, Justin. Why?"

"Well, I'm just curious, what is a sacred beast?"

Emmy says "According to Mother Wolf they are mana beasts that have become sentient and evolved."

Giles says "Is that why the beasts keep running away, because she is evolved?"

Emmy says "Yes, those weaker than her will avoid her. It also means those stronger than her might seek her out to gain her strength."

"So, she might attract stronger beasts?"

Emmy says "Yes, it is possible."

Just then as if to highlight her words a fierce growl echoes through the woods around us. We all stop and look around to find the source of the growl, it is another fang bear. Yet this one is different, it is half again bigger than the others we have seen, it also has black fur with many scar marks.

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