I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1141 Returning Home Part 13

Since I am awake anyway, I start working on my core again until morning. However, when I am working on my core it feels slightly different from normal. It actually feels easier to work on my core, but I haven't changed the technique I am using.

By now the technique I am using should be getting less effective, not more. As my rank increases, it should also get harder and harder to advance. Everything I know tells me it should be getting harder to work on my core, not easier.

I don't have a clue why it would suddenly be getting easier and that worries me. It is also making me very curious, but I have no idea where I can look for an answer. It's not like there is anyone I can ask, so I will just keep working on my core and see what happens.

Core Upgrade Progress: 27%

I don't mention anything about my core when I wake Lin up, I don't want to worry her. One of us worrying is enough, but she can tell that something is bugging me. Luckily we have some time before breakfast and I am able to distract her.

Eventually, we join the kids for breakfast, but Lin is giving me looks all throughout. Luckily, as soon as breakfast is finished Lin has to start the magic lesson and I am able to escape. I go take a lava bath to help me relax and that makes me wonder if that might be the answer.

If the black gunk I sweated out was impurities, that might be why working on my core got easier. Now that I think of it, that actually sounds like a really plausible reason. After all, it happened just before working on my core got easier.

Since I can't think of any other explanations that make sense, I decide to go with this one. Once I make that decision, it allows me to relax and stop worrying. Thanks to that, after my bath I am able to go back to reading manga with a clear head.

As soon as the lesson is done, Lin comes looking for me and takes away my manga again. However, when she takes a close look at me she seems disappointed to find that I am fine now. When she asks about my mood earlier, I go ahead and explain what happened.

Now that I feel like I have figured it out, I don't mind sharing it with her. She is a little angry with me for not telling her about it sooner, but after some kissing she forgives me. After that we join the kids for lunch before they leave for the shadow plane.

Once they are gone, Lin and I head to the library and cuddle up together to read. The hours pass without either of us noticing and before we know it the kids are back. As we eat dinner, they tell us all about exploring the city, which is all they did.

"Why are you spending so much time exploring the city?"

Mushu says "Curiosity."

"Oh, can't argue with that."

Lin says "If you tried, I would call you a liar."

Mulan says "We just took your advice, we relaxed and had fun exploring."

"Oh. Yeah, that is a good idea."

Mulan says "Besides, the city makes a good base for us to continue exploring from. Also, we have been able to trade stuff we don't need for stuff that we can use. We even found something useful for Albion."

"Really? What did you find?"

Mulan says "It is a type of stone, I think, the locals call it despair stone. Unfortunately, since they don't have a use for it, there wasn't much available. Albion was able to purify it and gain a little strength from doing so."

"What did the stone turn into when it was purified?"

Albion says "It turned into dust."

"Interesting. Did you ask about the possibility of getting more?"

Mulan says "Of course we did. It doesn't come into the city often, but I found out where it comes from. We plan to see if we can find the source of the stone the next time we are in the shadow plane."

"Alright, but be careful. If possible, I would love to take a look at a piece of this stone before Albion purifies it. In fact, if it is hard for you to get the stone I could go through and get it myself."

Lin says "No, Ash, no adventures before we arrive at the peninsula!"

"It's just the shadow plane, it doesn't count as an adventure! It's not like I can get stuck there, even if I lose a remote I can open a gate anytime I want."

Lin says "Maybe so, but the answer is still no. Besides, the shadow plane will still be there after we get to the peninsula and deal with everything."

"Alright, fine."

Mulan says "Don't worry, dad, we will be fine. If we can't get the stone right now, we will go back when we are stronger. You have already done tons for all of us, let us work on getting stronger ourselves."

"No, I haven't really done all that much. Especially for your other brothers and sisters. I really need to spend more time with them once we get back."

Mulan says "How can you say that? You saved us, cared for us, and gave us a family!"

Mushu says "That's right! Without you, I never would have even hatched!"

Albion says "I would have probably died, or worse, at the hands of those slavers."

Nala says "I never would have gained intelligence and learned how to speak. We owe practically everything to you, father!"

Lin says "They are right, you shouldn't underestimate what you have done for them. I understand that you feel guilty for leaving the other four for so long, but that doesn't take away from what you have done."

Mulan says "We spend time with the others in the soulscape all the time. None of them have ever said that they blamed you for leaving. They miss you, but they don't think you are a bad parent because of it."

After hearing all of their responses, I find myself unable to speak and close to tears. Before I can compose myself, the four of them swarm over me and push me to the floor. Then they show their affection by licking my face and rubbing against me.

Of course, Lin just sits there watching and laughing at me as the kids attack me. It quickly turns into a game and the kids start giggling, but they don't stop. Eventually, they stop attacking me and we all go back to eating dinner together.

We don't discuss anything serious for the rest of our meal, we just chat normally. Once they are done eating, the kids go to watch some anime before they go to sleep. I follow Lin to the library, but I don't get to read, instead I get lectured by Lin.

The lecture consists of what I did wrong and how I should properly handle the emotions of the kids. She is right, I didn't handle that very well, but luckily the kids forgave me pretty quick. She is also right that it was because I have been feeling guilty about leaving for so long.

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