I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1139 Returning Home Part 11

It looks like the beast was alone, so I go back to letting the lightning hit me. I keep an eye out for more beasts until the storm ends and the lightning stops.

Core Upgrade Progress: 69%

+3 Evolution Points!

Once the storm ends, the crew returns to the deck and I head back to the castle. The kids are currently having breakfast, so I go wake up Lin and we join them. While we are eating, I tell them about the storm and the beast that attacked.

It isn't much of a story, but the kids still seem to enjoy it, but most of their focus is on eating. Once the kids finish eating, Lin starts their magic lesson and I head upstairs. It has been quite a while since I had any sleep and since I am feeling tired, I take a nap.

When I wake up it is already after lunch and the kids are in the training room. I find Lin in the library and ask her about natural lightning and anything she knows about recreating it. After she tells me everything she knows, I head down to my bath to experiment.

I have two things I want to do, I want to add lightning and I want to make it so I get evolution points. The first is fairly easy, I just need to add a lightning enchantment to the bath. The second is where I am going to have to do some experimenting to figure it out.

I actually have no idea how to make fire and lightning that counts as natural. The heat in the lava is created by mana, so even that doesn't count as natural. If I use mana to create the right environment to produce the lava's heat, maybe that would count.

The problem is that that would be very hard to do in such a confined space. Creating lightning would be even harder, so I need to find another method. My best bet is going to be to figure out how to make more natural lightning from mana.

I am guessing that my current spell that I use is just too simple for what I need. So, I start messing around with the current enchantment to see if I can improve it. Considering I only wanted it to keep the lava from solidifying, there is a lot that I can improve.

I spend the remaining time before dinner playing with the enchantments. Then I join the others for dinner and listen to the kids talk about their training. After dinner I go back to messing with the enchantments until Lin comes to fetch me.

When Lin sees what I am doing, she asks a few questions and then gives me a few ideas. Once we are done talking, we head upstairs to have our fun and then she goes to sleep. As soon as she is asleep, I head back to try out her ideas on the enchantments.

In the end, the changes I want to make are far too complicated for the current enchantments. So, after a little planning, I remove the old enchantments and re-enchant the bath. I end up having to add some more materials to the bath frame to increase the capacity.

The new enchantment ends up being almost as complicated as the one for Jarvis' core. All in the effort to produce natural fire and lightning, but I don't stop there. I'm not convinced that this will be enough for what I want, so I add some enhancing enchantments.

My thought is that if I can make the fire and lightning powerful enough, it might work without being natural. Once the enchantments are done, I climb into the bath to try it out. Unfortunately, while it feels amazing, it doesn't give me any evolution points.

The fire and lightning are strong enough to destroy an enchanted weapon easily. However, strength alone doesn't seem to be enough to get me evolution points. Unfortunately, that means I need natural forces and I am all out of ideas on how to make them.

It might not be possible to mimic natural forces closely enough to get evolution points. Or it might be possible, just my current knowledge isn't enough to do so. Either way, it looks like I can't do it now, but at least I got an awesome bath out of it.

The heat from the lava penetrates all the way through me while the lightning feels like a massage. It is so relaxing that I find myself drifting off to sleep as my entire body relaxes. Luckily, I wake up in time to get Lin out of bed for breakfast with the kids.

After breakfast, while the kids are having their lesson, I take a break and read some manga. I don't even realize how much time has passed until Lin calls me down for lunch. After I finish eating lunch with everyone, I go right back to reading my manga.

This manga is one I haven't read before, so I find it really hard to stop reading. Now that I find myself in this situation, I relate a lot more to the characters in the manga. At this point I have even been in some similar situations to those in the story.

It makes the story a lot more believable to me and it keeps me enthralled. It is bad enough that I almost miss dinner, but Lin comes and takes the manga away from me. She laughs as she tells me that I can have it back after dinner, if I'm good.

I laugh as I follow her, but I am totally planning to get back at her later. We join the kids and start eating dinner as we talk with them about their training. They have finally started being able to handle swarms, so they want to return to the shadow plane.

"Since it was your decision to take a break to do some training, it is also your decision as to when to go back to the shadow plane. If you feel like you are ready, then by all means, go for it."

Mulan says "Thank you for trusting us, dad! I will check with Chloell and as long as she is good with it, we will go to the shadow plane tomorrow."

"Does this mean you won't be using the training room anymore?"

Mulan says "No. I think we will alternate between the shadow plane and the training room."

"That sounds like a good plan, but don't forget to take a day off and relax once in a while."

Lin says "You, telling someone else to relax? I never thought that I would see the day!"

"Hush you. For your information, I improved the bath and now it is much more relaxing!"

Lin says "Did it work? Did you create natural forces?"

"Unfortunately, no. It didn't work and I don't know why."

Lin talks through everything that I tried with me, but she doesn't come up with any new ideas. The kids finish eating and go to watch cartoons while Lin and I are talking. Once we are done talking, we both head up to the library and I ask Jarvis for his help.

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