I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1134 Returning Home Part 6

Nala says "Is that my job too? Or should I focus on area attacks?"

"It will depend on the situation. Since you have both kinds of abilities, you will take on whichever job is needed at the time. You may even end up switching back and forth during a single battle."

Nala says "That sounds confusing! How am I supposed to know which job I should be doing?"

"It's not that bad once you get used to it. That is the point of practicing. It is my fault for not creating swarms for you to fight before this. I didn't even think of it. Sorry."

Mulan says "It's not your fault. We haven't exactly been focused on training. We wanted to rush into the shadow plane and start exploring without being properly prepared. This last trip has made me realize how reckless we have been. If those rats had been any stronger, we wouldn't have been able to survive."

"That is a very important lesson to learn. The question is, what are you going to do now?"

Mulan says "I think we should take a few days off from exploring the shadow plane and focus on our training."

"That sounds like a really good idea to me."

Mulan says "In that case, we are going to have to bother you to create soulscapes for us to train in."

"That's one way to do it, but I have a better idea. Since you are serious about training, I will build a training room for you to use. Jarvis can control it, so you will be able to train anytime you want, even if I am busy. This way, we won't have to cancel the time dilation for you to be able to train. Also, unlike the soulscape, this way you can also train your muscle memory."

Mulan says "That would be great, but isn't that too much effort just for some training?"

"Nah, not at all. Besides, it is something I would have done when I built the castle if I had thought of it."

Mulan says "Okay, as long as you are sure. When will you build it?"

"I'm not doing anything, so right now."

The kids just stare at me in surprise as I get up and walk over towards the play area. I immediately start reshaping the stone and make a staircase going down. Then I start hollowing out a gymnasium sized room opposite from my workshop.

Once the room is shaped, I add a door so that the room can be isolated from the rest of the castle. This will allow me to put enchantments on the room that won't affect the rest of the castle. At the same time, the castle's enchantments that I want to, will also affect the room.

Of course, the main one I want is the time dilation so the kids have plenty of time. As for the new enchantments, the main one is going to be to make the space bigger. After all, even a gymnasium isn't enough space to train properly against monsters.

Other than that, I just need to figure out how to create illusions with some substance to them. For that, I ask Jarvis to bring me the five books from the library with the best illusion spells. Since he knows all the library's contents, he knows the books better than Lin.

Once Jarvis brings me the books, I sit down and read through all of them. I quickly realize that while the illusion spell will be simple, I am going to need a lot of them. I am going to need a separate enchantment for each environment and each creature.

The room on its own isn't going to have anywhere near enough capacity for that many illusions. So, after giving the books to Jarvis for him to return to the library, I head to my workshop. After thinking for a minute, I decide to build a standing console to control the illusions.

I will still link it so that Jarvis can control it, but it will also work with manual controls. The console I make out of metal and the buttons are all made from precious gems. Since it doesn't need any electronics, I can fill the insides with materials to increase the capacity.

However, before I can finish the console, Jarvis informs me that the others are having dinner. So I take a break and go upstairs to eat dinner with Lin and the kids. During dinner, the kids tell Lin about their experience and then I tell her about the training room.

Lin says "Do you even know illusion magic?"

"I learned it a few hours ago. I've already figured out how to make the enchantments for it."

Lin says "What about the programming for the illusions?"

"That's easy. It is similar enough to the programming for the golems that I can already do it better than most mages. In fact, I think I will even be able to set it so that there are different difficulty levels."

Mulan says "Difficulty levels?"

"Meaning you can choose how difficult you want the fight to be. If it gets too easy, just select a higher difficulty."

Mulan says "Oh! That sounds great! When do you think you will be done?"

"Either tonight or tomorrow morning. It depends on how much Lin distracts me."

The kids look confused, but Lin blushes a bit and glares at me which makes me smile. She is probably going to make me pay for that later, but it is totally worth it. Luckily, the kids get distracted and don't ask what I am talking about.

As soon as dinner is over I run away back to my workshop and get back to work. Once I get back to work, it only takes me about a half an hour to finish the console. After that, I take it and install in in the training room and begin doing the enchantments.

First I do the work to tie the time dilation to the room and allow Jarvis to control it. Then I work on the new enchantments, leaving the illusions for last. Once I get to the illusions, I start with the environments such as forests, plains and deserts.

I also create illusions for dungeons, caves, and even cities to give more options. Basically, I want this room to be able to create any kind of battle environment, even ones not common on this world. Once those are done, I move on to creating the enchantments for the enemies.

These are more time consuming since I have to add programming to them. Each illusion has to be programmed with how the monster will behave in various situations. For the dumber monsters this isn't too hard, but the intelligent ones are harder.

At first, I am just creating illusions for things that I have run into on this world. However, when I realize that I have plenty of room for more enchantments I go a little crazy. I start adding things that don't exist in this world, or any world as far as I know.

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