I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1145 Returning Home Part 17

"Um, I think it will. At least, if I get the tattoo while in my normal form, it should stay. Of course, it will need to be made from special ink and it won't be able to hold a large enchantment, but I think it will work."

Lin says "Well, okay, but there are still some problems you need to consider. Where are you going to find a tattoo artist in this world? Not to mention one that won't run away as soon as they see you?"

"I'm not sure about your first question, but I'm pretty sure money can solve your second question. Honestly, I don't even know if there are tattoos in this world, I haven't noticed any. If there are any, they should be in port cities. From what I remember, in my world tattoos were popular amongst sailors, maybe it will be the same here."

Lin says "I'm hearing a lot of ifs and maybes. Are you sure you aren't just looking for a reason to go on an adventure?"

"No, I'm not. I was just excited by the idea and wanted to talk to you about it. I can look for a tattoo artist on the peninsula once we arrive. There might even be one among the beast clans."

Lin says "Really? I thought for sure that you would want to run off to the main continent to look for one."

"Nope, I'm not running off. I am not going to try and avoid going back."

Lin says "That's good. In fact, I think that deserves a reward!"

Lin grins at me and before long we are doing adult stuff all over the library. It is a good thing that the kids rarely come up here, that would have been an awkward explanation. After we are done, Lin is so worn out that I have to carry her to bed so that she can sleep.

She falls asleep as soon as I lay her down and doesn't even twitch when I laugh at her. Not that I can blame her, if I was still human I wouldn't be able to last through that many rounds of fun. In fact, she was only able to because I have helped her surpass the limits of being human.

Maybe I should see about helping her become stronger, then she could last longer. Her body has had more than enough time to adapt to the changes we made previously. Of course, that is not the only reason that I want to improve her body, but it is a good one.

I will discuss it with her in the morning, no way am I doing anything to her body without her permission. Although, I doubt that she is going to object, there is no reason for her to. After all, who doesn't want to be superhuman when there are no downsides?

I leave Lin to sleep, head down to the main room, and meditate to recover my mana. Once it is recovered to half, I repeat the process from earlier and convert the mana. This time I am doing it without the bath so that I can see the difference after feeding the mana to my core.

Core Upgrade Progress: 20%

This time it was an only eight percent improvement, which means the bath added two percent. That isn't much, but every little bit helps so from now on I will only work on my core in the bath. This was only using half my mana, if my mana was full the bath would add four percent.

An extra four percent every time I work on my core is definitely worth it. If I use my full mana while in the bath, I should get twenty percent each time. Meaning I should be able to rank up after four more times working on my core.

That is slower than it was before my core changed, but still not too bad. The main problem is that it takes almost a whole day to fully recover my mana. It will also probably take more mana to progress each time I rank up.

With that most likely being the case, finding a way to improve my mana recovery is even more important. A magical tattoo will probably work, but I don't have access to that right now. Wait, that's not entirely true, Lin could summon one from Earth!

Normally, I wouldn't consider bringing someone to this world, but Lin can also send them back. Since that is the case, it wouldn't be too bad, or at least it shouldn't be. I just need to find a young tattoo artist that has a lot of anime tattoos, they should be able to handle it.

Who knows, they might even want to stay in this world if they are anything like me. Wait, didn't Krenocia say something about the spell picking me for her? I wonder if Lin can do something like that, I will have to ask her later.

However, it seems rather bad to summon a tattoo artist just to do a single tattoo. If I do summon one, I need to make sure that Lin can choose the gender of who she summons. After all, I have enough problems with women, I don't need to summon more.

I am getting ahead of myself, first I should see if the tattoo is even possible. To do that the first thing I need to figure out is if I can even make an ink that can hold the enchantment. Before I start experimenting, I realize that it is almost time for breakfast.

I head upstairs and try to wake up Lin, which turns out to be rather difficult. When I finally manage to get her out of bed, we head downstairs to have breakfast. I don't mention anything about summoning a tattoo artist since it is still just an idea.

I will ask her about it if I can figure the rest of the plan out, starting with the ink. As soon as breakfast is over, I head to the workshop and start experimenting. All sorts of different materials can be turned into ink, but I don't know what they are.

All I can really do is break down various materials to see what kind of liquids they turn into. Of course, not all materials can turn into a liquid, but a lot of them can. Unfortunately, finding out what materials can be turned into liquids is only the beginning.

The next experiment is mixing them to try and find a combination that works. The problem is, I barely know anything about ink, so I can't be sure what it should look like. All I know is that it should be thicker than water, but that isn't a lot to go on.

After several hours of experimenting I still haven't made any ink and my workshop is a mess. I join the others and start eating dinner, but my mind is still on the ink. Thinking that mages probably use special ink for making scrolls, I ask Lin if she knows anything.

Lin says "Yes, ink is a common product anywhere there are mages, but I have no idea how it is made. Or what it is made of for that matter."

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